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timelapse of a man trapped for 41 hours in an elevator

[Apr 20,2008 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 20,2008 4:32pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
once i was stuck for almost two hours in an elevator at my old work on the 42 floor over in the west end of town. in the end-the elevator people manually lowered us....i was with 5 other people. pretty harrowing...l
[Apr 20,2008 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I would probably end up crapping in the corner a bunch of times.
[Apr 20,2008 4:37pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i will never forget the scream that this chick next to me let out when they started lowering us. it was very bouncy and for sure scary. i pulled out a cig put it in my mouth and bowed my head down....i did not mention this was a friday on my way outta work. can you say anxiety?
[Mar 2,2011 12:39am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Mar 2,2011 1:35am - Pires ""]
Did someone establish a pee corner?
[Mar 2,2011 10:01am - Seanblitzkrieg ""]
[Mar 2,2011 10:16am - timma ""]
I would fucking lose my shit. Both literally and figuratively speaking.
[Mar 2,2011 10:25am - dreadkill ""]
i'd paint the walls white
[Mar 2,2011 10:32am - reimroc ""]
old news

[Mar 2,2011 4:57pm - sethrich ""]
I watched this ONLY to see if he took a piss or shit. Did he do neither? I couldn't tell. That's a long time to go without relief.

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