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anyone know a cheap place/person who would rent psytoxia/scd a van?

[Apr 29,2008 12:26pm - Grizloch ""]
we are running out of time, we need it from may 15-30 (maybe a few days in early june) and we have about $500 to spend (not including gas of course), especially if you are willing to come with us and share driving/debauchery

tyag van? whats that all about?
[Apr 29,2008 12:33pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
it wasnt tyag's..it was alex's yo.
[Apr 29,2008 12:40pm - Grizloch ""]
ah ha! would alex be interested in renting it out? who is alex?
[Apr 29,2008 12:41pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
would have no idea brutha..
[Apr 29,2008 12:41pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
....dummer of parasitic extirpation.
[Apr 29,2008 2:21pm - blue ""]
Alex is trying to not rent his van out too much. Sorry guys.
[Apr 29,2008 2:29pm - W3 nli  ""]
i dont know if its cheap but you dont have to pay all upfront its what Strong Intention used when we went out.....

[Apr 29,2008 9:15pm - Grizloch ""]
thats a little steep for us, typical of what official rental places have to offer, but with way cooler shit, if we had $1900 to pay for this we definitely would

bummer about alex

any other takers? anyone know anyone who would trade their gas guzzling van for a sporty mercury sable for 2 weeks PLUS get paid $500
[Apr 30,2008 11:46am - Grizloch ""]
no one will rent us a van? an suv? anything that coiuld fit 5 people and a couple guitars?
[Apr 30,2008 4:54pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
considering gas will be $4.25 sooner than later i recommend you guys getting your own mopeds and don't bring any music gear. just show up to shows asking to borrow peoples equipment...if they say no get drunk and fuck shit up. crap in the urinals etc. if they say yes, get drunk and fuck shit up. crap in urinals etc.
[Apr 30,2008 4:56pm - blue ""]
^best advice ever.
[Apr 30,2008 5:09pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Jul 8,2013 4:15pm - michael kors bags sale  ""] spambot banned.
[Jul 8,2013 5:10pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
^ same price as a van. seems legit.

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