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[Feb 1,2004 1:57am - Kalopsia ""]
if any of you remember my thread about my new Spector bass but it wasn't working right and made the speakers distort. well Spector sent me a new preamp for the bass, i had my guitar tech install it, and guess what, NO DIFFERENCE!!!!!!! every Spector the store has is doing the same thing!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! it's one thing to get a bad batch of basses but then a bad replacement preamp too? i can't figure out what it is. i've tried it on several different SWR's, including a 750x head, my 550x head, Goliath 3 and Goliath Junior Cabinets, an SWR workingman's 15" combo, and this old Peavey amp i use at my rehearsal space. same problem with every one. WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!
[Feb 1,2004 2:55am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
So basically every Spector bass is doing this on every amp available? Sounds like Spector's making really shitty basses. Have you tried them at any different stores?
[Feb 1,2004 3:09am - the_reverend ""]
user error?
or wei blink : 1D 10T Error?
[Feb 1,2004 4:16am - diamond_dave ""]
this might sound dumb, but does it have active pickups? if so, they take batteries, and when the batteries get low, it distorts the sound. the only other thing i can think of is that it has REALLY high output pickups. if you haven't already, turn the pre-gain way down,flatten the EQ's and turn the post gain to a normal level, then take it from there to get the sound you want. i didn't see your other post, so sorry if that's already been mentioned.
[Feb 1,2004 5:07am - succubus ""]
i response to the title..sorry mike...i have no idea..sux
[Feb 1,2004 9:42am - Kalopsia ""]
yea i have the Euro series, and they come with active EMG pickups, which do have a very high output. first off, i did change the battery. no dice. no matter what i did with the eq, nothing changed. i had the gain on the amps completely off, the eq on the bass all the way down, yet it didn't change. what's really wierd is that i get the speaker's to fart when plugged straight into the Active input on my amp, but if i plug into Passive/Active (which is 10 db louder) i get no farting, but i still clip the gain LED light with the gain all the way down. and if i turn on my sansamp, forget it, immediate distortion. it doesn't make sense that EMG would make a pickup so hot that most SWR amps can't handle it. i have to be missing something. i gotta show this to my boss, he's an electronics whiz.

oh and deodium, spector makes amazing basses. shit Alex Webster recently bought 2!!! same series that i have. they are extremely well made, play a shitload better than my schecter, it's just the electronics that's messed up.
[Feb 1,2004 10:19am - handinjury ""]
Spectors are nice bass's, except for there under $500 models. I was checking them out festerday at GC and the necks felt like shitz. But that $800 bass was real nice made me think about using my GC credit card.

Did you try a differant cable??????
[Feb 1,2004 11:51am - diamond_dave ""]
well sir, that sounds entirely shitty. i'm sorry to hear that. and no, i don't think the pickups would be quite that hot. i have active EMG's in one of my guitars, and although it's a good deal hotter than my other guitars, i've never had a problem quite like that. hope you getit worked out.
[Feb 1,2004 2:36pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
moral of the story: Buy anything but Spector
[Feb 1,2004 5:26pm - hektik ""]
I own a spector NS2000 neckthru, never had any problems other than trying to find the right tone for my amp. Overall, the bass kicks ass, 1000 dollars well spent on a 1400 dollar bass.
[Feb 1,2004 11:43pm - Kalopsia ""]
i spent under $900 on my $1,400 bass, retail at $2,000 . i talked to the bass expert in my store today and he says i should get the new Aguilar Preamp. and everything will be fine. because Spector doesn't use an EMG preamp, they use their own preamp, so i guess they're not that great. i'm gonna check this out with my boss first, and see what he thinks the problem is. if it's the preamp, i'll get a new one.
[Feb 2,2004 12:13am - Hoser ""]
You may have a bad player....replace the player and give it a shot again. That should do the trick.
[Feb 2,2004 2:04am - Kalopsia ""]
that was a good one hoser. i like that.

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