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Recommend me some 80s RPG video game music.

[Feb 25,2008 11:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: Recommend me some music that either borrows from, rips off, or is, old 8-bit era RPG music (whether PC, console, whatever). Video game cover bands, 8-bit original music, actual soundtracks, anything. Megaupload linx are a plus.

Also: Is anybody familiar with / does anybody remember a Sega Genesis RPG by an Aussie company called The Faery Tale Adventure? Where you had three brothers that wandered around this pointless landscape and got their asses kicked all the time? If anybody has the music from that, I'll be your manloveslave, seriously.
[Feb 25,2008 11:20am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Also, does anybody have a DL link for The Black Wizards' first record?
[Feb 25,2008 11:31am - anthny  ""]
The Advantage - The Advantage (2004)

The Advantage - Elf-Titled (2006)
[Feb 25,2008 11:35am - ZenErik ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Also, does anybody have a DL link for The Black Wizards' first record?

Do you mean The Black Mages?

When you say The Black Wizards I think Emperor. "I Am The Black Wizards".
[Feb 25,2008 11:37am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

ZenErik said:
DestroyYouAlot said:Also, does anybody have a DL link for The Black Wizards' first record?

Do you mean The Black Mages?

When you say The Black Wizards I think Emperor. "I Am The Black Wizards".

Yeah, apparently I do.

*plans to put out a ripping 8-bit Emperor cover album as The Black Wizards*
[Feb 25,2008 1:21pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

i give the gift of a shit ton of video game (and anime) music
[Feb 25,2008 1:22pm - aril  ""]
my 8bit music is heavily inspired by 8bit RPG music. I can send you those if you want
[Feb 25,2008 1:24pm - anthny  ""]
I don't like Galbadia Hotel. I hate how you have to download each track individually. Plus most of the stuff on there is post-16 bit which I am much much less interested in.

For SNES soundtracks go here: http://snesmusic.org/v2/

For Sega Genesis soundtracks go here: http://project2612.org/index.php

You're welcome.

Also if anyone knows of a similar site to the preceding two that is specifically geared for NES, please post a link.
[Feb 25,2008 2:26pm - aril  ""]
Zophar's Domain
[Feb 25,2008 3:24pm - CMTAIB ""]
[Feb 25,2008 5:54pm - thegreatspaldino ""]

anthny said:I don't like Galbadia Hotel. I hate how you have to download each track individually. Plus most of the stuff on there is post-16 bit which I am much much less interested in.

For SNES soundtracks go here: http://snesmusic.org/v2/

For Sega Genesis soundtracks go here: http://project2612.org/index.php

You're welcome.

Also if anyone knows of a similar site to the preceding two that is specifically geared for NES, please post a link.

snesmusic is good if you have the plugin for winamp... i go there a lot actually. galbadia has a ton of rare konami albums on there that i couldnt find anywhere else not to mention a lot of more obscure things that i didnt even know existed. i couldnt find the konami remix album with gradius 3/rondo of blood anywhere... i found the rondo half a bunch of places, but the gradius half was impossible to get until i found it there.

P.S... on snesmusic... get the original power rangers game soundtrack and listen to it. most notably the first stage song "city". that song rules.
[Feb 25,2008 7:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Chip 2006
Japanese Motel

These are 2 of my 8bit songs I made a few years back. inspired by old RPG music and metal.

I'm thinking about making a short 20-30 minute album with 8bit material, than slowly building it up to some 16bit-ish material like this:

Opinions or would that be ghey?
[Feb 25,2008 8:27pm - anthny  ""]
Arillius - very cool shit! I am very interested in making VG music as well. I am more interested in transcribing and arranging sixteen bit songs for guitar, bass and drums though. I'm working on it, but it's a big task.

I definitely support what you are doing and would be very interested in hearing your further work.

How do you go about making these songs?
[Feb 25,2008 8:30pm - fuck logging in  ""]
ITT: virgins.
[Feb 25,2008 9:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

fuck%20logging%20in said:ITT: virgins.

[Feb 25,2008 9:52pm - arilliusbm ""]
Hey anthny,
I use old Tracking programs (Impulse Tracker, Scream Tracker) but only use 4 channels and 8bit samples. It's old school, DOS, and complicated. It's extremely fun though.. been doing it since the mid 90s and I have like 400-500+ songs!
[Feb 25,2008 10:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Oh yea - Steve:

Zophar's Domain - has a music archive. Your beloved The Faery Tale Adventure is listed on that for DL.

Zophar's Domain - one of the best sites on the net!

Anthny - i'll upload some more songs if you're interested
[Feb 25,2008 10:48pm - sever ""]
check out the music to vectorman 1 and 2 (genesis).

certainly not epic, but cool nonetheless.
[Feb 25,2008 11:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Oh yea - Steve:

Zophar's Domain - has a music archive. Your beloved The Faery Tale Adventure is listed on that for DL.

DUDE. Thanks!
[Feb 26,2008 1:09pm - aril  ""]
You're welcome, fap fap
[Mar 11,2008 10:43am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Anybody have a recommendation for a good Simon's Quest theme cover?
[Mar 11,2008 11:26am - aril  ""]
[Mar 11,2008 11:50am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 11,2008 1:47pm - dertoxia ""]
Electro Quarterstaff have a song called "Dr. Wiley" which is a cover of the Dr. Wiley stages of Megaman 2.
[Mar 11,2008 1:47pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
earthbound is good
[Mar 11,2008 2:09pm - aril  ""]
anyone remember the PC Game "the Dig" ? ('96)

Awesome music, I somehow got my hands on the soundtrack.

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