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Looking for a slide guitar

[May 12,2008 4:08pm - the true CNV  ""]
Anyone looking to sell an old slide guitar?... The sit down kind.
[May 12,2008 4:20pm - blue ""]
just get a piece of shit electric. the action should be high enough to play slide on. it works perfectly fine if you're not into dropping a few hundred on a decent one.
[May 12,2008 4:32pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
serious. i want a pedal steel
[May 12,2008 4:37pm - blue ""]
oh you want a real pedal steel? 3 thousand dollars plzkthx
[May 12,2008 4:47pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
yeah i want a real one. so i can roll fat bones and get real strange. on second hand im not sure why someone would buy an 'actual' slide guitar and not buy a pos axe and just set it up proper. all you need is higher action, a sears robuck socket drive and your done.
[May 12,2008 6:02pm - Niccolai ""]
As soon as lap guitars ever become worth the money, I'll be sure to let everyone know.
[May 12,2008 6:04pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
[May 12,2008 6:08pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Lap Steel or Pedal Steel guitars they are called. The pedal ones have pedals that do some shit, I dunnow what.

You can easily make a lap one, just use the strings that are wound for jazz guitarists. Round wound or flat or some shit...I can't remember...but they don't make that shitty scratchy noise.
[May 12,2008 6:16pm - blue ""]
[May 12,2008 8:39pm - anonymouse ""]
Electric guitar + screwdriver = slide guitar
[May 12,2008 9:02pm - handinjury ""]

corpus_colostomy said:so i can roll fat bones and get real strange.


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