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Controversial metal opinions

[Mar 20,2008 9:48pm - ZJD ""]
This happened on another board with 3 or 4 people into metal so I figure it will work better on here. The other thread stayed civil though. I'll start.

Peace Sells > Master of Puppets
[Mar 20,2008 9:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Foolishness, good sir.
[Mar 20,2008 9:53pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm not too familiar with Peace sells. I've heard some and it sounded good.

Master of puppets is overrated.

Orion is damn good though.
[Mar 20,2008 9:55pm - narkybark ""]
Both albums are masterpieces of their era.

However, MoP > Peace.
[Mar 20,2008 10:13pm - ZJD ""]
Killing Is My Business > MoP
[Mar 20,2008 10:20pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
[Mar 20,2008 10:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That's arguable.

The Four Horsemen > The Mechanix, however - that's just science.
[Mar 20,2008 10:27pm - ZJD ""]
Mechanix >>>> Four Horsemen
[Mar 20,2008 10:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
<<<<<<<<<<<< moarlike. Doody-head.
[Mar 20,2008 10:39pm - brian_dc ""]
dicks = butts
[Mar 20,2008 10:39pm - brian_dc ""]
when dicks are in butts
[Mar 20,2008 10:48pm - brad weymouth  ""]
Gar can play better than Lars. Gar is dead, but still better
[Mar 20,2008 11:00pm - urinal turd  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:That's arguable.

The Four Horsemen > The Mechanix, however - that's just science.



puppets > peace sells
[Mar 20,2008 11:04pm - boine ""]

ZJD said:Killing Is My Business > MoP

you are correct sir
[Mar 20,2008 11:55pm - craig nli  ""]
Megadeth "Risk" still >>>>>>>>>>> anything metallica has ever done. haha
[Mar 21,2008 12:19am - boine ""]
but don't forget about the songs Dave helped metallica write which is some there best stuff
[Mar 21,2008 1:22am - swamplorddvm ""]

Their best overall album... uh, that I've heard so far.
[Mar 21,2008 1:36am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
some of the later Cradle of Filth albums had some appeal to them. they weren't great by any means, but there were some good things in them.
[Mar 21,2008 1:39am - This_Is_Heresy ""]
Heres one.... Slayer Sucks.
[Mar 21,2008 1:54am - Martins ""]

This_Is_Heresy said:Heres one.... Slayer Sucks.

For the most (if not all) part.

[Mar 21,2008 1:59am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Distortion is for cheater guitarists. Real guitarists shred so hard that the clean channel sounds just the same.
[Mar 21,2008 2:00am - swamplorddvm ""]

This_Is_Heresy said:Heres one.... Slayer Sucks.


Later Slayer is lame.

Old shit kicks ass.

Reign in blood is over rated.
[Mar 21,2008 2:37am - alexc ""]
slayer is about as talented as the ramones. that doesnt mean i dont enjoy listening to them, even if they do kind of write the same songs over and over.
[Mar 21,2008 3:14am - mortalis ""]
two words: chemical warfare
[Mar 21,2008 8:41am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
R&B > Metal
[Mar 21,2008 9:14am - brad weymouth  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:R&B > Metal

fuckin a dude, i'll take Motown over metal anyday
[Mar 21,2008 9:42am - ZJD ""]
Gallows Gallery > Hail Horror Hail
[Mar 21,2008 10:13am - now in kadoog-a-vision!  ""]
Pantera was a good band.

Br00tal slammy ree ree ree death metal is played out and fucking boring.

I'll think of more.
[Mar 21,2008 10:15am - RichHorror ""]
Peace Sells isn't even the best Megadeth album.
[Mar 21,2008 10:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
I could never get past Mustaine's annoying vocals.
[Mar 21,2008 10:19am - ZJD ""]
MoP isn't Metallica's best either. IMO, it goes Ride the Lightning, Kill 'em All, MoP/Justice
[Mar 21,2008 10:19am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont mind his voice i just hate how he doesnt move his lips or mouth when he sings. just doesnt seem right somehow.
[Mar 21,2008 10:19am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I'd say Ride The Lightning.
[Mar 21,2008 10:31am - Yeti ""]
...And Justice For All > Master of Puppets
[Mar 21,2008 10:31am - ZJD ""]
Yeah, in which case Rust in Peace > Ride the Lightning> Killing is my Business/Peace Sells > Kill em All > Mop/Justice
[Mar 21,2008 10:33am - ZJD ""]
Basically I like Megadeth more than Metallica. This is not controversial.

All Motorhead songs pretty much sound the same.
[Mar 21,2008 10:35am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Slayer > Motorhead
[Mar 21,2008 10:37am - Yeti ""]
Godflesh > all
[Mar 21,2008 11:27am - now in kadoog-a-vision!  ""]
Motorhead is not a metal band. They are one of the greatest rock n roll bands in history. Same with AC/DC.
[Mar 21,2008 11:35am - dreadkill ""]

ZJD said:Gallows Gallery > Hail Horror Hail
i agree
[Mar 21,2008 11:36am - dreadkill ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Slayer > Motorhead
no way
[Mar 21,2008 11:37am - dreadkill ""]
motorhead and rush = 2 greatest bands of all time
[Mar 21,2008 11:39am - dreadkill ""]
slayer is the most overrated metal band ever. last decent album was divine intervention.
[Mar 21,2008 11:41am - RichHorror ""]

dreadkill said:slayer is the most overrated metal band ever. last decent album was seasons in the abyss.

[Mar 21,2008 11:44am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:motorhead and rush = 2 greatest bands of all time

i dunno Motorhead bores me. i am however a huge Rush fan.
[Mar 21,2008 12:12pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Here's my controversial opinion:

First 4 Metallica ablums > First 4 Megadeth Albums as a group overall.


Rust In Peace on its own > any of Metallicas first 4 on their own

I'm also not a big fan of Peace Sells...I like it but think it's over-rated.
[Mar 21,2008 12:17pm - Whoremastery ""]
megadeth was always better than metallica in my book
[Mar 21,2008 12:37pm - dreadkill ""]

RichHorror said:
dreadkill said:slayer is the most overrated metal band ever. last decent album was seasons in the abyss.


hard to argue there. i think the last good album was seasons in the abyss, but i consider divine intervention to be decent, definitely not a classic.
[Mar 21,2008 12:38pm - dreadkill ""]
here's a controversial opinion: youthanasia is one of megadeth's best albums.
[Mar 21,2008 1:35pm - aril  ""]
Old Iron Maiden w/o Bruce = Better than everything with Bruce.

There. I said it.
[Mar 21,2008 1:39pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Bah! I love Pauls voice and while Killers is a great album, I think most of the latter stuff with Bruce is better than the s/t album...with logic, we've got like 6 great Bruce albums and 1 Paul album.
[Mar 21,2008 1:41pm - aril  ""]
Understandable and respectable opinion; but for some reason, I've always thought Killers was the best Maiden album with or without Bruce. Not sure why, just always have.
[Mar 21,2008 1:48pm - boine ""]
it is cause killers is there best album hands down
[Mar 21,2008 2:03pm - Whoremastery ""]
my opinion~Somewhere in time is there best~
[Mar 21,2008 2:34pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

dreadkill said:here's a controversial opinion: youthanasia is one of megadeth's best albums.

[Mar 21,2008 2:44pm - SW  ""]
Mudvayne's "L.D. 50" beats the shit out of most death metal. Especially the bass and drums.

Not respected by "true" metal heads.
[Mar 21,2008 3:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i like LD50 but it doesnt even come close good death metal.
[Mar 21,2008 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
Dimmu Borgir fucking rules.
[Mar 21,2008 3:27pm - neverpurified ""]
Cannibal Corpse is way better with George Fisher than they ever were with Chris Barnes
[Mar 21,2008 3:28pm - alexc ""]
Testament deserves more fame and success than slayer and anthrax combine.
[Mar 21,2008 3:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

neverpurified said:Cannibal Corpse is way better with George Fisher than they ever were with Chris Barnes

i think pretty much everyone would agree with that. fuck chris barnes.
[Mar 21,2008 3:33pm - Kinslayer  ""]

neverpurified said:Cannibal Corpse is way better with George Fisher than they ever were with Chris Barnes

WRONG. The Bleeding is the best CC album and that has Barnes so...you're wrong IMO ;)

alexc said:Testament deserves more fame and success than slayer and anthrax combine.

Only 'The Legacy' matters... but it matters A LOT and doesn't get the attention it deserves.
[Mar 21,2008 3:34pm - alexc ""]
no way dude. souls of black, the new order and the gathering are also ridiculously sweet.
[Mar 21,2008 3:38pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Kinslayer said:
neverpurified said:Cannibal Corpse is way better with George Fisher than they ever were with Chris Barnes

WRONG. The Bleeding is the best CC album and that has Barnes so...you're wrong IMO ;)

I have nothing against that album. in fact, it does in fact rule. I just think George does a better job handling the vocal duties. i never got to see them with Chris live but the videos i saw werent that impressive.


Coprsegrinder > Chris Barnes IMHO
[Mar 21,2008 3:49pm - narkybark ""]
speaking of vocalists, this seems to be unpopular, so...

Covan > Sauron

[Mar 21,2008 3:51pm - SW  ""]
Sepultura > Slayer
[Mar 21,2008 4:02pm - alexc ""]

SW said:Sepultura > Slayer

backed 200%
[Mar 21,2008 4:51pm - ThirdKnuckle ""]

ZJD said: All Motorhead songs pretty much sound the same.

yeah, if the only Motorhead album you own is 'Ace of Spades'
[Mar 21,2008 4:53pm - dreadkill ""]
i will agree that some motorhead songs sound similar, but they are an undeniably amazing band. i think they're better than any metal band ever, and that's viewing motorhead as a rock band, not a metal band.
[Mar 21,2008 6:05pm - infect sli sli sli  ""]
hell awaits is the best slayer album, yes, better than reign in blood
[Mar 21,2008 8:11pm - demondave ""]

Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles is a total dick suck fest. It is not even like there is a specific article that I would link to... Is is an overall opinion that I have of them. has anyone read the mag or gone to the site? The mag pales i comparison to Terrorizer. BW&BK writes articles that are as informative as any band's myspace page. The website does have a lot of new info, and I do go there to skim the headlines, but there seem to be way too many things like: "Dave Mustaine debating switching endorsements" .... "Steve Harris okay'd a minor change in photo gallery in official website" .. "Opeth farted today reports allude to.." total fanboy blowjobs...
[Mar 21,2008 9:25pm - Whoremastery ""]
exhorder and wargasm were the greatest metal bands on earth! and didnt get the respect they deserved...IMO
[Mar 21,2008 10:00pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
schuldiner was gay.
[Mar 21,2008 10:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]

corpus_colostomy said:schuldiner was gay.

Not the first time I've heard that.
[Mar 21,2008 10:32pm - The Recording Academy  ""]
Jethro Tull deserved that Grammy.
[Mar 21,2008 10:34pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
Rust in Peace > And Justice For All > Master of Puppets

i thought that was common knowledge?
[Mar 21,2008 10:41pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

infect%20sli%20sli%20sli said:hell awaits is the best slayer album, yes, better than reign in blood

no it isnt.

now the REAL debate, that i even have trouble with myself depending on my mood. Darkness Descends or Reign in Blood? they both present a similar idea musically and while Slayer's album has much better production, Darkness Descends sounds good enough to listen to and you can actually hear the bass (!!!). Granted we all know who "won" as Slayer is a little more well known but Dark Angel whooped some serious ass. i like one better than the other at different times and moods.
[Mar 22,2008 1:01am - camel  ""]
dark angel is way overrated.

haunting the chapel=best slayer
[Mar 22,2008 2:29am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

SW said:Sepultura > Slayer

Ooh, ooh, that reminds me - Chaos A.D. is a fine goddamn album. It's no Schizophrenia, but for what it is that's a tasty stack of songs. (Whereas Roots is just utter trash.)
[Mar 22,2008 3:08am - josh_hates_you ""]
gary cherone > sammy hagar > eddie van halen

i googled gary cherone to make sure i spelled his name right. who knew that faggot lives in boston?
[Mar 22,2008 6:16am - thegreatspaldino ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
SW said:Sepultura > Slayer

Ooh, ooh, that reminds me - Chaos A.D. is a fine goddamn album. It's no Schizophrenia, but for what it is that's a tasty stack of songs. (Whereas Roots is just utter trash.)

Chaos AD is garbage compared to Arise. Schizo is second in the Sepultura catalogue
[Mar 22,2008 8:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Seriously? Arise over Schizophrenia? THIS IS MADNESS.
[Mar 22,2008 8:41am - corpus_colostomy ""]
chaos ad was sick!!
[Mar 22,2008 8:49am - thegreatspaldino ""]
the production, the song structures... everything was done better on Arise. an amazing effort from a more mature thrash band. sadly after Arise they turned into the the sik brazillian groove laden "JUMP THA FUX UP d00D!" morons that everyone knows them for. sadder still... is that someone can listen to Chaos AD and then hear Beneath the Remains and not even know its the same band.
[Mar 22,2008 9:39am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Seriously? Arise over Schizophrenia? THIS IS MADNESS.

[Mar 22,2008 9:55am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.
[Mar 22,2008 10:08am - corpus_colostomy ""]
:nuke: oh mess!
[Mar 22,2008 10:08am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Getting kicked in the balls by an ostrich >>>>>>> post-1994 Emperor
[Mar 22,2008 12:08pm - urinal turd  ""]

josh_hates_you said:
i googled gary cherone to make sure i spelled his name right. who knew that faggot lives in boston?

ummm....i think everyone.
[Mar 22,2008 1:44pm - alexc ""]
beneath the remains is OBVIOUSLY the best sepultura album

also phil anselmo = homo
[Mar 22,2008 1:48pm - KPANZER  ""]
The Jon Corabi MOTLEY CRUE record is amazing.
[Mar 22,2008 5:29pm - rotivore ""]
how about sepultura "roots" was a good album.....for one album...... almost like a concept album......but then was ruined by the continuation of soulfly and later sepultura
[Mar 22,2008 8:22pm - atthehaunted ""]
Isn't this thread about Master of Puppets or Peace Sells? Damn u guys have ADD or some shit haha But I root for Master
[Mar 22,2008 8:29pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Getting kicked in the balls by an ostrich >>>>>>> post-1994 Emperor

I'll follow up on my earlier one....

ANY EMPEROR>>>Slayer>>>Cannibal Corpse

[Mar 22,2008 8:53pm - rotivore ""]

atthehaunted said:Isn't this thread about Master of Puppets or Peace Sells? Damn u guys have ADD or some shit haha But I root for Master
master is better and not even in comparison to peace sells.......where did that come from?......and where in the title of the thread was it limited to just MoP vs PS........youz her head dummy. its controversial metal opinions.....nothing specific.......and actually a great thread for a dying discussion board plagued wit everything but metal critque......unity is for hardcore kids....I dont care what you did today.......review a new release or something or reveal an opinion on a recent musical metal discovery, eventhough this whole site is founded premise of paparrazi of metal. its just alot of gossip to boot. you could easly put out a "people" magazine spinoff called "RTTP" wit all the photos and all the gossip columns. hail CNV and righteous free thinking!
[Mar 22,2008 9:19pm - atthehaunted ""]
U go home girl
[Mar 22,2008 10:06pm - ZJD ""]
Sleep's Holy Mountain is heavier than death metal in it's entirety.
[Mar 22,2008 11:00pm - yummy ""]
I'm not sure which of the 2 Megadeth albums I like better. I like RIP for it's technicality and song structure but Peace Sells was just better thrash and never got the full recognition that it deserved because of the sound quality which I happened to think is what makes it better. My Last Words...no more need be said.

I can't compare Peace Sells to MOP but think Rust in Peace is better than MOP. Whoever mentioned Testament...absolutely up there with the aforementioned.

Beneath the Remains>Arise>Schizophrenia>Chaos AD(didn't care too much for it).

Corpsegrinder never sang on a good album with CC. But he does a mean windmill. The Bleeding was the best they got no matter who sang.

I agree with you MSD. Almost all death metal is boring.
[Mar 23,2008 1:11am - OlafFromRussia ""]
Oh look.
A Megadeth vs Metallica thread.
This is not exasperatingly unoriginal.

Killing Is My Business = RtL > Kill'Em All
MoP > Peace Sells > ...aJFA > So Far So Good...
RIP > ...aJFA
Youthinasia > CTE = S/T
Everything after that... who cares.


...oh yeah. Controversial thoughts on metal. Most metal heads are close minded, pathetic, hypocritical pricks. They grow into this shit because they're sick of the establishment, denounce authoritarianism, and look at what they become.
These people are just like Catholics. Act like us, dress like us, do what we do, or prepare for inquisition.

And then you have the pricks who cry and complain about girls or just beat the shit out of them, and yet they wonder why good looking classy women want nothing to do with them... which just feeds the cycle. Or the 20 something yr olds who think they're brutal, but they live in the suburbs with their mom and stay clear from the same black neighborhoods as everyone else. What an amusing counter-culture.
[Mar 23,2008 2:36am - xkingdiamondx  ""]
inquisition > Immortal > everything else
[Mar 23,2008 8:37am - corpus_colostomy ""]

atthehaunted said:Isn't this thread about Master of Puppets or Peace Sells? Damn u guys have ADD or some shit haha But I root for Master

let the record show this is about controversial metal opinions...which, as you might glean, seem to be epitomized by the metallica vs megadeth argument. those who are digressing into other 'metal topics,' are well within the scope of this thread. we don't have ADD you just don't know how to read...
[Mar 23,2008 10:25am - aterribleguitarist ""]
Controvertial metal opinion?

Grand Declaration of War = Mayhem's best album

Ordo Ad Chao = boring, unlistenable shit
[Mar 23,2008 10:39am - now in kadoog-a-vision!  ""]

OlafFromRussia said:

...oh yeah. Controversial thoughts on metal. Most metal heads are close minded, pathetic, hypocritical pricks. They grow into this shit because they're sick of the establishment, denounce authoritarianism, and look at what they become.
These people are just like Catholics. Act like us, dress like us, do what we do, or prepare for inquisition.

And then you have the pricks who cry and complain about girls or just beat the shit out of them, and yet they wonder why good looking classy women want nothing to do with them... which just feeds the cycle. Or the 20 something yr olds who think they're brutal, but they live in the suburbs with their mom and stay clear from the same black neighborhoods as everyone else. What an amusing counter-culture.

YES! Russian man for the win.
[Mar 23,2008 4:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

OlafFromRussia said:Killing Is My Business = RtL > Kill'Em All
MoP > Peace Sells > ...aJFA > So Far So Good...
RIP > ...aJFA
Youthinasia > CTE = S/T

[Mar 23,2008 7:43pm - dreadkill ""]

KPANZER said:The Jon Corabi MOTLEY CRUE record is amazing.
probably their best album
[Mar 23,2008 7:49pm - dreadkill ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.

you are being generous. i say 99% of death metal is boring crap with appliance vocals and no memorable riffs. i like older death metal, but i could probably count on one hand the amount of good death metal records released in the last five years. good death metal worth listening to is a rarity these days.

every other genre of metal > death metal.
[Mar 23,2008 7:50pm - dreadkill ""]

yummy said:
Beneath the Remains>Arise>Schizophrenia>Chaos AD(didn't care too much for it).

switch the order of btr and arise and that's how my list goes too.
[Mar 24,2008 8:21am - i_am_lazy  ""]

ZJD said:Gallows Gallery > Hail Horror Hail

Whoa, I love Gallows Gallery, but I still think I prefer Hail Horror Hail.
[Mar 24,2008 8:22am - i_am_lazy  ""]

alexc said:Testament deserves more fame and success than slayer and anthrax combine.

Nah. Slayer and Anthrax can at least sound halfway decent live.
[Mar 24,2008 9:39am - contagion ""]
i like the new megadeth song sleepwalker
[Mar 24,2008 12:24pm - Karma-Enema  ""]

dreadkill said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.

you are being generous. i say 99% of death metal is boring crap with appliance vocals and no memorable riffs. i like older death metal, but i could probably count on one hand the amount of good death metal records released in the last five years. good death metal worth listening to is a rarity these days.

every other genre of metal > death metal.

this coming from someone praising motley crue doesnt have much weight.
and how idiotic the rest of you are.....ohh this bands better than that band and this albums greater than that one...

metallica vs megadeth ! slayer vs sepultura !

further proof of an intelligence lacking local scene

[Mar 24,2008 12:32pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I think puppets was better than peace sells, but i will admit i thought the solos on kill em all that mustane wrote were better than most hammet solos through his whole career.
[Mar 24,2008 12:33pm - Martins ""]

dreadkill said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.

you are being generous. i say 99% of death metal is boring crap with appliance vocals and no memorable riffs. i like older death metal, but i could probably count on one hand the amount of good death metal records released in the last five years. good death metal worth listening to is a rarity these days.

every other genre of metal > death metal.

The problem with death metal these days is a lack of focus on songwriting. A lot of bands just try to go for that whole wall of sound approach to sound brutal or be heavy. While sometimes that's awesome it absolutely sucks. If bands started actually concentrating on what they were playing then maybe death metal could turn around. This, of course, does not apply to all death metal bands because there are more than enough that know what they are doing out there.
[Mar 24,2008 12:36pm - dreadkill ""]

Karma-Enema said:
dreadkill said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.

you are being generous. i say 99% of death metal is boring crap with appliance vocals and no memorable riffs. i like older death metal, but i could probably count on one hand the amount of good death metal records released in the last five years. good death metal worth listening to is a rarity these days.

every other genre of metal > death metal.

this coming from someone praising motley crue doesnt have much weight.
and how idiotic the rest of you are.....ohh this bands better than that band and this albums greater than that one...

metallica vs megadeth ! slayer vs sepultura !

further proof of an intelligence lacking local scene

i never praised motley crue, so that shows how unintelligent you are. i said the corabi album is probably the best motley crue album. i never said i was a fan of motley crue. a few songs here and there are ok, but overall, i think motley crue sucks.

your anonymous opinion doesn't carry much weight. i don't understand how people mentioning which bands and albums they like better than others shows proof of a lack of intelligence. these people aren't misrepresenting factual information, they're simply expressing their opinions.
[Mar 24,2008 12:37pm - dreadkill ""]

Martins said:
dreadkill said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.

you are being generous. i say 99% of death metal is boring crap with appliance vocals and no memorable riffs. i like older death metal, but i could probably count on one hand the amount of good death metal records released in the last five years. good death metal worth listening to is a rarity these days.

every other genre of metal > death metal.

The problem with death metal these days is a lack of focus on songwriting. A lot of bands just try to go for that whole wall of sound approach to sound brutal or be heavy. While sometimes that's awesome it absolutely sucks. If bands started actually concentrating on what they were playing then maybe death metal could turn around. This, of course, does not apply to all death metal bands because there are more than enough that know what they are doing out there.

i'm with you. the songwriting is horrendous these days in death metal. it's more of a pissing contest about who can be more brutal and whose vocalist can sound like the biggest kitchen appliance.
[Mar 24,2008 12:58pm - contagion ""]

dreadkill said:
Martins said:
dreadkill said:
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Fuck reading this whole thread. I'll just state my opinion and leave.

95% of death metal = boring.

you are being generous. i say 99% of death metal is boring crap with appliance vocals and no memorable riffs. i like older death metal, but i could probably count on one hand the amount of good death metal records released in the last five years. good death metal worth listening to is a rarity these days.

every other genre of metal > death metal.

The problem with death metal these days is a lack of focus on songwriting. A lot of bands just try to go for that whole wall of sound approach to sound brutal or be heavy. While sometimes that's awesome it absolutely sucks. If bands started actually concentrating on what they were playing then maybe death metal could turn around. This, of course, does not apply to all death metal bands because there are more than enough that know what they are doing out there.

i'm with you. the songwriting is horrendous these days in death metal. it's more of a pissing contest about who can be more brutal and whose vocalist can sound like the biggest kitchen appliance.

nothing more dissatisfying than getting pumped for a new CD only to have it be a piece of shit metal by numbers brutality contest.
[Mar 24,2008 1:03pm - aril  ""]
curious, but what would your opinions be on the .01% of good death metal bands today?
i've been listening to ache er cock's Antichrist album a lot..I'd throw them in that .01%
[Mar 24,2008 1:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd like to see Marilyn Manson's approach to a Black Metal project.
[Mar 24,2008 1:10pm - Martins ""]

aril said:curious, but what would your opinions be on the .01% of good death metal bands today?
i've been listening to ache er cock's Antichrist album a lot..I'd throw them in that .01%

I'm the kind of guy who's willing to try any metal. That 0.01% of death metal is usually amazing. Akercocke's Antichrist isn't bad but there are parts when it gets really dull and deteriorates to sections of songs that have no impact. I don't know if they're amazing but I guess they're not bad.

My #1 favorite band is Spawn of Possession. Whatever anyone says about it, no one can deny that Jonas Brysling knows what he's doing. His songwriting is amazing.

Also, to add to the metal opinion controversy, Meshuggah is terrible. So bad. It's a bunch of pseudo-technical riffs thrown over nonsensical drums with a cymbal hit every quarter note. It's not brutal or mind-blowing. It's dumb.
[Mar 24,2008 1:13pm - Karma-Enema  ""]


i never praised motley crue, so that shows how unintelligent you are. i said the corabi album is probably the best motley crue album. i never said i was a fan of motley crue. a few songs here and there are ok, but overall, i think motley crue sucks.

your anonymous opinion doesn't carry much weight. i don't understand how people mentioning which bands and albums they like better than others shows proof of a lack of intelligence. these people aren't misrepresenting factual information, they're simply expressing their opinions.>>

ok so i ASSumed you were a fan since you know their music and comment freely on it . so sorry .

my opinion held enough weight for a response from you.

but how can one compare one band to another ?
does one compare beers to wine ?
beers are better than wine but i would eat grapes before hops anyday .

love french fries but i hate vodka

[Mar 24,2008 1:17pm - dreadkill ""]

aril said:curious, but what would your opinions be on the .01% of good death metal bands today?
i've been listening to ache er cock's Antichrist album a lot..I'd throw them in that .01%

i like akercocke but i think they mix too many styles to be considered death metal. i just never really think of them as a death metal band.
[Mar 24,2008 1:28pm - dreadkill ""]

Karma-Enema said:

i never praised motley crue, so that shows how unintelligent you are. i said the corabi album is probably the best motley crue album. i never said i was a fan of motley crue. a few songs here and there are ok, but overall, i think motley crue sucks.

your anonymous opinion doesn't carry much weight. i don't understand how people mentioning which bands and albums they like better than others shows proof of a lack of intelligence. these people aren't misrepresenting factual information, they're simply expressing their opinions.

ok so i ASSumed you were a fan since you know their music and comment freely on it . so sorry .

my opinion held enough weight for a response from you.

but how can one compare one band to another ?
does one compare beers to wine ?
beers are better than wine but i would eat grapes before hops anyday .

love french fries but i hate vodka

comparing metallica and megadeth is more like comparing mcdonald's fries and burger king's fries than french fries to vodka.
[Mar 24,2008 1:35pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
let no joke swoop over thy head
[Mar 24,2008 1:38pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
dumbass vodka is made from taters.....as is fries
same source of derivation....different outcomes(or flavors)

man i hate having to spell things out
[Mar 24,2008 1:50pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
my daddy touches my in my no-no place.
[Mar 24,2008 1:55pm - atthehaunted ""]
Thank you for everyone who clarified my mistake I understood it after the first person. I did misread the title. THANX But I still think WE all have ADD haha
[Mar 24,2008 2:11pm - dreadkill ""]

Karma-Enema said:dumbass vodka is made from taters.....as is fries
same source of derivation....different outcomes(or flavors)

man i hate having to spell things out

i know that, but they are two completely different things made from the same source. metallica and megadeth were two similar bands, not two bands that sound completely different, which is why i said it was more like comparing one fast food chain's fries to another. comparing french fries and vodka is like comparing megadeth to creedence clearwater revival. both are bands with the same source instruments (guitar, drums, vocals), but they make completely different types of music that don't lend themselves to a good comparison.
[Mar 24,2008 2:49pm - KarmaEnema ""]

Karma-Enema said:my daddy touches my in my no-no place.

ahahaha if your gonna pretend to be me you need to spell correctly.

and how are you gonna discredit me when everyone hates me anyway?

besides brad from weymouth of course
[Mar 24,2008 5:26pm - ZJD ""]
Here's one I should have started with.

I think Load is a way better album than The Black Album.
[Mar 24,2008 5:39pm - narkybark ""]
Load was aptly named.
[Mar 24,2008 6:53pm - dreadkill ""]
re-load and risk are better than master of puppets, peace sells, altars of madness, number of the beast, reign in blood, led zeppelin 4, rubber soul, and paul simon's call me al.
[Mar 24,2008 6:55pm - ZJD ""]
I wouldn't go that far, I'd say they are better than the black album, but that's it. Also, I like Load way better than Re-Load, which i didn't think was that good.
[Mar 24,2008 6:59pm - dreadkill ""]
if load and reload was anything like the movie twins, load would be the danny devito twin, and reload would be the retarded mongoloid danny devito twin. none of them would be the arnold twin.
[Mar 24,2008 7:07pm - ancient master  ""]
paul dianno is better than bruce dickinson any day
[Mar 24,2008 7:27pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Janick is better than Dave and Andrien...

hahaha JKz LOLzz
[Mar 24,2008 11:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Load would be a great album if it wasnt composed a band named Metallica. it will continue to be overlooked because of this.
[Mar 24,2008 11:52pm - BSV  ""]
Conspiracy > "Them"
Judas Priest > Iron Maiden
Soulside Journey/Panzerfaust/Total Death > Blaze in the Northern Sky/Under a Funeral Moon/Transilvanian Hunger
[Mar 25,2008 12:04am - neverpurified ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Load would be a great album if it wasnt composed a band named Metallica. it will continue to be overlooked because of this.

agreed 100% there's some great songs on that album
[Mar 25,2008 12:22am - ZJD ""]

BSV said:
Judas Priest > Iron Maiden

Mercyful Fate > (Judas Priest + Iron Maiden) x 10

[Mar 25,2008 12:29am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
Metallica died when Cliff died, right after that they ran out of Mustaine-written material.
they used Mustaine's stuff (check the songwriting credits) on every album through "...and Justice For All". They haven't written ANYTHING GOOD since that album, and it's 20 YEARS OLD
the Black Album is a sell-out, commercial piece of crap
[Mar 25,2008 12:30am - ThirdKnuckle ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:Metallica died when Cliff died, right after that they ran out of Mustaine-written material.
they used Mustaine's stuff (check the songwriting credits) on every album through "...and Justice For All". They haven't written ANYTHING GOOD since that album, and it's 20 YEARS OLD
the Black Album is a sell-out, commercial piece of crap

i agree
[Mar 25,2008 1:13am - Martins ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:
ThirdKnuckle said:Metallica died when Cliff died, right after that they ran out of Mustaine-written material.
they used Mustaine's stuff (check the songwriting credits) on every album through "...and Justice For All". They haven't written ANYTHING GOOD since that album, and it's 20 YEARS OLD
the Black Album is a sell-out, commercial piece of crap

i agree

THROUGH ...And Justice For All?
I'm pretty sure that none of the songwriting credits go to Mustaine on Justice which I personally thing is the best Metallica album and equal to Rust in Peace.
[Mar 25,2008 3:34am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

BSV said:Conspiracy > "Them"

No way.
[Mar 25,2008 10:36am - KPANZER  ""]
[Mar 25,2008 10:37am - ThirdKnuckle ""]

Martins said:
ThirdKnuckle said:
ThirdKnuckle said:Metallica died when Cliff died, right after that they ran out of Mustaine-written material.
they used Mustaine's stuff (check the songwriting credits) on every album through "...and Justice For All". They haven't written ANYTHING GOOD since that album, and it's 20 YEARS OLD
the Black Album is a sell-out, commercial piece of crap

i agree

THROUGH ...And Justice For All?
I'm pretty sure that none of the songwriting credits go to Mustaine on Justice which I personally thing is the best Metallica album and equal to Rust in Peace.

yes, THROUGH "...and Justice For All"; Mustaine wrote parts of "To Live is to Die"
[Mar 25,2008 10:41am - dreadkill ""]

ZJD said:
BSV said:
Judas Priest > Iron Maiden

Mercyful Fate > (Judas Priest + Iron Maiden) x 10

i agree with this one 100%. i love priest and maiden, but mercyful fate i like mercyful fate way more.
[Mar 25,2008 10:42am - dreadkill ""]
the black album has some really good tunes on it.
[Mar 25,2008 10:52am - KPANZER  ""]
As long as DISCHARGE records,tapes,cd's & mp3's exsist, there is no reason to listen to any other d-beat,crust or punk band.*

*this also makes 75% of all metal bands useless as well.
[Mar 25,2008 11:47am - The Revealer  ""]
Y'know what Sepultura needs? More black guys.
[Mar 25,2008 12:09pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 25,2008 12:38pm - Martins ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:
Martins said:
ThirdKnuckle said:
ThirdKnuckle said:Metallica died when Cliff died, right after that they ran out of Mustaine-written material.
they used Mustaine's stuff (check the songwriting credits) on every album through "...and Justice For All". They haven't written ANYTHING GOOD since that album, and it's 20 YEARS OLD
the Black Album is a sell-out, commercial piece of crap

i agree

THROUGH ...And Justice For All?
I'm pretty sure that none of the songwriting credits go to Mustaine on Justice which I personally thing is the best Metallica album and equal to Rust in Peace.

yes, THROUGH "...and Justice For All"; Mustaine wrote parts of "To Live is to Die"

Alright cool but "To Live is to Die" isn't the only song on that album. And, according to Wikipedia (WHICH IS ALWAYS ALWAYS TRUE!!!!!), the credits go to Cliff Burton, Lars, and Hetfield. Oh well. Nice use of a semi-colon.
[Mar 25,2008 12:42pm - W3 nli  ""]


dood WTF, you can have both in a delicious treat
[Mar 25,2008 12:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

W3%20nli said:

dood WTF, you can have both in a delicious treat

[Mar 25,2008 12:54pm - W3 nli  ""]
[Mar 25,2008 2:32pm - ZJD ""]

KPANZER said:As long as DISCHARGE records,tapes,cd's & mp3's exsist, there is no reason to listen to any other d-beat,crust or punk band.*

*this also makes 75% of all metal bands useless as well.

[Mar 25,2008 2:42pm - W3 nli  ""]

ZJD said:
KPANZER said:As long as DISCHARGE records,tapes,cd's & mp3's exsist, there is no reason to listen to any other d-beat,crust or punk band.*

*this also makes 75% of all metal bands useless as well.


actually that a pretty cut statement, however id throw Doom and His Hero Is Gone in there too
[Mar 25,2008 3:34pm - dudebropocalypse  ""]

BSV said:Conspiracy > "Them"

I totally agree with that. "Them" definitely has some classic, definitive King Diamond moments (e.g. "GRAANNNNNDMAA") and the narrative aspect of it is really strong, but Conspiracy has heavier riffs and more diversity between songs.
[Mar 25,2008 3:43pm - dreadkill ""]
early mercyful fate > king diamond (the band not the guy)
[Mar 25,2008 4:09pm - ZJD ""]

dreadkill said:early mercyful fate > king diamond (the band not the guy)

Agreed, but I don't think this is at all controversial.
[Mar 25,2008 4:15pm - dreadkill ""]

ZJD said:
dreadkill said:early mercyful fate > king diamond (the band not the guy)

Agreed, but I don't think this is at all controversial.

i figured it was a bit against popular opinion, since king diamond is more popular and i hear more people talking about the greatness of that stuff and not as many talking about mercyful fate, but not very controversial.
[Mar 25,2008 4:41pm - Blue ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:95% of death metal = boring.

dont forget....

95% of black metal = just as bad.

oh, and

judas priest = iron maiden = mercyful fate. i couldnt choose between just one.
[Mar 25,2008 4:44pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
how about 95% of contemporary music is bad...
the top 5% makes life worth living..no? :gun:
[Mar 25,2008 5:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

W3%20nli said:

dood WTF, you can have both in a delicious treat

Funny part is, I somehow reversed the arrow on that - when CLEARLY it should read "PEANUT BUTTER > CHOCOLATE." How silly of me.
[Mar 31,2008 2:14pm - rotivore ""]
Morbid Angel
formulas fatal to the flesh>gateways to annihlation, heretic, and domination
[Mar 31,2008 2:33pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
Piggy > Dimebag
[Mar 31,2008 2:36pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ihsahn > Chuck
[Mar 31,2008 3:18pm - Yeti ""]
Burzum >>>>>>>> Mayhem
[Mar 31,2008 4:14pm - xmikex ""]
TLC > Destiny's Child
[Mar 31,2008 8:50pm - demondave ""]
Count Grishnacht's vocals sucked except for Filosofem. And that probably wasn't his idea to put the distortion on them. If the other lp's had that effect, I would listen to them a lot more. Filosofem is his best release both musically and in sound.
[Mar 31,2008 8:57pm - ancient master  ""]

rotivore said:Morbid Angel
formulas fatal to the flesh>gateways to annihlation, heretic, and domination

Dave Vincent > anything with Steve Tucker, but I dont think thats controversial?
[Mar 31,2008 8:59pm - ancient master  ""]
capricornus is a shitty drummer
[Mar 31,2008 9:35pm - Conservationist ""]
Pantera is closer to Emo than Death Metal.
[Mar 31,2008 9:36pm - dreadkill ""]

thuringwethil%20at%20the%20library said:Piggy > Dimebag
that isn't controversial, it is fact.
[Apr 1,2008 3:18pm - unholy_dave ""]
i didn't read the whole thread in detail but i'm pretty damn certain no one has said this, which i whole-heartedly believe:

I've never seen Slayer. The only album i own is "Undisputed Attitude", which i bought when i was in high school, before i was into a lot of metal. After hearing Tom Araya sing sing the last line of "Guilty of Being White" as "guilty of being right", i decided those pricks would never see another cent of my money. True story.

also, illegible band logos* are fucking retarded and obnoxious.
*this does not apply to Darkthrone's logo, for example, because it is in fact legible. And badass as hell.
[Apr 1,2008 3:24pm - Yeti ""]

demondave said:Count Grishnacht's vocals sucked except for Filosofem. And that probably wasn't his idea to put the distortion on them. If the other lp's had that effect, I would listen to them a lot more. Filosofem is his best release both musically and in sound.

one of the things that kept me from liking Filosofem for a long time was his vocals. i thought they sounded so weak and lost all of their insane shriek. i love Filosofem, i just wish he sounded more like the early stuff. he sounds absolutely incredible on Det Som En Gang Var.
[Apr 1,2008 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
also, the distortion was his idea. he used a headset so the microphone would sound like that.
[Apr 1,2008 3:31pm - Hung_to_Bleed ""]
At the Gates > Death

[Apr 1,2008 3:33pm - fagpatrol  ""]
all of you > homos
[Apr 1,2008 11:08pm - neverpurified ""]

demondave said:Count Grishnacht's vocals sucked except for Filosofem. And that probably wasn't his idea to put the distortion on them. If the other lp's had that effect, I would listen to them a lot more. Filosofem is his best release both musically and in sound.

how about, count grishnacht sucks in general. burzum is fucking terrible, and the only reason burzum gets recognition nowadays is because grishnacht killed his bandmate
[Apr 1,2008 11:10pm - dreadkill ""]

fagpatrol said:all of you > homos
we are all greater than homos?
[Apr 2,2008 12:54am - xmikex ""]

unholy_dave said:After hearing Tom Araya sing sing the last line of "Guilty of Being White" as "guilty of being right", i decided those pricks would never see another cent of my money.

It didn't strike you as odd to judge an entire band's catalog based off a cover album? I'm not out to change anybody's mind here, do what you do. But all the metal bands you listen to that draw influence from Slayer... it definitely didn't come from Undisputed Attitude.
[Apr 2,2008 12:56am - xmikex ""]

dreadkill said:
fagpatrol said:all of you > homos
we are all greater than homos?

HAHAHA That brings me back to 5th grade in glorious Brockton public schools watching kids have meltdowns over the greater than, less than signs. I never got why so many people fail so hard at it.
[Apr 2,2008 9:27am - unholy_dave ""]

xmikex said:
unholy_dave said:After hearing Tom Araya sing sing the last line of "Guilty of Being White" as "guilty of being right", i decided those pricks would never see another cent of my money.

It didn't strike you as odd to judge an entire band's catalog based off a cover album? I'm not out to change anybody's mind here, do what you do. But all the metal bands you listen to that draw influence from Slayer... it definitely didn't come from Undisputed Attitude.

no, i realize that. i like slayer's music. i just don't want to give my money to a racist.
[Apr 2,2008 9:57am - xmikex ""]

unholy_dave said:
no, i realize that. i like slayer's music. i just don't want to give my money to a racist.

Alright cool. But food for thought...

This song:
I'm sorry
For something I didn't do
Lynched somebody
But I don't know who
You blame me for slavery
A hundred years before I was born

Guilty of being white

I'm a convict
Of a racist crime
I've only served
19 years of my time

Guilty of being white

Written by this guy:

Sung by this guy:

A song about inheriting undeserved racism, written by a guy who's spent his whole life talking about tolerance and listening to people and being a pussy, sung by a guy who is, well... Chilean. I think you might have gotten the message of the song mixed up. Anyone else care to offer an opinion?
[Apr 2,2008 10:18am - quintessence ""]
Deicide is terrible and have really only ever written one song...
[Apr 2,2008 10:28am - Martinsnli  ""]
Meshuggah is one of the worst bands I've ever tried to listen to.
[Apr 2,2008 10:31am - Yeti ""]

Hung_to_Bleed said:At the Gates > Death

you'll burn in Hell for that one.
[Apr 2,2008 10:32am - Yeti ""]
Morbid Angel is "meh" at best.
[Apr 2,2008 11:45am - unholy_dave ""]

xmikex said:
A song about inheriting undeserved racism, written by a guy who's spent his whole life talking about tolerance and listening to people and being a pussy, sung by a guy who is, well... Chilean. I think you might have gotten the message of the song mixed up. Anyone else care to offer an opinion?

no, i get all that. but the fact that Araya changes the lyric in the last line from "white" to "right"...something about that makes me feel unclean or something man, i dunno.
[Apr 2,2008 12:48pm - poop ""]
speaking of ian mackaye
fugazi>minor threat
[Apr 2,2008 1:13pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

Hung_to_Bleed said:At the Gates > Death

[Apr 2,2008 1:26pm - Kinslayer  ""]

ancient%20master said:capricornus is a shitty drummer

Who disputes this?
[Apr 2,2008 2:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Yeti said:Morbid Angel is "meh" at best.


Hate Eternal > Morbid Angel
[Apr 2,2008 2:44pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
haha now we gettin' contraversial yo!
[Apr 2,2008 2:56pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Tensions escalated over the weekend as Newfag forces suffered heavy losses against the battle-ready 4chan party van believed to be piloted by known terrorist Pedobear. Crushing the previously impenetrable wall made out of diamond the v-tech powered Party Van mowed down the overmatched 420chan reservists and proceeded to do donuts on the dying and dead bringing the death toll to well over 9000. Burying his face in his palm Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Newfag Defense Force contemplated chargin' his lazor should the party van's attacks continue, "Obviously we don't want to shoop da' whoop but the /b/tards leave us no choice." Rumors that the NDF was prepared to unleash Longcat in addition to lazors fueled rampant speculation that UN intervention was imminent.
[Apr 2,2008 3:02pm - Kinslayer  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
Yeti said:Morbid Angel is "meh" at best.


Hate Eternal > Morbid Angel

fucking blasphemy...

Morbid Angel = Best DM band EVAR!
[Apr 2,2008 3:05pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Ihsahn > Chuck

Well, yeah.

Yeti said:Burzum >>>>>>>> Mayhem

I'll go for it, sure.

xmikex said:TLC > Destiny's Child

How is that even controversial? Common knowledge.

fagpatrol said:all of you > homos


neverpurified said:
demondave said:Count Grishnacht's vocals sucked except for Filosofem. And that probably wasn't his idea to put the distortion on them. If the other lp's had that effect, I would listen to them a lot more. Filosofem is his best release both musically and in sound.

how about, count grishnacht sucks in general. burzum is fucking terrible, and the only reason burzum gets recognition nowadays is because grishnacht killed his bandmate

Neh. Talented kid, found himself in an unusual situation and under some unusual influences, worked his way into a few sketchy ideas but a lot of good ones, and put out some really creative music. Then killed a dude. Ended up doing some pretty cool writing in prison. Lifetime achievement, I give him a B+.

xmikex said:
dreadkill said:
fagpatrol said:all of you > homos
we are all greater than homos?

HAHAHA That brings me back to 5th grade in glorious Brockton public schools watching kids have meltdowns over the greater than, less than signs. I never got why so many people fail so hard at it.

SRSLY. The alligator eats the bigger number because it's hungry. IT'S SCIENCE, GODDAMMIT.

unholy_dave said:
xmikex said:
A song about inheriting undeserved racism, written by a guy who's spent his whole life talking about tolerance and listening to people and being a pussy, sung by a guy who is, well... Chilean. I think you might have gotten the message of the song mixed up. Anyone else care to offer an opinion?

no, i get all that. but the fact that Araya changes the lyric in the last line from "white" to "right"...something about that makes me feel unclean or something man, i dunno.

It's called "being intentionally provocative to offend sensitive people." You should try it sometime.

BobNOMAAMRooney said:Tensions escalated over the weekend as Newfag forces suffered heavy losses against the battle-ready 4chan party van believed to be piloted by known terrorist Pedobear. Crushing the previously impenetrable wall made out of diamond the v-tech powered Party Van mowed down the overmatched 420chan reservists and proceeded to do donuts on the dying and dead bringing the death toll to well over 9000. Burying his face in his palm Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Newfag Defense Force contemplated chargin' his lazor should the party van's attacks continue, "Obviously we don't want to shoop da' whoop but the /b/tards leave us no choice." Rumors that the NDF was prepared to unleash Longcat in addition to lazors fueled rampant speculation that UN intervention was imminent.

[Apr 2,2008 3:07pm - BSV  ""]
Capricornus is definately one of the sloppiest drummers I've ever heard. But do enjoy his style rather lot.

Dismember > At the Gates
[Apr 2,2008 3:35pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Fighting continued in the beleaguered chans as anonymous /b/tards continued to oppose the Internet Haet Machine's decision to grant much maligned television nerd Milhouse van Houten meme status. Skirmishes began last Thursday, as long time residents of /b/ took to the streets carrying signs assailing Newfags and chanting slogans against, "the cancer that is killing." Protesters clashed with the Newfag backed police force on 7chan Avenue and Fark Circle in the Green Zone before retreating to their stronghold on /b/. Newfag police arrested 85 protestors, about half of whom were transported via WAAAAAHmbulance to local medical centers
[Apr 2,2008 3:44pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
True Doom such as Evoken kill all other metal styles just by turning their amps on.

A Blade of Grass > Dismember (except Like an everflowing stream)
[Apr 3,2008 10:38am - Yeti ""]

mikeofdecrepitude said:True Doom such as Evoken kill all other metal styles just by turning their amps on.

haha i have to listen to Embrace the Emptiness at night because if i do during the day, the sun goes black and all life dies.
[Apr 3,2008 2:23pm - unholy_dave ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
It's called "being intentionally provocative to offend sensitive people." You should try it sometime.

i know, and i get it. anyone who knows me knows that's my style, and my sense of humor. just felt like it was tasteless. and not in a good way. no big deal really, just my opinion...you know, since that's what this thread is about.

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