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Attention Suck Horror and Sucko

[Mar 29,2008 2:49am - Hungtableed  ""]
You guys come on here and talk way too much shit. I make a joke and everyone gets all offended. You two think you are all TUFF. Anytime you want to throw down let's do it. I'll talk one of you on at a time. Time? Place? The only thing you'll do is talk more shit. Back it up or shut your mouths or stuff a dildo in it.
[Mar 29,2008 3:19am - SkinSandwich ""]
I would talk one of them at a time too as I hate people that interrupt. I just got laid, no seriously! Random acts of some whore just showing up and fucking. I came, fell asleep farted myself awake. Had a beer and now I am here. WTF?
[Mar 29,2008 5:26am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 29,2008 8:15am - RichHorror ""]
hahahahahaha Go listen to Pantera.
[Mar 29,2008 8:23am - RichHorror ""]
Seriously. now that I talked to people who know you I'm definitely not driving up to the Lowell area to get an A&B for punching some scrawny kid from some metalcore band in the face. Not exactly my proudest moment. Also, congratulations to SkinSandwich for farting and having sex.
[Mar 29,2008 8:34am - RichHorror ""]
Also, I'm pretty sure this isn't even you since I already made the offer of 'throwing down' and nothing hapened. And the fact that 'throw down' is a phrase relegated strictly to frat boys/wiggers. And that you usually come up with insults slightly above the 3rd grade level.
[Mar 29,2008 10:08am - the_reverend ""]
is this about rick ohorrorstein and jeff mongo?
[Mar 29,2008 10:18am - RichHorror ""]
Mongo only pawn in game of life.
[Mar 29,2008 10:48am - kadooganonymous  ""]
And I thought I had balls for challenging Powerkok to an arm-wrestling match... you are threatening two of the scariest people I know, and also Rich Horror.
[Mar 29,2008 10:54am - Retard  ""]
Yeah, hungtableed is a 90lb wigga. His band sucks and he sucks. He might try to punch you with a mic in his hand.
[Mar 29,2008 10:54am - the_reverend ""]
threads like this are hilarious (and the thread that this came from) cause people all front and then in the end only 1 in 49370 end up in a headbutt.
the other 49369 end up in either nothing or tons of beer being drunk.
[Mar 29,2008 10:55am - RichHorror ""]
And sometimes someone farts while getting some poon.
[Mar 29,2008 10:58am - kadooganonymous  ""]
I just wrote the greatest story ever and I'm gonna repost it in here, just because:

The Haunted Vagina, a true story by Ben Farley:

Once, on a dark evening in the town of Chelmsford, Massachusetts, I was stumbling drunkenly through a cemetery when I happened upon a freshly dug grave. Thinking it was high time for some necrophilia, I began unearthing my soon-to-be lover, only to find that it was the corpse of HungTaBleed! "Oh well," thought I, "a dead anus is as good as a dead vagina," and away I fucked. But lo and behold, HungTaBleed was himself a GIANT vagina, haunted with the ghost of SAND! The end.
[Mar 29,2008 10:59am - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I don't think most people here understood what I said.
let me say it this way.
like this
not like this
[Mar 29,2008 11:02am - RichHorror ""]
Dammit, my computer never opens any of the photoes from http://g.photos.x
[Mar 29,2008 11:05am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 29,2008 11:07am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, that's what I meant. I have images turned off so the /r/ threads don't make my computer explode, and whenever I click on any images from there they never load. Sad panda like a motherfucker.
[Mar 29,2008 11:19am - jared ""]
As one of Rich Horror's oldest and dearest friends, I personally am hoping instead of pummeling you into a bloody pulp, he does the hold the weakling down, stick his finger down his throat and throw up on your face technique. I haven't seen him do that in so long, I kind of miss it. Wicked good time. Like Newbury Comics on cocaine.
[Mar 29,2008 11:23am - fleshfries ""]

the_reverend said:
not like this

Forgive me, but what exactly is happening in this?
[Mar 29,2008 11:28am - Hung_to_bleed ""]
Apparently I have come learn the value of signing in...

Not that it means anything to someone who sucks dildos, but this thread was not started by me. It does, however, make me feel a lot worse for Rich considering that he is in his 30s and he still ever so values the opinions of others on the interweb. Were you adopted?
[Mar 29,2008 11:30am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 29,2008 11:30am - RichHorror ""]
I knew you didn't. You backed down from a beating over a week ago.
[Mar 29,2008 11:38am - Hung_to_bleed ""]
I don't think that is the case. I just have more important shit going on in my life than to come here and argue with someone who is in their 30s but still thinks they are in high school.
[Mar 29,2008 11:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Hung_to_bleed said:I don't think that is the case. I just have more important shit going on in my life than to come here and argue with someone who is in their 30s but still thinks they are in high school.

Zack Morris?
[Mar 29,2008 1:17pm - dreadkill ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
Hung_to_bleed said:I don't think that is the case. I just have more important shit going on in my life than to come here and argue with someone who is in their 30s but still thinks they are in high school.

Zack Morris?

he is in middle age detention with old mr. belding.
[Mar 29,2008 1:21pm - Hung_to_bleed ""]

fleshfries said:
the_reverend said:
not like this

Forgive me, but what exactly is happening in this?

Are you fucking retarded? The guy (or girl?) on the left gets fucking shot.
[Mar 29,2008 1:26pm - sxealex ""]

RichHorror said:Yeah, that's what I meant. I have images turned off so the /r/ threads don't make my computer explode, and whenever I click on any images from there they never load. Sad panda like a motherfucker.

i have the same problem when i use light box... i have to open it in a new tab i think its .htaccess
[Mar 29,2008 3:20pm - unholy_dave ""]

SkinSandwich said:I would talk one of them at a time too as I hate people that interrupt. I just got laid, no seriously! Random acts of some whore just showing up and fucking. I came, fell asleep farted myself awake. Had a beer and now I am here. WTF?

[Mar 29,2008 4:30pm - fleshfries ""]

Hung_to_bleed said:
Are you fucking retarded? The guy (or girl?) on the left gets fucking shot.

[Mar 29,2008 6:34pm - Mucko ""]
[Mar 30,2008 12:02am - Mike Pile  ""]
less fagging off and more al bundy pictures guys
[Mar 30,2008 10:25am - pam nli  ""]
What the hell have I missed?

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