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[Mar 25,2008 3:18pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I hate GRAVESIDESERVICE, They are losers with their hearse and coffin and BLack Metal. May they all die in horrible car accidents. I especially hate that fat one and the big tall goofy buff guy. Yeah hes real brutal. Lets not forget tweedle dee and tweedle dumb the scrawny piano player and loser wanna be guitarist.
[Mar 25,2008 3:20pm - W3 nli  ""]
your hating sucks, you need to try harder
[Mar 25,2008 3:26pm - dreadkill ""]
yeah, plus that band almost never posts here, so they probably aren't going to see it.
[Mar 25,2008 3:41pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
who cares GRAVESIDE SERVICe or whatever are ulver, mercyful fate wannabes and need to die, just like the death they preach about on stage, fat fuck. They need to shut there fucking mouths up please. The new wanna be guitarist is a tall goof too.
[Mar 25,2008 3:43pm - Kinslayer  ""]
IF they were ANYTHING like Ulver or MF people would probably LIKE them....


they aren't.
[Mar 25,2008 3:43pm - dreadkill ""]
ulver and mercyful fate are 2 of my favorite bands
[Mar 25,2008 3:44pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I heard they hang out in cemeteries recording. Yeah wow, thats real creepy. NExt time you give away your cds, put a big G on it so people know where to file it the GARBAGE. Not worth the plastic its pressed on.
[Mar 25,2008 3:47pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
they never respond they must be afraid to face the facts. The drummer thinks hes a bigshot. I take your 250 6 foot 4 ass out. He thinks hes tough because he followed me in my car after I flicked him off. Fuck you and your mother and your hearse, die. Next time you wave a knife at anyone again you better use it or I will have your neck snapped, that goes for all of you
[Mar 25,2008 3:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
again you FAIL at HATING
[Mar 25,2008 3:49pm - mOe ""]
haha, way to come on a site and hate on a band that NO ONE has heard of
[Mar 25,2008 3:50pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
the guy pulls a knife out and starts waving it at me because I flicked him the finger over he wanting me to take a copy of his album for free when I knew they suck. Then he threatens to kill my family and girlfriend whom i wont name. you guys can stick up for them all you want but you obviously havent heard there shit fuck music
[Mar 25,2008 3:51pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 25,2008 3:52pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I warn you trash this band they are posers and know nothing about black metal. They think there creepy they are just circus freaks.
[Mar 25,2008 3:53pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 25,2008 3:53pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
Heres some other bands to stay away from, oh wait everyone in the entire baystate area. fuck you all
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
anyone else want to help me smash the drummers face in as well as the fat vocalist nose
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - sinistas ""]
Nobody cares. Go away.
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:yawn
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - metal_church101 ""]
**** FAIL ****
[Mar 25,2008 3:54pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
he thinks hes so big at 6 feet 4 I ll bring him to his knees and I am only 5 foot 8
[Mar 25,2008 3:55pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
fuck you all for defending them
[Mar 25,2008 3:56pm - mOe ""]
really? what else ya gonna do?
*unzips pants while rubbing inner thigh*
[Mar 25,2008 3:56pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:yawn

[Mar 25,2008 3:58pm - metal_church101 ""]
Not defending them at all. Just saying you'd better work on your shit talking.
[Mar 25,2008 3:59pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Mar 25,2008 4:02pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
have you ever heard there old shit, no guitar????????
[Mar 25,2008 4:08pm - metal_church101 ""]
No, and I don't care either. :bartmoon:
[Mar 25,2008 4:11pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
why are you obsessed with them? stop wasting precious years and start telling us about bands you DO like!

jeez, grumpy pants!
[Mar 25,2008 6:16pm - GEORGESTOPCRYING  ""]
Jezze George stop wyning
[Mar 25,2008 6:32pm - OTTOMAN75 ""]
what a loser!!
[Mar 25,2008 6:45pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I knock all your teeth out and GRAVESIDESERVICE in the face, fuck you all
[Mar 25,2008 6:47pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
you obviously never hung out or met these guys there all fucking weirdo. Dont trust them they are scumfucks and manipulative. Just because the drummer is tall and big he thinks he can trample anyone. The vocalist looks like the penguin and is manipulative. The piano player has a cane stcuk up his ass and the new guitarist looks like a sick child diddler
[Mar 25,2008 6:48pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
I am the only one who hate sthem then I guess, fucking pussies. Talk shit you know what I am talking about
[Mar 25,2008 7:05pm - CNVunt  ""]
I have and they are nice and cool and not like most of the scene, where you need to be a druggy, alcoholic or wierd.... you definitly have so much time to think about these things.... Good to know you have these feelings, so now you can go back to playing video games or the bong!
[Mar 25,2008 7:07pm - sinistas ""]
You're continuing to post anonymous shit about people who we don't give the slightest shit about, and THEY'RE the weirdos? What the fuck is in the water where you come from?
[Mar 25,2008 7:28pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
you fat fuck why would you defend them, oh okay because you are fat like the vocalist I get it.
[Mar 25,2008 7:30pm - dreadkill ""]
he's not defending them, you buttclown. nobody cares, so save yourself the typing. that's all he's saying.
[Mar 25,2008 7:38pm - sinistas ""]
Ooh, you called me fat. Oh noes!

You're obviously an intellectual giant, since you can't grasp that NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THIS BAND OR YOUR FOURTH GRADE GRUDGE AGAINST THEM. Fucking cocknose.
[Mar 25,2008 8:06pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
oh good one
[Mar 25,2008 8:21pm - deadlikemurf ""]
shitty anon is shitty.
[Mar 25,2008 8:36pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Mar 25,2008 9:47pm - Aegathis ""]
just stop fucking responding to this guy, dont even look at posts started by anonymous people!
[Mar 26,2008 6:56pm - St. Luci  ""]
again with someone shit talking me and my band ..what the f#@$ !!
I go to shows , and hang out occassionally and talk to people but no one ever comes up to me and tells me how much they hate me . Everyone is usually friendly , even if they don't like the music we do . we don't really expect many to like it . we do it because we like to . who are you bostonbeerpointer ?
[Mar 27,2008 12:08am - Grizloch ""]
I cant imagine that this person is not a fake poster
[Mar 27,2008 12:14am - Belial  ""]
fuck gravesideservice they are all fat fags
[Mar 27,2008 12:49am - Gaveside Fags  ""]
Gaveside Service all has sex with little boys.

[Mar 27,2008 2:26pm - fishcakes ""]
is this a joke?
[Mar 27,2008 3:10pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
No this is not a joke, these assholes actually tried to assualt me with a knife after I threw there piece of shit album in the garbage. I ment no disrespect, I thought they left and when I can back The tall fuck and his blimp vocalist were asking me why I did that. I told them that I wasnt interested in the cd and that they gave it away for free anyways, its not like I paid or did it in their face. So the Tall buff wanna be drummer pulled a knife out at me after the fact in his hearse and started fallowing me almost all the way to my house until I called the cops. Fuck them and thier wanna be funeral doom black metal. They mean shit to me. The piano player thinks he real grim taking a dead bird on stage with him, yeah real grim.
[Mar 27,2008 3:13pm - thuringwethil ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:31pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
No this is not a joke, these assholes actually tried to assualt me with a knife after I threw there piece of shit album in the garbage. I ment no disrespect, I thought they left and when I can back The tall fuck and his blimp vocalist were asking me why I did that. I told them that I wasnt interested in the cd and that they gave it away for free anyways, its not like I paid or did it in their face. So the Tall buff wanna be drummer pulled a knife out at me after the fact in his hearse and started fallowing me almost all the way to my house until I called the cops. Fuck them and thier wanna be funeral doom black metal. They mean shit to me. The piano player thinks he real grim taking a dead bird on stage with him, yeah real grim.
[Mar 27,2008 3:48pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Mar 27,2008 3:50pm - thuringwethil ""]

[Mar 27,2008 3:53pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Mar 27,2008 7:34pm - St. Luci  ""]
i don't know where this beer pointer guy is getting this story from , 1 ( we ) never had any kind of contact like this with anyone ever . probobly an old member who is just bored and remembered we are still around .
[Mar 27,2008 10:52pm - Graveside Fags  ""]
[Mar 27,2008 11:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
1. shit talking:

Talking bad about someone with one of your friends or buddies.

Also hatred.

...just for clarification.

[Mar 29,2008 1:34am - ipfreely ""]
What the hell are you talking about??? I went to see this band play the other night!! THEY....DONT....HAVE....A....FUCKING....GUITARIST! ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID??? Fucking moron.....And another thing, if your gonna talk shit about a band you can at least TRY to sound intellegent...unfortunatly for you, that would require a brain, which you obviously dont have....I'll say it again...FUCKING MORON!
[Mar 29,2008 1:54am - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
They dont have guitars and they are fucking fat and fucking stupid. Get a life you lier, they haven't played in months how could you have seen them live.
[Mar 29,2008 3:21am - ipfreely ""]

Boston%20Beer%20Pointer said:They dont have guitars and they are fucking fat and fucking stupid. Get a life you lier, they haven't played in months how could you have seen them live.

WOW!! You are one dumb asshole! You spend 24 hrs a day in front of a computer screen talking shit about a band no ones even heard of, (you cant even get that right), and YOUR telling ME to get a life??? Holy fucking shitzoid beer porker!! MAN your beyond fucked up...And so are all your other stupid little posts on RTTP, especially the one about how you gave your own grandmother an STD and your proud of it. You sick fuck! What the hell is wrong with you?!?!
[Mar 29,2008 5:24am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Mar 29,2008 1:09pm - ipfreely ""]

douchebag_patrol said:[img]

its beer pointer's mother!
[Mar 29,2008 3:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Wow, how did I miss this? This thread rules.
[Mar 29,2008 7:59pm - gravesideservice  ""]
It was brought to our attention that people have an obsession with talking badly about GRAVESIDESERVICE. Beer Pointer, you want to call me a big goof and St. Luci a fat Penguin. Let me tell you something. Email me your address and I will come and slice your fucking throught in front of the police. I will bring the police with me and have them beat your fucking brains, we are Italian you know and of course you know the sterotype very well, my uncle is the town council man. Rhode Island Mobster county. Fuck you, I fear no one and especially no midgets under 6 feet tall. And if your as tall as me and as "FAT" as Jon we wont waste time fighting you, we'll let you assault us and try to beat us in front of people and later on we put cigars out in your eyes. No games here brother, just the truth. Yeah we all have social issues big deal. We just dont care. We dont play to please the audience fuck them, they are the fools that pay to see us and then later talk shit. We play for ourselves exclusively and for our own "Families" enjoyment. Dont talk shit about us and think in person you can be silent like every other pussy in the entire world, come up to our face and taslk shit. I will tell you one thing though, bit of advice carry something on you when you do it. HAHA, youll need it you fucks. Every wonder why some coffins weigh more than others... You will be stuffed under unclle tony...So like I said give me your number we' ll make arrangments...
[Mar 29,2008 8:45pm - Beer Pointer  ""]
Fine Ill cut it out
[Mar 29,2008 8:46pm - gravesideservice  ""]
Okay, truce...
[Mar 29,2008 8:46pm - gravesideservice  ""]
[Mar 29,2008 8:47pm - gravesideservice  ""]
we are just kidding we are pussies we wouldnt do anything like that
[Mar 29,2008 8:48pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
Dont worry Bro I respect you
[Mar 29,2008 8:49pm - gravesideservice  ""]
we forgive you brother. we actually like everyone on this board. They are nice and caring just the way we tree huggers like them. We want to make love to beer pointer and his friends
[Mar 29,2008 8:55pm - gravesideservice  ""]
wow boston beer pointer, ever smell the arm pit of the death after they fill you will presavative formaldehyde. Manbrother you can getr igh off that shit. We love rigor mortis its real green and purple, black and blue you know how it is brother. you ever collect teeth and bones rib meat and such. Cut the V save the rib meat. Fuck anything core eat some rib meat after a fresh V cut. Good prime stuff. You know how it is, ever been to a funeral or wake? They used to call it a wake because the dead may actually wake up so we sit and wait and cry until they wake. If not 24 hours later lowered into the ground with bell, haha. Eat that meat brother.
[Mar 29,2008 9:00pm - gravesideservice  ""]
funeral meat is good taste it. Ask your local mortician and director for a good cut of prime v cut and maybe he will come see your band play live. Though your band may be trying to play something different not as fast but different because you guys are not normal and dont fit in kinda like those guys over there in that zone next to the other guy with knife bullet. throw a punch at any of us youll have a good time. FUCK we like death really really like it not like others who play around with it mental suicide you know we really like it. We like to help others with it too.
[Mar 30,2008 3:27am - StLuci  ""]
hat the hell did i just miss ????????????
[Mar 30,2008 5:25pm - ipfreely ""]
Stop using nouns in place of verbs. YOU CANT DO THAT!
[Mar 30,2008 5:39pm - StLuci  ""]
i meant what the hell did i miss ? i'm from GraveSideService but i didn't truce with the beerpointer ? glad he'll stop talking shit but , who wrote that other stuff ? this just gets weirder and weirder .
[Mar 30,2008 11:10pm - Graveside_Fags  ""]
St Luci and I always touch little boys for inspirations for our songs, then eat more food to get fatter.
[Mar 30,2008 11:48pm - ipfreely ""]

Graveside_Fags said:St Luci and I always touch little boys for inspirations for our songs, then eat more food to get fatter.

Another sick fuck. Where do you people come from???
[Mar 31,2008 12:04am - archaeon ""]

ipfreely said:
Graveside_Fags said:St Luci and I always touch little boys for inspirations for our songs, then eat more food to get fatter.

Another sick fuck. Where do you people come from???

Dear Yolanda,
you clearly don't understand how things work around here. If you are indeed a woman. you must post tits or GET THE FUCK OUT.

[Mar 31,2008 12:06am - ipfreely ""]
Another thing, and this goes for everyone who posts anon, whats with the anon replies? At least MY screen name is real you fucking pussies.
[Mar 31,2008 12:07am - archaeon ""]
[Mar 31,2008 12:11am - ipfreely ""]
[Mar 31,2008 12:19am - archaeon ""]
[Mar 31,2008 12:22am - dreadkill ""]
this is one of the dumbest threads ever.
[Mar 31,2008 12:40am - evilflyingv ""]

ipfreely said:What the hell are you talking about??? I went to see this band play the other night!! THEY....DONT....HAVE....A....FUCKING....GUITARIST! QUOTE]

stupid bitch, I'M the guitarist for GraveSideService.

[Mar 31,2008 4:47am - STLUCI ""]
Ok , i finally figured out my password , so those of you who know me , will know it is really me and not some GraveSideService immposter .
evilflyingv is really from GSS and so am i , all others are not real . Hopefully these imposters haven't pissed too many people off . i was previously posting as st.luci anonomously.Thank you ipfreely , i think you were actually defending us .
[Mar 31,2008 10:13pm - evilflyingv ""]
Sorry about that ipfreely. I thought you were trying to say the band didnt have a guitarist, and I was like wtf?? I had to go back and read what you wrote again. Thanks for your support.
[Mar 31,2008 10:24pm - ipfreely ""]
no prob evilflyingv. nice jackson btw, now i want one lol.
[Mar 31,2008 10:59pm - Gaysideservice  ""]
[Mar 31,2008 11:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

gravesideservice said:wow boston beer pointer, ever smell the arm pit of the death after they fill you will presavative formaldehyde. Manbrother you can getr igh off that shit. We love rigor mortis its real green and purple, black and blue you know how it is brother. you ever collect teeth and bones rib meat and such. Cut the V save the rib meat. Fuck anything core eat some rib meat after a fresh V cut. Good prime stuff. You know how it is, ever been to a funeral or wake? They used to call it a wake because the dead may actually wake up so we sit and wait and cry until they wake. If not 24 hours later lowered into the ground with bell, haha. Eat that meat brother.

Do you dig older women? Dig them right out of the fucking grave? Their eyes sunken in....Skinny....Skeletons.... Their eyes sunken in, skinny skeletons than can break in two when you try to fuck these chicks. You know that they got maggots crawling out of their fucking cunts, you know that, don't you?

[Apr 1,2008 2:06pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
We like the ones that make a wet velcro sound when you spread their legs, fresh out of the ground ofcourse. By the way gaysideservice is someone we know and we are going to .............................................................
[Apr 1,2008 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
this thread still remains of the gay.
[Apr 1,2008 3:20pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
Yeti I am surprised you dont like us, remember phantasm part II, GRAVESIDESERVICE is about to begin. Thats what were all about, brother...That atmosphere, stale, creepy, weird, truth...
[Apr 1,2008 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
i never said i didn't like your band, i just think this thread is lame.
[Apr 1,2008 3:23pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
agreed, tell that to boston beer pointer, hes the idiot bashing us and saying I threatened him with a knife
[Apr 1,2008 3:43pm - STLUCI ""]
ok ..from now on i'm not trusting any post that isn't an acual member . i have no idea who "GRAVESIDESERVICE is AWOL!" even is . its not me , or evilfltingv . i know the other guys don't have an account here and don't post here . who are you , GRAVESIDESERVICE is AWOL! ?
[Apr 1,2008 3:56pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
I'm the little boy you fucked in the ass last night, you ass clown.
[Apr 1,2008 7:46pm - STLUCI ""]
i'm not reading your posts remember fool !
no link ! your some frustrated little child who come on message boards to make yourself feel better by insulting others . very weak and a failed attempt .
[Apr 1,2008 11:23pm - ST_LUCI  ""]

"I'm retarded wanna be black metal."
[Apr 2,2008 2:26am - douchebag_patrol ""]

GRAVESIDESERVICE said:We like the ones that make a wet velcro sound when you spread their legs, fresh out of the ground ofcourse.

What's the worst thing about sex with an 80 year old woman?

It's like pulling apart a grilled cheese sandwich.
[Apr 2,2008 5:52pm - ipfreely ""]
"I'm retarded wanna be black metal."

speaking of tarded:
[Apr 2,2008 6:56pm - STLUCI ""]
that video is funny , but then you actually feel bad for laughing at it .
remember , if you you don't have a real account here , your comments are worthless .... easpecially the negative crap .
[Apr 4,2008 12:30pm - WOW  ""]
I cant believe this thread isnt dead. GRAVESIDESERVICE rules. Every other band out there plays the same thing everytime. The members of GRAVESIDESERVICE wont let this thread die. Yeah......................
[Apr 4,2008 12:35pm - ST Luci  ""]

Who like's fag ass wanna be Black Metal. I sure do.
[Apr 4,2008 12:41pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
takes there influence from early gg allen
[Apr 4,2008 12:44pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
oh and tormentor 777 recipe ferum album. They ripped it off, also they ripped off tormentors anno domini album. I know I been there. I ve seen things and stuff.
[Apr 4,2008 12:55pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
fat complex
[Apr 4,2008 1:16pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
point that beer
[Apr 4,2008 1:57pm - GRAVESIDESERVICE  ""]
No, point that GUNT
[Apr 4,2008 2:10pm - STLUCI ""]
great picture ... i'm not quite that fat but still you took the time to post picture and a comment . at least i'm memorable !
[Apr 5,2008 11:22pm - ipfreely ""]
I heard your going to have a special guest narrator on your next album? Paul...something?
[Apr 6,2008 2:44am - STLUCI ""]
wow .. i didn't think that was going to get out , but it did apparently . The next album will have 3 special narrations from Paul Douglas Valentine , the founder and operator of the WCSL . we saw him in a old horror documentary from the 80's , it was call scream greats II . I have since contacted and he definatly doing the narrations .
[Apr 6,2008 3:10am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 6,2008 12:55pm - ipfreely ""]
[Apr 6,2008 12:58pm - ipfreely ""]
Yeah I like girls too:
[Apr 8,2008 2:58pm - fuck you  ""]
we will never stop talking shit about gravesideservice
[Apr 8,2008 3:00pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:yawn

[Apr 8,2008 3:01pm - fuck you  ""]
fuck you
[Apr 8,2008 3:05pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:yawn

[Apr 8,2008 3:06pm - Boston Beer Pointer  ""]
Boston Beer Pointers going to kick your ass
[Apr 8,2008 3:07pm - W3 nli  ""]

W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:
W3%20nli said:yawn

[Apr 8,2008 7:51pm - ipfreely ""]
[Apr 8,2008 7:55pm - ipfreely ""]
[Apr 9,2008 12:16am - douchebag_patrol ""]

fuck%20you said:we will never stop talking shit about gravesideservice

[Sep 26,2008 6:25pm - McGunk  ""]
i used to be in this band and they are really boring and terrible now. They probably only got a guitarist just to to be able to say they have one, as they make him play the same simple power chord in all the songs because the keyboardist wants to get all the attention. Either that or he just can't really play. I saw some of the clips from the AS220 show and it was really, really boring and I couldn't even watch it was so annoying. The vocals suck bad now just a big whining jerkface and the stage setup was same ol same old and the costume the singer wore was embarassing and retarded! really sad. But whatever, I guess they are only doing it because they like it so I just say let em' if it makes them so happy.
[Dec 23,2010 9:00pm - McGunk.  ""]

McGunk said:i used to be in this band and they are really boring and terrible now. They probably only got a guitarist just to to be able to say they have one, as they make him play the same simple power chord in all the songs because the keyboardist wants to get all the attention. Either that or he just can't really play. I saw some of the clips from the AS220 show and it was really, really boring and I couldn't even watch it was so annoying. The vocals suck bad now just a big whining jerkface and the stage setup was same ol same old and the costume the singer wore was embarassing and retarded! really sad. But whatever, I guess they are only doing it because they like it so I just say let em' if it makes them so happy.

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