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Dover Brick House (Dover, NH) - [lord_bacon][salt_the_wound][the_world_we_knew]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Apr 17,2008 9:46pm - LORDBACON ""]
sup niggas, Lord Bacon is playing the Wicked Wednesday at the Brickhouse in Dover with The Breathing Protest and Salt The Wound. 21+ and i think its only $3. check it out and expect a little something different from the Bacon
[Apr 17,2008 10:14pm - W3 nli  ""]
worst name ever
[Apr 18,2008 2:47pm - LORD BACON  ""]
whatever you say man
[Apr 18,2008 2:49pm - W3 nli  ""]
money grows on trees
[Apr 18,2008 2:49pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i like thick center cut bacon. can you accommodate?
[Apr 18,2008 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
is salt the wound playing welfare records too?
[Apr 18,2008 2:56pm - W3 nli  ""]

corpus_colostomy said:i like thick center cut bacon. can you accommodate?

theres gotta be maple syrup
[Apr 18,2008 2:58pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i has boner.
[Apr 19,2008 3:45pm - LORDBACON ""]
Lord Bacon is delicious, no syrup necessary
[Apr 22,2008 6:20pm - LORDBACON ""]
tomorrow, come and get drunk and get rowdy!
[Apr 22,2008 6:24pm - the_reverend ""]
protest or process?
[Apr 23,2008 10:00am - LORDBACON ""]
[Apr 23,2008 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
it's the breathing process not protest
[Apr 23,2008 11:11am - LORDBACON ""]
ohp, my bad. i guess the world we knew is playing too, they just sent me a flyer

[Apr 23,2008 1:48pm - aaron_michael ""]
The Breathing Process just burned to the ground in Concord NH I guess.
[Apr 23,2008 1:54pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 23,2008 2:01pm - aaron_michael ""]
"yesterday around 3 pm we realized our van was smoking and oil was leaking from the rear passanger side tire. we went 3 miles down the road and off the highway to a autobody repair shop. they said we would need alot of stuff done that cost us more than we can afford. he told us for 30$ he would lock our back breaks and promised us we would be able to make it to portland maine safely to make money to get the van fully repaired. he said the van will still smoke and oil will pour out but it wont be a problem because the back breaks are locked. so we took his word, about 20 minutes into the drive we hear a crash to the ground and the whole van sank, we pulled over immediately and jumped out of the van to realize the tire exploded from the heat and the oil hitting the rubber. also, that it was on fire, we grabbed water to try and put it out and it got worse. we waved people down on the highway and got a fire extinguisher and the flame grew rapidly. after 5 minutes the van was engoulphed in flames and the gas tank exploded. the fire was quickly spreading to our trailor. finally the police and fire trucks came to put out the fire but it was too late for the van and almost too late for the trailor. our trailor is severly damaged, there is holes in it and fire damage around the whole thing. we searched through the van and nothing is more than just ash. ren was lucky enough to find his passport sitting in ash, still in tact.

everybodys personal belongings are gone, identification, clothes, laptops, cell phone chargers, personal hygene supplys, our gps, and of course all of our money.

the police took us to a dunkin donuts about a mile down the road to find our way home all the way from concord new hampshire. all of our phones were on the verge of dying. on top of all of this. we called the state police, and also the towing company and they told us that it will cost us $477 to get our equipment out of the garage, especially when AAA called the state police and told them have a towing company covered by AAA come, and they did not. WE HAVE NO MONEY. and the state police tells us that we owe the state of new hampshire $10,000 for fire damage to the shoulder of the road. they told us it was so bad if anyone was in there no one would have survived.

luckily chirs's parents are kind enough to rent a uhal van with a hitch to come get all of us stranded in new hampshire, 5 hours away from milford connecticut, and pay the towing company to get our trailor back. hopefully it is safe enough to drive 5 hours home.

it was a disaster for us. the van is like our second home. some of us dont even have homes but the van.

we are all emotionally depressed but are trying to look at the brighter side of everything.

we are all okay, and lucky enough that the van did not catch fire while we were still in it.

keep us in your prayers
because the state of new hampshire is trying to fuck us over royally.

if anyone would like to help us our pay pal account is
or buy our merch online.

we are in great debt, and this makes it 10 times worse.

love you all

needless to say, I don't think The Breathing Protest is going to be at the Brickhouse tonight.
[Apr 23,2008 5:41pm - LORDBACON ""]
shit man, thats fucking laaame
[Apr 23,2008 5:58pm - the_reverend ""]
call the breathing protest cause the breathing process can't make it.
on a serious note, that sucks. Charging for accidents is bullshit masshole shit.
[Apr 23,2008 6:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going swimming and then out to this
[Apr 23,2008 10:37pm - the_reverend ""]
lord bacon just played. the crowd is small. they sounded a lot less like death metal and a lot more like rumpelstiltskin grinder.
[Apr 23,2008 11:13pm - the_reverend ""]
the world we knew always sounds like a hardcore band. i've seen them a couple times more when they were starting out. i dont think most members of the crowd knew anything about them. hopefully they liked it. i saw a few people head over to get CDs. i took a bunch of pictures of the headbanging guitarist. fun stuff.
[Apr 24,2008 12:34am - the_reverend ""]
good times.
good times.
good times.
good times.
good times.
good times.
good times.
good times.
[Apr 24,2008 2:52am - LORDBACON ""]
yesm very much so. thanks for comin out rev, those pictture are sick

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