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Attn: Niccolai or others with a Presonus Firepod/ Firestudio....

[Apr 10,2008 9:11pm - My_dying_bride ""]
Im about to buy a firestudio... I was wondering if anyone has recorded all 8 tracks with it yet... and if you have what u were using for a system (Mhz, RAM, etc.)

ive heard many good things from reviews but nothing much about experiences with all 8 tracks simultaneously .

i will also be using a laptop and i heard a reviewer say that the wireless card causes audio dropouts which is why people are having latency issues, and you need to disable the wireless card.

[Apr 10,2008 10:30pm - Niccolai ""]
I used all 8 tracks to record the TYAG drum tracks.

I'm runing vista with a 2.0 dual core and only a gig of ram. no latency problems or quality problems what-so-ever.
[Apr 11,2008 7:45am - GodlessRob ""]
I've run 10 at 1 time. I have 2 firepods chained together. I run windows xp, pentium 4, 3.4 ht with 2 gigs ddr2 through sonar 6. Never had any latency problems or had to change either the sonar or firepod ASIO settings.

Doh! I need to stop saying firepod and call it the fp10, apple might come and sue me.
[Apr 11,2008 9:15am - mcmahon ""]
we're having trouble with our firepod.... something to do with a red light which will cost around $80 to fix. It's vintage '04 technology, so we're contemplating purchasing new.
[Apr 11,2008 9:19am - GodlessRob ""]
usually the red light means it's not syncing to your computer properly. Have you gone to the presonus web site and download the newest drivers?
[Apr 11,2008 9:22am - thegreatspaldino ""]
what is a firepod? its a recording thingie i know, but what exactly does it do?
[Apr 11,2008 9:40am - GodlessRob ""]
Firewire based recording system, 8 presonus xlr inputs, midi, plus a host of other killer features in a 1 rack space size.
It is now called the FP10 because Apple said they were going to sue them over using "pod" in the name.
[Apr 11,2008 9:48am - ZenErik ""]
I don't have a Firepod, but I have the Firebox and a Mackie 1640.

I recorded up to 8 or 10 tracks at a time with my old Compaq laptop. 1.6 GHz or so processor with 1 gig of RAM. That computer would start dying if I put on more than basic plug-ins, haha.

No problems recording with the MacBook either. It's more smooth, but I haven't done anything to really try to push it much further than I had pushed the old Compaq. 2 GHz C2D + 4 gigs RAM + 7200 RPM hard drive.
[Apr 11,2008 10:06am - mcmahon ""]

GodlessRob said:usually the red light means it's not syncing to your computer properly. Have you gone to the presonus web site and download the newest drivers?

i'm not sure. our guitarist has it set up and apparently tried troubleshooting with presonus. It'd be cool if it was only software glitch. I'll see if I can get him on here to explain it better.
[Apr 11,2008 10:08am - ZenErik ""]
Silly drivers. It's all about being class compliant. :D

Make sure it's not the firewire cable as well. Either see if the cable works with another firewire device or use another cable.
[Apr 11,2008 10:20am - GodlessRob ""]
If you can't find the newest drivers I actually have them in a zip I can e-mail you. Yes, like Zen said check and see if it's a bad cable.
[Apr 11,2008 4:47pm - My_dying_bride ""]
cool thanks guys....

i ordered the firestudio this morning. it came with a free faderport control thing that i guess makes it easier cause you dont need to use the mouse as much, i like that. i got it from american musical which i have a buyer loyalty to, 45 days to try it otherwise they can take it back.

also i dunno about cubase...anyone know where i can get better software cheap/free? i dont even see protools software alone without buying an interface.

thanks again.
[Apr 11,2008 4:56pm - handinjury ""]

My_dying_bride said:

also i dunno about cubase...anyone know where i can get better software cheap/free? i dont even see protools software alone without buying an interface.

thanks again.

Pro stools LE will only run with digidesign hardware. The M-powered LE will run with any M-audio hardware. There is nothing wrong w/ cubase. Software will not make as much as a difference as the HARDWARE will. (its all about mics-> preamps-> converters)
[Apr 11,2008 5:01pm - Niccolai ""]

My_dying_bride said:cool thanks guys....

i ordered the firestudio this morning. it came with a free faderport control thing that i guess makes it easier cause you dont need to use the mouse as much, i like that. i got it from american musical which i have a buyer loyalty to, 45 days to try it otherwise they can take it back.

also i dunno about cubase...anyone know where i can get better software cheap/free? i dont even see protools software alone without buying an interface.

thanks again.

cubase le is awsome for tracking if you don't have a ton of experience.

But it's not hard to download sonar or a full version of cubase off a torrent.

I tried a handfull of software and the cubase LE that came with the firepod works great for me.
[Apr 11,2008 5:02pm - ZenErik ""]
Are you running a Mac or Windows computer?

If you have a Mac, I'd recommend Logic Studio. I have the discs right here, and you could borrow them and find a serial number online. That's what I did.

Cubase is still a good program. What version is it? Any version of Cubase should be better than Traktion. You could try to download Sonar as well.
[Apr 11,2008 5:08pm - My_dying_bride ""]
i will be running windows at first, but im gonna save over the summer for a mac. and the cubase is the one they send with the firestudio.

and as a matter of fact i think i have an outdated version of sonar... the professional one... i think it was for sale for 700 when i downloaded it...ill try cubase at see if i like it but i heard people talk shit about it.
[Apr 12,2008 2:47am - Niccolai ""]
mac is whack.

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