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new shai hulud

[May 11,2008 12:48pm - xanonymousx ""]
[May 11,2008 1:28pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I didn't even know they were recording again.

[May 11,2008 1:29pm - the_reverend ""]
then you never read the banner ad on here.
[May 11,2008 2:07pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I never read the banners.
[May 11,2008 2:14pm - the_reverend ""]
fuck the system
[May 11,2008 6:13pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Power to the people.
[May 12,2008 12:47pm - Brandon... ""]
Im a huge shai hulud fan, they are definately my favorite hardcore band. Im not sure im digging the new vocalist. He lacks the aggression that hulud always had. The songs pretty good, sounds like they are going a bit more tech then the last, but its lacking the anger.
[May 12,2008 1:01pm - cav nli  ""]

Brandon... said:Im a huge shai hulud fan, they are definately my favorite hardcore band. Im not sure im digging the new vocalist. He lacks the aggression that hulud always had. The songs pretty good, sounds like they are going a bit more tech then the last, but its lacking the anger.

agreed. it sounds like they have gotten better as musicians but theres just less emotion and feeling in the songs. the vocalist actually sounds a billion times better on record than he does live. i definitely wont get as attached to this as i have their older stuff although i do love that little melody in the last song.
[May 12,2008 1:02pm - brian_dc ""]
MIDI leads
[May 13,2008 12:14am - xanonymousx ""]
haha YES
[May 13,2008 12:22am - W3 nli  ""]

cav%20nli said:
Brandon... said:Im a huge shai hulud fan, they are definately my favorite hardcore band. Im not sure im digging the new vocalist. He lacks the aggression that hulud always had. The songs pretty good, sounds like they are going a bit more tech then the last, but its lacking the anger.

agreed. it sounds like they have gotten better as musicians but theres just less emotion and feeling in the songs. the vocalist actually sounds a billion times better on record than he does live. i definitely wont get as attached to this as i have their older stuff although i do love that little melody in the last song.

cav tell me which of their records i should own, go !
[May 13,2008 1:02am - urinal turd  ""]
that within blood ill tempered......and the indecision split.
[May 13,2008 7:28am - xanonymousx ""]

W3%20nli said:

cav tell me which of their records i should own, go !

"Hearts Once Nourished With Hope and Compassion" is a good one i think i listen to that one the most...
But I also listen too "That Within Blood Ill- Tempered" too check those ones out.
[May 13,2008 9:18am - cav nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
cav%20nli said:
Brandon... said:Im a huge shai hulud fan, they are definately my favorite hardcore band. Im not sure im digging the new vocalist. He lacks the aggression that hulud always had. The songs pretty good, sounds like they are going a bit more tech then the last, but its lacking the anger.

agreed. it sounds like they have gotten better as musicians but theres just less emotion and feeling in the songs. the vocalist actually sounds a billion times better on record than he does live. i definitely wont get as attached to this as i have their older stuff although i do love that little melody in the last song.

cav tell me which of their records i should own, go !

well the cool thing is that they have all of their splits and ep's on one remastered album now, called ' a profound hatred of man ' its pretty awesome, has some covers and stuff like that too. besides that its 'that within blood ill tempered' which is the most recent album. this is the one i fell in love with. its got the dude from amsterdam on vocals, lots of sweet melodies, pretty damn intricate and much more forward thinking than the stuff they started with musicially. then theirs the first album 'hearts once nourished' thats the classic album with the dude thats in new found glory now on vocals. its got all the classic songs on it. i really do like all 3 of them equally for different reasons. but if you want to listen to hulud at their prime listen to that within blood ill tempered.
[May 13,2008 9:19am - cav nli  ""]
tired = bad grammah
[May 13,2008 9:22am - cav nli  ""]
p.s. read the lyrics too. its the best part.
[May 13,2008 9:34am - Pires ""]

cav%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
cav%20nli said:
Brandon... said:

its got the dude from amsterdam on vocals,

dude, you're such a pothead. listening to a band because their vocalist is from amsterdam. tsk. tsk.

[May 13,2008 9:47am - cav nli  ""]
pires your bad at the quote option
[May 13,2008 11:05am - chrisabomb ""]



[May 13,2008 11:38am - cav nli  ""]
oh sweet meltdown is on this! ill be there with bells on.

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