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I'm gonna celebreate MLK day today

[Jan 19,2004 12:49am - hektik ""]
by sleeping in
[Jan 19,2004 12:51am - George ""]
oooohhhhh ill be celebrating mlk day alright. ratt mowe knows whats up.
like, jerry loves you man
[Jan 19,2004 12:51am - BornSoVile ""]
"the calendar says its a holiday, but its still a working day to me" - my boss. i'm gonna pour some liquor out at work tomorrow though, some dude dropped off a bottle of home made kahula :pukeface:
[Jan 19,2004 12:57am - the_reverend ""]
I have to work.
normal day for me.
[Jan 19,2004 1:01am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to celebrate by sitting on my porch for 10 hrs.
oh wait, that's hatians.
[Jan 19,2004 2:06am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That's Randolphians. Except they'll probably fist fight in the middle of the street instead.
[Jan 19,2004 2:12am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'm going to go to the movies and talk really loud.
[Jan 19,2004 2:24am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Lets get 60 people rounded up and hit KFC in Brockton then the theater in Randolph. Classic.
[Jan 19,2004 10:10am - subjugate ""]
thanks for nuthing mikee

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I'm going to go to the movies and talk really loud.

[Jan 19,2004 10:15am - RustedAngel ""]
King’s critics have long noted that much of the civil rights leader’s academic writings were plagiarized. Dyson concedes the point, but justifies the conduct by suggesting that this tendency had its roots in a “black tradition” of borrowing and expanding the ideas of other people. [Note: That “tradition” is not limited by ethnicity.]
He contends that “King’s plagiarism at school is perhaps a sad symptom of his response to the racial times in which he matured.” And so, King stole from the writings of others because of his “black” heritage. But what of the thousands of honest black students who never stooped to literary thievery? How did they overcome their “tradition”?

It is widely known that King was a womanizing adulterer. Again, Dyson comes to the leader’s defense. He asserts that the reformer’s “relationship with Coretta symbolizes the difficulty faced by black leaders who attempted to forge a healthy life with their loved ones while the government aimed its huge resources at destroying their families . . . .”
He talks of how “the state has often abandoned or abused the black family with cruel social policies.” So now we know - Martin Luther King’s marital infidelity was the state’s fault! His lack of morals was thrust upon him by the conditions of society.

Every principled black person in America ought to be insulted and outraged by this sort of rationale. It, in effect, says this. You cannot appreciate the advancements of the civil rights movement, and the contributions of Dr. King to that effort, unless you recognize how flawed and victimized by his culture he was! If King’s cheating and adultery have to be played up, in order for the current black generation to “connect” with him, what does that imply about today’s black youth? That’s Dyson’s implication. And young black people ought to resent it.

Finally, there is this notation. While it is widely believed that Martin Luther King, Jr. was committed to the “Christian religion,” he was far from it. He denied some of the most fundamental components of historic Christianity. He repudiated the doctrine of the deity of Jesus, and he rejected the concept that the Lord was raised bodily from the dead. King disdained the New Testament affirmation of Christ’s virgin birth, asserting that the early Christians devised a mythological story to account for the moral uniqueness of Jesus of Nazareth. His theology has been profusely documented in The Christian News Encyclopedia.

This was the Martin Luther King, Jr. that many never came to know, and who has been concealed for so long. And so, as Dyson aptly says in this new volume (regarding his hero): “You don’t need to go out saying Martin Luther King, Jr. is a saint.”

[Jan 19,2004 10:19am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
subjugate said:thanks for nuthing mikee

you're a mental case.
[Jan 19,2004 10:21am - subjugate ""]
i know but i need computer help i called you and e mailed please help me you know i'm clueless with this crap
[Jan 19,2004 10:23am - George ""]
where is that from?
[Jan 19,2004 11:42am - succubus ""]
i wish i was not a work today

[Jan 21,2008 11:26am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 21,2008 11:27am - the_reverend ""]
this thread is like.. carina, msd, josh, and me who still post.
50% retention rate!
[Jan 21,2008 11:30am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I'm gonna go to the Webster theater and wait until I see white people driving down the street, and then I'm gonna walk out into the road in front of their oncoming cars. Then later I'm gonna ask them for money.
[Jan 21,2008 11:40am - largefreakatzero ""]
To everyone who has the day off today: I hate you.
[Jan 21,2008 12:10pm - Ctb0rderpatrol  ""]
im working, but that aint stoppin me from getting a bucket of fried chicken and a big bottle of grape soda
[Jan 21,2008 12:14pm - peter  ""]
work and school...what was he good for again?
[Jan 21,2008 12:30pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
a target
[Jan 21,2008 12:58pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
this thread gets a great big "wow"
[Jan 21,2008 1:17pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
MLK was human and if you read your history you would know that many documents were released in the last ten years under the freedom of information act that show the CIA was constantly trying to ruin black leaders, there is one note in particular that asks for MLK to be destroyed or removed at any cost.
[Jan 21,2008 1:53pm - sxealex ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:I'm gonna go to the Webster theater and wait until I see white people driving down the street, and then I'm gonna walk out into the road in front of their oncoming cars. Then later I'm gonna ask them for money.

once i went to a show at the webster.... and it was canceled... well i payed a "parking attendant"... yea that mother fucker was gone when I got back.
[Jan 21,2008 2:18pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I'm gonna blame white people
[Jan 21,2008 3:45pm - pam nli  ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:a target

For the win!
[Jan 21,2008 4:15pm - RichHorror ""]
hektik said:by sleeping in

That's funny because I had no idea it was MLK Day today, yet after waking up at 8 am decided to sleep until now.
[Jan 21,2008 4:39pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm eating chicken, smoking weed and being lazy.
[Jan 21,2008 8:18pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
im guzzling purple drink, riding in the front of buses, and smokings menthol cigarettes all day long
[Jan 22,2008 12:37am - NIGGER ""]





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