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[May 3,2008 1:57pm - KARNIVEAN ""]
Who can hook us with a profesional quality 4 track recording without leaving us broke as fuck. even if your a dope sick shitty bum toilet bug with a computer and protools
we don't care. As long as you know what your doing and can make it sick. We have a huge ass space and our songs are as tight as 11 year old susies asshole so it won't take us long at all to complete all our tracks.

give me some prices and info mofuckaz
[May 3,2008 1:57pm - blue ""]
hahahahahahah quality 4 track?

what is this, 1987?
[May 3,2008 2:01pm - thuringwethil ""]
cassettes rule!
[May 3,2008 2:11pm - blue ""]
seriously though,

check out rob @ godless bog studios.

contact him at http://www.myspace.com/descentma
[May 3,2008 2:12pm - KARNIVEAN ""]
4 songs. "track"-is the terminoligy for a pre mastered song. hense we're looking to do a 4 song demo .anal dweller
[May 3,2008 2:17pm - blue ""]

KARNIVEAN said:"track"-is the terminoligy for a pre mastered song.

thank you for schooling me on your advanced recording speak.
[May 3,2008 2:24pm - handinjury ""]

blue said:
KARNIVEAN said:"track"-is the terminoligy for a pre mastered song.

thank you for schooling me on your advanced recording speak.

[May 3,2008 2:42pm - Godlessrob ""]
Thanks Blue. Wait till you hear your stuff!!!
Karnivean, I like what you guys have going on, if your interested let me know.
[May 3,2008 4:28pm - blue ""]
definetly psyched, rob. how did nates vocals go? or has that not happened yet?
[May 3,2008 5:56pm - Godlessrob ""]
Nate's vox went awesome, he's a very cool dude. Give me a call.
[May 3,2008 8:34pm - alexc ""]
i record for pretty cheap and produce pretty solid results.

[May 4,2008 1:22am - secthammer  ""]
I record for cheap and you can hear the results on www.myspace.com/pathogenic and www.myspace.com/talesmusic

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