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Wow, MTV is really pushing......

[May 25,2008 12:12am - i_am_lazy  ""]

And I don't mean MTV2, I mean regular MTV. Reanna was watching Shot at Love, and every fucking commercial break had some random clip of Testament playing.
[May 25,2008 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, ive been getting al sorts of emails about it.
[May 25,2008 12:59am - deadlikemurf ""]
yeah i noticed that the other night too... they showed a clip of them playing over the wall acoustic in prison... it was HORRIBLY bad.
[May 25,2008 1:25am - i_am_lazy  ""]
They had I think it was Rodrigo and Gabriela or whatever playing some song I didn't immediately recognize with Skolnick. And a live clip of a song from the new album, and a sort-of-live clip of them playing Practice What You Preach.
[May 25,2008 1:43am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
do you remember the ten-year span when mtv wouldn't play testament, or any other metal, or any white-people music at all?

I do.
[May 25,2008 1:54am - anonymouse ""]
[May 25,2008 8:30am - Dankill  ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:do you remember the ten-year span when mtv wouldn't play testament, or any other metal, or any white-people music at all?

I do.

[May 25,2008 9:11am - sinistas ""]
there's been at least 3 or 4 articles about this on blab.
[May 25,2008 5:16pm - Conservationist ""]

i_am_lazy said:...Testament.

Testament supports miscegenation and Wal-mart, that's why ;)

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