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anyone know where i can find a straight edge hoodie?

[Jan 19,2004 2:43pm - hybrid ""]
just wondering if anyone knew where i might be able to order straight edge hoodies or shirts online...
[Jan 19,2004 2:43pm - JonahBloodbath ""]
make your own..
[Jan 19,2004 2:52pm - hybrid ""]
now that you said that i will
[Jan 19,2004 3:09pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 19,2004 4:47pm - hybrid ""]
what the fuck? haha
[Jan 19,2004 5:03pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
toss a fish crew
[Jan 19,2004 5:10pm - succubus ""]
just get one of these:


[Jan 19,2004 6:05pm - hybrid ""]

im sold
[Jan 19,2004 6:52pm - the_reverend ""]
replace those < with [ and > with ]
[Jan 19,2004 6:54pm - hybrid ""]
yeah i couldnt figure that out


im sold, yet again
[Jan 19,2004 6:57pm - the_reverend ""]
it's called UBB.
and mostly, I made it up.
[Jan 19,2004 8:07pm - hybrid ""]
rev i should sleep over your house sometime and you can teach me javascript, we can have cookies and milk, and sleep in the same bed haha. im actually starting to study on javascript though. my html skills will never match up to you however.
[Jan 20,2004 12:12pm - Blackout ""]
html is child's play. it takes a week to learn every script there is.
the tough part is graphic designing and DHTML/CSS/JS to make it all pretty [img]
[Jan 20,2004 1:44pm - succubus ""]
aaron (rev) converted my HTML site to PHP as a surprise long ago...php is awesome!
[Jan 20,2004 1:53pm - Kalopsia ""]
what is the difference between HTML and PHP?? (don't know shit about computers, i just use them
[Jan 20,2004 2:00pm - succubus ""]
php is better and data base driven

[Jan 20,2004 2:51pm - jake  ""]
try mission in rockland.


[Jan 20,2004 2:57pm - Blackout ""]
Long live mission.
[Jan 20,2004 3:05pm - jake  ""]
Blackout said:Long live mission.

long live tigers.
[Jan 20,2004 3:27pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Long live Soda Popinski.
[Jan 20,2004 3:32pm - retzam ""]
Long live Bald Bull
[Jan 20,2004 5:05pm - jake  ""]

long live devo fans.
[Jan 20,2004 6:13pm - Wee...Bink! ""]
[Jan 20,2004 6:14pm - Blackout ""]
Haha ... Jake where do you find these?
[Jan 20,2004 6:32pm - jake  ""]

[Jan 20,2004 7:16pm - Blackout ""]
[Jan 21,2004 2:28am - the_reverend ""]
that's mr. darcy from marries with children!
[Jan 21,2004 2:32am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I want a No Ma'am shirt. I'll wear it to like... feminist book club meetings... and Applebee's.
[Jan 21,2004 11:01am - jake  ""]

one of the many gems that came from Married With Children.
[Jan 21,2004 11:02am - jake  ""]
jake said:[img]

one of the many gems that came from Married With Children.


[Jan 21,2004 11:09am - the_reverend ""]

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