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Deconformity posts new unmixed track

[Apr 24,2008 3:59pm - pandolfthegreat ""]
Deconformity posts new unmixed/untitled song. This is our first recording since the loss of our singer.
[Apr 24,2008 4:04pm - archaeon ""]
repost, not marked as news and you didn't even provide link.

jesus christ
[Apr 24,2008 4:13pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
yeah link it, im to lazy to search my space.
[Apr 24,2008 4:34pm - BSV  ""]

Sounds very promising!
We need to do another basement show, soon!
[Apr 24,2008 6:12pm - vesgore ""]
cant wait to see you guys tomorrow!
[Apr 25,2008 3:04pm - pandolfthegreat ""]

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