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excuse me, Flo?

[Mar 12,2008 8:06pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
your band fuckin sucks now.

[Mar 12,2008 8:11pm - contagion ""]
you gotta love how he took the rack, which is used to make drum set up less cluttered and more organized, and made it so fucking complicated it looks like it takes a mechanical engineer a solid day to put together.

taking a good thing and fucking it up.

[Mar 12,2008 8:14pm - the_reverend ""]
what else will he use to do pull ups on?
why don't you just email him and tell him this?
[Mar 12,2008 8:19pm - contagion ""]
his ego can hold the pull up bar for him

and seriously, all that fuckin machinery for 4 cymbals? thats like setting up a pulley system to pick up a pencil you dropped.
[Mar 12,2008 8:21pm - the_reverend ""]
what an awesome idea.
and here I've been using my waist/spine like a fucking sucker.
[Mar 12,2008 9:46pm - Mucko ""]
Well kiss my grits.
[Mar 12,2008 10:23pm - urinal turd  ""]
man, i thought this thread was going to be about dumb and dumber. disappointed.
[Mar 12,2008 10:39pm - yummy ""]
what's the soup du jour? It's the soup of the day. mmm...that sounds good. I'll have that.
[Mar 12,2008 11:16pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
oh, here's her name, right here on the breifcase! Samsonite! duh!
[Mar 12,2008 11:29pm - tyler nli  ""]
harry! petey didn't even have a head!
[Mar 12,2008 11:31pm - urinal turd  ""]
this thread just took a turn for the best
[Mar 12,2008 11:31pm - tyler nli  ""]

extreme fail by me
[Mar 12,2008 11:32pm - tyler nli  ""]

urinal%20turd said:this thread just took a turn for the best

i'll do it all night
[Mar 12,2008 11:54pm - urinal turd  ""]
harry!! your hands are freezing!!
[Mar 12,2008 11:56pm - tyler nli  ""]
i'm sorry mr. PERFECT! i guess i forgot that you never ever made a mistake :(
[Mar 13,2008 12:00am - urinal turd  ""]
you see this? gas man. how the hell'd they know i had gas?!
[Mar 13,2008 12:04am - tyler nli  ""]
you gonna eat that?

yeah, no.. yes.. no.. uh, well, it crossed my mind, yeah
[Mar 13,2008 12:25am - craig nli  ""]
[Mar 13,2008 12:51am - tyler nli  ""]
[Mar 13,2008 9:00am - Pires ""]
"What if they shot you in the face?"

"Yeah, what if you shot me in the face?"

"That was a risk we were willing to take"
[Mar 13,2008 9:02am - pam nli  ""]

DaveFromTheGrave said:oh, here's her name, right here on the breifcase! Samsonite! duh!

I was way off!
[Mar 13,2008 9:26am - yummy ""]
What happened Harry? Some little philly break your heart?
No, it was a girl.
[Mar 13,2008 9:30am - Whoremastery ""]
pills are good...yea pills arre gooood!!
[Mar 13,2008 9:46am - brandon...nli  ""]


No its a cardigan but thanks
[Mar 13,2008 9:50am - brad weymouth  ""]
mock etc.
[Mar 13,2008 10:00am - Whoremastery ""]
gimmie that booze you pumkin pie hair cutted freak come on!
[Mar 13,2008 10:07am - immortal13 ""]
"Mary, I desperately wanna make love to a schoolboy."
[Mar 13,2008 10:10am - yummy ""]
Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any dumber you go and do something like this.

[Mar 13,2008 10:12am - immortal13 ""]
You know, I was wrong. Senior ctizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, do still serve a purpose. Thanks, don't you go dying on me now!

I got mugged by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart!
[Mar 13,2008 10:35am - Yeti ""]
excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the medical school? i'm supposed to give a lecture in about 20 minutes and my driver's a bit lost.

go straight ahead, make a left, over da bridge.

thats a lovely accent you have there. New Jersey?


Austria?! haha! well then, g'day mate..hahaha...lets put another shrimp on the barbie!

lets not....
[Mar 13,2008 10:58am - Whoremastery ""]
killer boots man!
[Mar 13,2008 11:22am - yummy ""]
Why don't you guys stop acting like a couple pussies and go at the same time?

Sounds like a dare Harry.

[Mar 13,2008 11:25am - ouchdrummer ""]
i know it sounds wierd but does this change piss anyone else off? Good death metal drummers are NOT allowed to change to such wussie shit. I am actually offended.
[Mar 13,2008 11:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ouchdrummer said:i know it sounds wierd but does this change piss anyone else off? Good death metal drummers are NOT allowed to change to such wussie shit. I am actually offended.

No, we're all totally psyched for this.
[Mar 13,2008 11:37am - brad weymouth  ""]

ouchdrummer said:i know it sounds wierd but does this change piss anyone else off? Good death metal drummers are NOT allowed to change to such wussie shit. I am actually offended.

really? cuz i'm rhetorically offended
[Mar 13,2008 11:50am - tyler nli  ""]
... check please
[Mar 13,2008 12:01pm - anonymous  ""]
Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and do something like this... AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF.
[Mar 13,2008 1:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Mar 13,2008 1:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
"Great ass!"

"You think he works out?"
[Mar 13,2008 2:53pm - jebus_crispex ""]
Look at the funbags on that hosehound.
[Mar 13,2008 4:45pm - tyler nli  ""]
they always freak out when you leave the scene of an accident
[Mar 13,2008 4:48pm - brandon...nli  ""]
Big gulps huh.........................Well, see ya
[Mar 13,2008 4:48pm - tyler nli  ""]
you just tell me where to sign

right on my ass, after you kiss it!
[Mar 13,2008 5:06pm - ouchdrummer ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
ouchdrummer said:i know it sounds wierd but does this change piss anyone else off? Good death metal drummers are NOT allowed to change to such wussie shit. I am actually offended.

No, we're all totally psyched for this.

I understand your sarcasm, alas, i was just pointing out that while it is sorta funny, i am worked up about it, irritated to the point of lashing out at co-workers..... I guess i am glad it doesnt push everyone into the throws of misery like it does to me... anyone have a tissue?
[Mar 13,2008 9:25pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

ouchdrummer said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
ouchdrummer said:i know it sounds wierd but does this change piss anyone else off? Good death metal drummers are NOT allowed to change to such wussie shit. I am actually offended.

No, we're all totally psyched for this.

I understand your sarcasm, alas, i was just pointing out that while it is sorta funny, i am worked up about it, irritated to the point of lashing out at co-workers..... I guess i am glad it doesnt push everyone into the throws of misery like it does to me... anyone have a tissue?

Well honestly, Flo gave 14 years of his music career to extreme music, long after everyone else in that band jumped ship. Flo didn't write the music. The people who did are all long gone. Would you prefer he hires new guns to try and imitate his own former greatness and fail, or at least attempt something new ... gay as it may be.

This new stuff, as Cryptopsy, is pretty terrible. However, for a good extreme death metal band to hold the SAME drummer for 14 years is a godsend. Most often, these whorebag drumming machines jump from band to band faster than a tick will leap onto your dog's sphincter.
[Mar 14,2008 8:37am - ouchdrummer ""]
....yes drummers are whores.... anyone need a drummer? Oh Snap! umm... ok
[Mar 14,2008 8:51am - tbone_r nli  ""]
i would just like to commend this entire board on running through a hefty list of dumb and dumber quotes and not using "its ok, im a limo driver." Dumb and dumber is my favorite movie of all time, and a good litmus test for meeting new people is asking if they like the movie. If they use the above quote as their answer, you should never talk to that person again. Same goes for Office Space and "have you seen my stapler?"
[Mar 14,2008 9:55am - immortal13 ""]
Bartender, is it 10:00 yet?

Actually it's one.

Yeah, that's what I have too. Thought I might have been ahead a bit.
[Mar 14,2008 10:32am - Yeti ""]

tbone_r%20nli said:i would just like to commend this entire board on running through a hefty list of dumb and dumber quotes and not using "its ok, im a limo driver." Dumb and dumber is my favorite movie of all time, and a good litmus test for meeting new people is asking if they like the movie. If they use the above quote as their answer, you should never talk to that person again. Same goes for Office Space and "have you seen my stapler?"

hahahahaha so true. same with The Goonies and "Sloth love Chunk" or "Baby Ruth".
[Mar 14,2008 11:29am - JDDomnli  ""]
"they caught em half mile down the road and slit his throat!"
[Mar 14,2008 12:36pm - anonymous  ""]
[Mar 14,2008 1:00pm - tylor  ""]
i dont know lloyd, the french are assholes

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