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[May 28,2008 8:23am - y_ddraig_goch ""]

I had my sound off when I went to that page and read the comments, all "you're so awesome, i love you, your video is like a gift from Him"

I guess she is an 'up and coming' pop artist from some redneck state...

anyways long story short, she's got down syndrome and you can tell really bad, she does all kinds of cover songs and it's so funny.

so now I laugh when I see the comments on her page because I know most of them are joking with her like 'send your stuff to TRL they'll put it on"

oh yeah, she's also an extreme Christian
[May 28,2008 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
retards on parade.
[May 28,2008 9:32am - DYA / NLI  ""]
I hate my life that I'm not home right now and therefore can't get on the MySpace to see this awesomeness.
[May 28,2008 12:45pm - KadoogaNaturalBall  ""]
Yeesh. I might have to start pretending I'm retarded so I can get millions of people to listen to my tunes.
[May 28,2008 12:54pm - anonymouse ""]
Failed to mention she has huge tits.

She has huge tits.
[May 28,2008 1:03pm - xmikex ""]
No no no no no. Just no.

I went to the page. Saw the picture, wanted to close the window, but couldn't. The music started up, the beat got going, then the vocals kicked in, I heard about 3 words, and closed the window immediately. I can't believe you just made me laugh at that.
[May 28,2008 1:12pm - DYA / NLI  ""]
Dammit, now I have Chocolate Rain in my head. Last year called, it wants its obnoxious earbug back.
[May 28,2008 2:32pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]

anonymouse said:Failed to mention she has huge tits.

She has huge tits.

that's a picture she edited her head onto some other singer

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