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New Origin album.

[Mar 24,2008 2:29pm - jebus_crispex ""]
[Mar 24,2008 2:33pm - ZenErik ""]
Is it boring as hell, or did they do something at least a little different from the past 3? The only difference between the first 3 albums is that the 1st one is slower.
[Mar 24,2008 2:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I am interested to hear it. It seems like alot of people don't like this band, but they do something for me. Hopefully it's better than the recent Vital Remains and Hate Eternal disappointments.
[Mar 24,2008 3:11pm - jebus_crispex ""]
You were disappointed with the new Hate Eternal? Damn dude, I thought it was a pretty solid album... but the last Vital Remains album was definitely a disappointment. As far as Antithesis goes it's pretty much more of the same but that's fine with me. I'm only about half way through so there could be a surprise coming up, but I doubt it. You should at least check it out and decide for yourself.
[Mar 24,2008 3:17pm - ZenErik ""]
I just get disappointed when bands show almost no evolution.

Unless it's Cryptopsy, haha. They de-volved.
[Mar 24,2008 3:19pm - SlyATNFAC ""]
i herd a new song on the myspace. it sounds sick.
[Mar 24,2008 3:46pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
i really dig origin and I have nothing but good things to say about the new hate eternal.
[Mar 24,2008 4:19pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
[Mar 24,2008 4:19pm - thegreatspaldino ""]


both are the new origin... choose which site you like more
[Mar 24,2008 4:21pm - dudebropocalypse  ""]
Thank you! I've been trying to get this off SMN but the forums are so crowded I can't even access the site.
[Mar 24,2008 5:06pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
the last cd was definitely a step up from the previous one, what I have heard of the new one so far doesnt sound soo much different.
[Mar 24,2008 5:10pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
it kind of is... theres more "groove" present.
[Mar 24,2008 6:21pm - handinjury ""]
Pretty brutal so far. About a time for a solo.
[Mar 25,2008 2:00am - SlyATNFAC ""]

thegreatspaldino said:http://rapidshare.com/files/102055465/orkhwww.mediaportal.ru.rar


both are the new origin... choose which site you like more

thanks you very much sir.
[Mar 25,2008 8:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks for the links -- I shall partake when I get home tonight.
[Mar 25,2008 8:42am - largefreakatzero ""]

jebus_crispex said:You were disappointed with the new Hate Eternal? Damn dude, I thought it was a pretty solid album... but the last Vital Remains album was definitely a disappointment. As far as Antithesis goes it's pretty much more of the same but that's fine with me. I'm only about half way through so there could be a surprise coming up, but I doubt it. You should at least check it out and decide for yourself.

I gave the new H.E. a fair and thorough listen, and compared to such past albums as King of all Kings, I believe it is fail. It has the same thick guitar layering and production as the previous albums, but the riffs just don't do anything for me. Perhaps it's the new drummer as well -- while he is very good, he just doesn't add the same feel as Roddy did.

With so many so-called br00tal metal bands out there, I'm just very picky what I listen to.
[Mar 25,2008 1:34pm - dudebropocalypse  ""]
This album is fucking great. I don't really see the Origin albums as being very similar to each other at all, S/T has a totally different vibe and style from III and Echoes is some all together different crazy shit.

I'm really liking the new one because it seems to incorporate elements from all three of the previous records. The songs have a lot more simple melodies interspersed like the first record but it has the insane cymbal work and heaviness of III, and then it goes into that ridiculous blast/tap/sweep type shit that was all over Echoes. GREAT RECORD!
[Mar 25,2008 6:57pm - metalguy ""]
Giving it a listen now and I think it definitely has some shit going on that isn't the same as all the shit they have done before...

But then again you have to go into it knowing what to expect from a band like this.

I am totally not disappointed
[Mar 25,2008 9:28pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Just downloaded, listening now. So far this pleases me greatly.
[Mar 25,2008 9:42pm - archaeon ""]
This is awesome so far
[Mar 26,2008 12:31pm - neverpurified ""]
I loved the last album, but it's great to hear them with Jeremy and John back in the band. it's origin as it should be
[Mar 26,2008 1:58pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I listened to the whole thing today. This fucking rules. It is nothing less than a relentless onslaught of punishment. I now have a stiffy.
[Mar 27,2008 6:01am - mortalis ""]
i think i like the new hour of penance more, but this shit is pretty killer. must be an intense live show.
[Mar 27,2008 8:34am - largefreakatzero ""]

mortalis said:i think i like the new hour of penance more, but this shit is pretty killer. must be an intense live show.

I haven't heard Hour of Penance -- is it along similar lines as Origin? Perhaps I shall order me a copy.
[Mar 27,2008 10:10am - markfuckingrichards ""]
New Hour of Penance is fucking RETARDED! Andy, you'll fucking love them. This new Origin is so fucking good...I listened to it twice yesterday and wish I was listening to it again right now. If you don't particularly care for Origin, you probably still won't like it too much but it has s lot more textural things happening that make it infectious as all hell.
[Mar 27,2008 10:18am - brad weymouth  ""]
when is this coming out?
[Mar 27,2008 10:22am - porphyria  ""]
I listened to the entire thing yesterday and I can't remember it. I.I.I. wins!
[Mar 27,2008 10:23am - porphyria  ""]
and the artwork is such a giger ripoff, especially the 'alien' on the back of the sleeve.
[Mar 27,2008 10:31am - largefreakatzero ""]

markfuckingrichards said:New Hour of Penance is fucking RETARDED! Andy, you'll fucking love them. This new Origin is so fucking good...I listened to it twice yesterday and wish I was listening to it again right now. If you don't particularly care for Origin, you probably still won't like it too much but it has s lot more textural things happening that make it infectious as all hell.

Will order H.O.P. today.
[Mar 27,2008 11:51am - markfuckingrichards ""]
Good man.
[Mar 27,2008 12:10pm - dudebropocalypse  ""]
H.O.P. are sweet but it's literally impossible to accurately make out exactly what the riffs are due to the overall sound of the CD and the guitar tone. It's like everything is sooo muddled. Kind frustrating to listen to after a while. It's like somebody trying to have a conversation with you with their mouth full of peanut butter.
[Mar 27,2008 1:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Interesting...it sounds clear to me...are we talking about "The Vile Conception?" A handful of riffs over blasts are a bit hard to make out at first because of the volume/frequency balance between guitar and drums, but overall I think it's pretty clear...maybe I just have it EQed differently on my computer?
[Mar 30,2008 11:02pm - brad weymouth  ""]
i think it's pretty sick, just as good as Echoes. killer drumming of course. i think i just heard roto toms? mont
[Apr 1,2008 3:56pm - archaeon ""]
God this band is amazing. I've never really listened to them that much. my ass has been kicked.
[Apr 1,2008 4:12pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
This cd is fuckin' gay.
[Apr 1,2008 4:14pm - largefreakatzero ""]
[Apr 1,2008 4:17pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
I'm only kidding. It's absolutely amazing and I have been blasting it in my car for the past two weeks.
[Apr 1,2008 4:30pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I think songs 1 & 10 are the best, but all of the tracks have something about them to keep you coming back.
[Apr 1,2008 4:43pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
1 and 9 have the potential to induce homicidal tenancies.
In my honest opinion, this is their best album to date.
[Apr 1,2008 7:18pm - brad weymouth  ""]
the appalling is the stand out track for me, from 2 minutes on that song is un fucking real
[Apr 1,2008 7:29pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
Yea, I only like from 1:02 to 1:43 of song one and 2:02 to 2:37 of song 9. That shit is un real. The rest of the cd is gayer than the easter bunny.
[Apr 5,2008 12:38pm - mulch  ""]
i Love this album. it ties for favorite with the demo for me...
[Jun 10,2008 3:12pm - largefreakatzero ""]
This is the thread I speak of.
[Jun 10,2008 5:27pm - immortal13 ""]
I see. Glad there's other people that like it to then.

I was also outta the loop for quite a while after a surgery so that's probably why I missed it.
[Jun 10,2008 8:17pm - quintessence ""]
This shit is kicking my scrote right now , holy fuck. Consuming Misery is fucking disgusting..
[Jul 3,2008 11:04am - ouchdrummer ""]
I just wanna say that after a LOT of listening to this record... I am absolutely obsessed. His fucking drumming.. i've heard their older stuff, but the drums weren't quite as good. His use of flams and accents within rolls are nuts. real, real, good solid drumming. And the whole record is super catchy. which is unreal for something that fast, but anytime i stop listening to this record (any song) the rest of that song plays in my head for hours. Bow down.
[Jul 3,2008 12:24pm - deathchick ""]
fucking insane
[Jul 3,2008 1:07pm - porphyria  ""]

deathchick said:fucking insane

hey look, longstreth is using mike/malig's stealth kit for the video

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