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Hawks will win game 7.

[May 2,2008 11:03pm - ZenErik ""]
True story.

If I'm wrong, then I never said this.

The Celtics are awesome at seemingly forgetting how to shoot the ball into that magical basket in Atlanta.
[May 2,2008 11:06pm - xmikex ""]
eff u
[May 2,2008 11:08pm - BSV  ""]
It blows my mind how outfouled the Celts are in this series. They needed to take the fucking ball to the hoop and kept relying on the 3. Get to the line, break the momentum, keep your composure. Ray Allen had a shit game. I worry about this team on the road now. Blowing the Hawks out by 20 at home means nothing when you lose down there.
[May 2,2008 11:15pm - ZenErik ""]
I loved when they missed 5 shots in 5 seconds. I don't know why they can't seem to shoot the ball late in the ATL. Game 7 should be interesting, at the very least. I'm not a big basketball fan, but I watched most of these playoff games.
[May 3,2008 8:24am - brad weymouth  ""]

BSV said:It blows my mind how outfouled the Celts are in this series. They needed to take the fucking ball to the hoop and kept relying on the 3. Get to the line, break the momentum, keep your composure. Ray Allen had a shit game. I worry about this team on the road now. Blowing the Hawks out by 20 at home means nothing when you lose down there.

their inside game has been weak all season
[May 3,2008 11:13am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The Hawks aren't going to win anything.
[May 3,2008 11:14am - antny  ""]
I have no doubt we will smoke the Hawks tomorrow afternoon in Boston, but the fact that this series has gone to 7 and we can't seem to win on the road worries me.
[May 3,2008 11:22am - BSV  ""]
Celts are 14-3 in game 7s and the Hawks are 2-7 in 7s.
I'm pissed cause yesterday I agreed to cover for a shift all day sunday, at least time and a half pays, I'll watch the game on my break.
[May 3,2008 11:38am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I don't start my new job until Monday so I get to watch the game.
[May 3,2008 12:37pm - antny  ""]

BSV said:Celts are 14-3 in game 7s and the Hawks are 2-7 in 7s.
I'm pissed cause yesterday I agreed to cover for a shift all day sunday, at least time and a half pays, I'll watch the game on my break.

Ahh sucks dude I think I'm gonna watch the 2nd half down in Framingham with Ev.. what time do you get off work? Dane's gonna be there like 5-6 ish
[May 3,2008 12:56pm - BSV  ""]
Fucking like 8 I should be there. I need the money!
[May 3,2008 1:05pm - mike @ work  ""]
There are a couple of things that piss me off about last night:
1. What the HELL was that play supposed to be when the Celts inbounded the ball with about 10 seconds left? It blows my mind to think that Doc Rivers actually drafted up a plan that involved eating up a ton of time to make a rushed 3 point shot to go for the win instead of the tie when making rushed perimeter shots is what got them in trouble in the first place.

2. I don't have the exact numbers in front of me, but the amount of points the Hawks have ended up with in this series from free throws is staggering. That's a big part of what's keeping them in this series. Take a look at the same time at how many of those are either borderline fouls, or totally bizarre fouls that are consistently going against the Celtics. The 6th foul called on Pierce was absurd. The refs are expected to allow more physical play in the post season. Which brings me to my next point.

3. After game 4, when the Hawks pushed the series to 2-2, the Atlanta Hawks organization sold hundreds of thousands of dollars in season ticket sales for next season. Couple that with the fact that this season marks a drastic turnaround in the popularity of the NBA. I would not be surprised at all if this questionable officiating is the result of the NBA trying to boost interest in the post season games by making this series closer. The Celtics are clearly the most dominant team in the league. People hate that, just ask the Patriots. I don't need to draw anybody a picture here, but you can see how a strategy like this would make a series like this a whole lot more interesting to its fanbase.

4. That last 3 that Joe Johnson hit, with Posey in his face, and the shot clock at 1.... I gotta give credit where it's due. That was nuts.
[May 3,2008 5:09pm - scumfuck ""]
all that matters to me is tomorrow when i'm watching the game about 50 ft. from the court, the celtics put the hawks in their place...
[May 3,2008 5:56pm - Horror_Tang ""]
All that matters to me is while you watch your gay pro sports I will be watching Flavor of Love with my wife. Whhhuuuuuuuuut.
[May 3,2008 7:58pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The fact that you admit to watching that show makes you infinitely more gay.

The NBA is desperate for a Celtics-Lakers final. The Hawks won't win.
[May 4,2008 12:12am - Horror_Tang ""]
Horrible MTV shows are less gay than pro sports and I would rather watch them with my wife than a bunch of sweaty men playing with their balls (you're the fag now I guess).

You are an annoying little cocksucker. Are you 21 yet? If you are you need to come down to an O'Brien's show sometime so I can bitch slap the Jesus out of you. You can worship at my feet you worthless slug.
[May 4,2008 11:32am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
You don't want to fight me.
[May 4,2008 11:56am - antny  ""]
oh no. really guys? it's sunday morning. just put on some Sunday Morning Coming Down by the man in black, eat some fuckin pancakes and relax
[May 4,2008 11:58am - BSV  ""]
Okay, I called out of work. Time to beat these cocksuckers!
[May 4,2008 11:59am - antny  ""]
You rule Josh. I actually might come down after the game.. depends on if we're winning decisively and I feel comfortable leaving to take the train
[May 4,2008 12:06pm - quintessence ""]
Figures. The first time in years I want to watch a sporting event and I'm at work until 4pm. Hopefully they win so I can catch some more playoffs later on.
[May 4,2008 1:02pm - KadoogaNambyPamby  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:You don't want to fight me.

[May 4,2008 1:40pm - Horror_Tang ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:You don't want to fight me.

Who said fight you? I merely want to bitch slap you. Big difference.
[May 4,2008 1:42pm - Horror_Tang ""]
Oh, since that seems to be a baited question, why would I not want to fight you? This better be good or you fail.
[May 4,2008 1:42pm - RichHorror ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:You don't want to fight me.

[May 4,2008 1:57pm - KadoogaNamblaPanda  ""]
ready to fight?
[May 4,2008 1:58pm - Horror_Tang ""]
CTB FAILS!!! Unless you like bears.
[May 4,2008 1:59pm - Horror_Tang ""]

KadoogaNamblaPanda said:ready to fight?

Awesome song.
[May 4,2008 2:05pm - dreadkill ""]
fucking with jeff is pretty dumb. the guy is huge.
[May 4,2008 2:32pm - ZenErik ""]
Haha. The Hawks are getting destroyed.
[May 4,2008 2:38pm - brad weymouth  ""]

dreadkill said:fucking with jeff is pretty dumb. the guy is huge.

enough about his cock, is he tough? can he croon?
[May 4,2008 2:39pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i haven't seen a clothesline like that since the Ultimate Warrior.
[May 4,2008 2:48pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

Horror_Tang said:
ConquerTheBaphomet said:You don't want to fight me.

Who said fight you? I merely want to bitch slap you. Big difference.

Your hand would never get close enough to me. I'm not trying to be a tough guy here but I WON'T be played out as a pussy.
[May 4,2008 2:54pm - RichHorror ""]
Because you'd be too busy running away. Not fighting someone the size of an adult grizzly bear isn't being a pussy, it's have a sense of self-preservation.
[May 4,2008 3:33pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I don't care how big or small anyone is.
[May 4,2008 3:44pm - W3 nli  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:I don't care how big or small anyone is.

LOL @ thinking youd have a chance against Jeff
[May 4,2008 3:49pm - BSV  ""]
Yeah that clothesline on Rondo was insane. Nice clean pick on Zaza from KG too...that's justified.
Bring on Cleveland!
[May 4,2008 3:55pm - W3 nli  ""]

BSV said:
Bring on Cleveland!

that shits gonna be intense, all the second round games are fucking intense match ups
[May 12,2008 10:44pm - ZenErik ""]
Celtics sucking on the road again! NICE.
[May 12,2008 10:45pm - W3 nli  ""]

ZenErik said:Celtics sucking on the road again! NICE.

hey you shaddapyousmoufokgawy
[May 12,2008 10:49pm - ZenErik ""]
0-5 on the road.
[May 12,2008 11:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ZenErik said:0-5 on the road.

i bet if you asked nicely Lebron would let you suck him off. :middlefinger:

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