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This weekends shows

[Jan 23,2004 10:02am - davyp ""]
What Shows are everyone going to this weekend:ralphie:
[Jan 23,2004 10:03am - litacore ""]
Asecnedancy C-Block tonite

all day DM in NH on Sunday
[Jan 23,2004 10:05am - blue.  ""]
damn right rock show.
[Jan 23,2004 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
that's what I'm doing... plus I think a show on saturday, maybe in boston.
[Jan 23,2004 10:16am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
get ready to be wooed by my awesome right hand finger speed on sunday =)
[Jan 23,2004 10:17am - davyp ""]
Blue i love you
[Jan 23,2004 10:42am - the_reverend ""]
*buys spoo cover for camera*
[Jan 23,2004 10:47am - George ""]
looking forward to the horror that will be my set tonight.

i still need to figure out how the fuck im getting there.
[Jan 23,2004 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
oh, george, just take the tugboat
to tuna town that is.
[Jan 23,2004 10:49am - davyp ""]
Ha ha ha ha
[Jan 23,2004 10:50am - George ""]
are you comming tonight aaron?
[Jan 23,2004 10:51am - the_reverend ""]
to roxbury!
shit, nig, of course.
[Jan 23,2004 1:07pm - Death101 ""]
I\'m going to see The Slow Decay of Time, @ the Bombshelter tonite.
Theres some other bands that i\'ve never heard.
Oh well, i enjoy hearing new shit regardless.
[Jan 23,2004 1:12pm - the_reverend ""]
slow decay is playing on rttp um.. march 1st.
should be a good time.
those guys need to start posting on this messageboard so they can get on things like "boston's dead" and other "non-bombshelter" shows.
[Jan 23,2004 1:24pm - Death101 ""]
Yeah, the drummer(Shawn) is the only one in the band that owns a PC, and he just got it, so i gotta show him how to use it, hah. I\'m sure @ least he will be posting here.
[Jan 23,2004 1:28pm - the_reverend ""]
tell them to go to the malignancy show on sunday and network/hand out demos.
they live right next door.
[Jan 23,2004 1:46pm - Death101 ""]
Yes, i shall tell them.

You\'re right, they need to promote!
[Jan 23,2004 1:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm not saying that I matter much...
but I think that if you've been around at all and I don't know your band.. then you are doing something wrong.
[Jan 23,2004 3:40pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
the_reverend said:I'm not saying that I matter much...
but I think that if you've been around at all and I don't know your band.. then you are doing something wrong.

heh. that's very true.

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