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Always & Forever, Astronomer, Hive Smasher and The Arkham White in Lowell JUNE 6th!

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[May 2,2008 11:47am - aaron_michael ""]
June 6th!

Always & Forever
Hive Smasher
The Arkham White
Me vs. Me
and Death Race

@ Gallery 119
119 chelmsford rd. Lowell, MA
$8 6:00

[May 2,2008 12:11pm - BrianDBB ""]
Hive Smasher and Me vs ME... good dudes! How's this venue, we're definitely interested in playin here, it's like 10 minutess from my house.
[May 2,2008 1:04pm - aaron_michael ""]
I'm booking a few different shows there, and I'll throw you guys on the all metal show!
as for the venue itself, it's small, but "intimate".
basically it could be compared to a living room in a house but with cleaner walls.
it could fit probably 75 people and it comes with it's own PA.
it's also a part time art gallery so I'll have to take paintings down before the shows begin haha.

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