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how many kids do you think have meaningless keys on their keychain (caribiner)?

[Feb 1,2004 5:47pm - hybrid ""]
i thought of this like 20 minutes ago cause i bought a new caribiner two nights ago in kittery when someone paid me in porn to eat a meal worm (im 17 so they just bought it for me really). by the way the meal worm tasted like vanilla wafer. anyways, i was thinking how many "scene kids" or anyone for that matter that have keys on a caribiner that don't open doors or any kind of locks. i knew someone once that told me theirs didn't have any relativity. i had 3 keys on mine a while ago, one went to my barn lock cause i sleep out in my barn for some of the summer, one for a lock at my high schools auto shop locker, and one was my house key. i lost these, hence why i bought a new one. anyone know someone who has nothing meaningful on any keychains?
[Feb 1,2004 5:54pm - the_reverend ""]
*points at succubus*

I used to have all the keys from all the cars and all the house I've been in.
then I looked at them a couple years ago.. and at all the this that were like "i haven't lived there since 95"... and all the chaffing on my legs cause of full pockets.. and took off all the keys except my car key and my house key.
I attached them to a crappy "caribiner" for 2 reasons
1) to clip them to things
2) to use as knuckles with the keys between my fingers

I'm going to put my house key on it's own clip cause I end up starting my car and needing to run back inside a lot.
[Feb 1,2004 5:55pm - succubus ""]
ummm but i don't have keys...i have keychains...
[Feb 1,2004 5:58pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah.. more keychains than you can shake a stick at.
[Feb 1,2004 5:59pm - hybrid ""]
hahaha who would shake a stick at keychains?
[Feb 1,2004 6:01pm - succubus ""]
they are really cool keychains though
[Feb 1,2004 9:01pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i had to take off my keychains 'cos i have two stoopid
security things on my keys for my car. oh, i also have
pepper spray. fun
[Feb 1,2004 11:22pm - succubus ""]
a couple of people told me to get pepper spray or mace,,,i dunno
[Feb 1,2004 11:46pm - hektik ""]
I have one key. My house key, and a Metallica necklace pendant that I got from my first concert back in 97...so mangled.
[Feb 1,2004 11:48pm - Kalopsia ""]
i have a slayer keychain with the following attached:
House key
Car key (door and ignition)
Safe key (i used to use the family safe to hold my money until i opened a ank account, and i never took the key off)
Guitar with a Budweiser logo on it
Barbie doll head with a pentagram on forehead and mohawk.
[Feb 1,2004 11:48pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i guess pepper spray is nice because since i've had it, i've never had to use it. like one of those things that you have and you don't need it when you have it, but when you're without, you may need it.
[Feb 1,2004 11:50pm - Kalopsia ""]
MyDeadDoll said:i guess pepper spray is nice because since i've had it, i've never had to use it. like one of those things that you have and you don't need it when you have it, but when you're without, you may need it.

i use that same logic with a seatbelt. i just have a gut feeling that if i drive somewhere without it on, even if it's only a few blocks, that'll be the time when i do get in an accident.
[Feb 1,2004 11:52pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
a seatbelt saved me from going through a window, so i'm anal retentive about wearing mine.
[Feb 1,2004 11:57pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
on the other hand, tho... the seatbelt bruised the hell out of my chest.
[Feb 2,2004 12:08am - George ""]
i have my house key and my pratice space keys, and a gumby keychain and a keychain that is a picture of a guy sitting with his asscrack hanging out and text that reads "dont do crack".
my little brother gave it to me.
[Feb 2,2004 2:07am - Kalopsia ""]
MyDeadDoll said:on the other hand, tho... the seatbelt bruised the hell out of my chest.

better a bruised chest than a shitload of glass in u
[Feb 2,2004 12:14pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
true. altho my boobs would have said otherwise.

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