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what the fuck is this?

[Jun 7,2008 2:13am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Jun 7,2008 9:13am - pam ""]
It's gross. That's what it is.

What's with the Sponge Bob pj's?
[Jun 7,2008 10:47am - Conservationist ""]
woman -> man, grafting a new penis
[Jun 7,2008 1:53pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
i dunno either but his toes are black and thats weird to me.
[Jun 7,2008 4:55pm - powerkok ""]
Oh, thats a Thumbcock, silly.
[Jun 7,2008 4:55pm - powerkok ""]
Its a side mounted thumbcock.
[Jun 7,2008 6:05pm - craigforacurse ""]

SlyATNFAC said:i dunno either but his toes are black and thats weird to me.

[Jun 7,2008 6:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

powerkok said:Oh, thats a Thumbcock, silly.

[Jun 7,2008 7:14pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

Conservationist said:woman -> man, grafting a new penis

figures that you'd be an expert on sex changes.
[Jun 7,2008 7:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Jun 8,2008 1:59am - douchebag_patrol ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:http://drewpickles.com/files/slappa.swf

[Jun 8,2008 9:26am - Conservationist ""]

SlyATNFAC said:i dunno either but his toes are black and thats weird to me.

Race mixing and gender bending, at once! Totally Progressive.
[Jun 8,2008 9:31am - archaeon ""]
haha i love how its ok to see the thumb cock but to see the crotch NO it has to be covered up.

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