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The Jesse Montana: 8 Songs To Listen To During Life. On Myspace now.

[May 11,2008 2:17am - powerkok ""]

Ive been recording this slowly over the past 8 months or so.

This is a rough mix without vocals, and encoded at 128kb mp3s, per myspace rules.

Check it out.
[May 11,2008 11:09am - My_dying_bride ""]
real sweet man. vocals would be rad. real good sounds...especially song 2
[May 11,2008 12:23pm - powerkok ""]
many tanks.

Feel free to add me, if yuntoo. All my 9 friends would appreesh.
[May 12,2008 7:52am - powerkok ""]
[May 14,2008 5:34pm - powerkok ""]
Ya ok motherfuckers, now Ive got 11 friends....listen to this shite or Ill fucking chop you into sections.
[May 14,2008 10:33pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Just listening to song 5 right now, this is awesome.
[May 14,2008 10:37pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Friend request sent, BTW.

And what's the hangup with the vox? Inability to write, inability to sing/growl/scream them, or inability to mix them right?
[May 19,2008 7:03am - powerkok ""]
I have some written, but mainly, I need a good mic, and some time.
thx for the add!!!!!!!
[May 19,2008 8:17pm - mcmahon nli  ""]
sounds good man
[May 20,2008 8:16pm - powerkok ""]
not as good as a nice hot bath together, right??
[May 20,2008 8:16pm - powerkok ""]
heh thanks, brody.
[May 31,2008 3:43pm - powerkok ""]
bump since I cant edit the title.
[May 31,2008 8:01pm - powerkok ""]
Ok, now Im just bitter.

Listen to POWERKOK's NEW MUSIC or I'll fuggin cutchu.

[Jul 9,2008 11:03pm - powerkok ""]
bump for the hell of it.
I know I never click myspace links either, but all ya gotta do is click once and listen automatically.

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