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Seacoast 'Metalfest' - All Day Saturday - 02/23/08 - DBH, Dover, NH

Dover Brick House (Dover, NH) - [acariya][neversaynever][randomshots][the_hawthorne_effect][voodoo_terror_tribe][wreckoning]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Feb 20,2008 4:42pm - mcmahon ""]
Many bands, many hours, much to listen to.

Here's the band list as of last week:



Not sure how exxxactly everything's going to work, but it should be decent.
[Feb 20,2008 4:46pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i thought Written in Remains was on this too?
[Feb 20,2008 4:47pm - largefreakatzero ""]
"Spit Ya Teeth"? Wow.
[Feb 20,2008 5:32pm - DrewBlood ""]
pretty strong hardcore to metal ratio, that'll be a weird show.
[Feb 21,2008 12:10am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Hmm, I was told The Cadaveric Manifesto was supposed to be on this.
[Feb 21,2008 3:25pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[Feb 23,2008 1:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 23,2008 2:07pm - the_reverend ""]
the hawthrone effect is still around?
[Feb 23,2008 2:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
or they just stopped being not around.
[Feb 23,2008 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I've been doing meetings, etc... I'm probably going to try to get to my gear. and get there for 8pm
[Feb 23,2008 7:25pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving for this now.
[Feb 23,2008 9:09pm - the_reverend ""]
oh im here. acariya is on.
[Feb 23,2008 9:34pm - the_reverend ""]
THE HATHORNE EFFECT: after years of missing their shows, I finally get to see them. If this is in fact the same band. I walked in and they sounded just like a band that you think a name like the hathrone effect would sound like. Some of that emo-ish singing, but they didn't do that too much during the rest of the set. A lot of it had more of a mr bungle sound. Eh, actually it is hard to say most of it cause they changed up a lot. They even had a part were the singer left the stage and the drummer played a dijeridu (australian bush instrument). Interesting all around. Especially when the singer jumed into the crowd and a guy crushed is beer. RRRRAWRRRR.
[Feb 23,2008 9:45pm - the_reverend ""]
acariya: this is my 20th time seeing them in the past week and a half. As a matter of fact, I've shot them more times than there were days, catching them in the bathroom, eating a pound of hot wings, and occasionally on stage, but in trying to limit that. The have been getting really good crowd reactions at all the shows I've seen them at lately and this was no difference at all. They had abunch of mosh its were peole got tossed o their asses on the ground and someone even got dragged out for some thing. they played like the same set that I had played the passed 2 times I've seen them so the songs that were "new" weren't new to me.
[Feb 23,2008 10:36pm - the_reverend ""]
voodoo terror tribe: musically my least favorite of the night, but stage presonawise, no one tonight can touch them. They had so much more in these stage show than all the other bands, smoke, strobes, the singer had a big set of blinged brass knuckles. I thought those things were illegal, but probably not as a necklace. The drummer had a huge set too. They were a loud rock band so it was a tad different. They did cover raining blood.
[Feb 24,2008 1:05am - the_reverend ""]
just walked in the door... soooo much puke....
[Feb 24,2008 1:25am - the_reverend ""]
btw, I'm at home working on pictures... took too many and then chugged margaritas... give me some time.
[Feb 24,2008 1:50am - the_reverend ""]
turd burglers
[Feb 24,2008 3:43am - milkydeathgrind ""]
turd burglars to the tenth power doing a backflip
[Feb 24,2008 10:46am - Otto (nLI)  ""]
$2 PBR tall boys, that makes any show totally super awesome
[Feb 24,2008 12:27pm - action hero  ""]
how was never say never? i need to check them out sometime.
[Feb 24,2008 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i finally fell over on stage. truely a momentous occaision.
[Feb 24,2008 4:08pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The Cadaveric Manifesto was the second band to play this and there were like 15 people there at the time. Regardless, we still played a great show and gave away half our demos. We're gonna be playing the Brickhouse next month on the 26th with The Wreckoning and Boring Kind of Guy.
[Feb 24,2008 5:13pm - urinal turd  ""]
never say never was a ton of fun. there were some hits and some misses as far as the bands went. acariya definately was the best. they easily had the biggest crowd and people were going crazy......moshing, pile ups and sing alongs. a serious miss was voodoo terror tribe. i was immediately turned off when they got on stage and started asking people if they were ready for some original music. the whole night i don't think i heard one cover if that's what they meant by original music and if they meant that they were original like we had never heard a band like them before they were sadly mistaken. all in all it was a really fun time.
[Feb 25,2008 8:15am - mcmahon ""]
it's too bad I missed Written in Remains and Cadaveric Manifesto and the rest of the bands early afternoon... but if I arrived up any earlier the puking rally would have been moved up ahead of schedule. anyways, great seeing familiar faces on and off stage. good luck with the doggie rev, hopefully it's not a late blooming yapper!

tommy, which pits weren't you in? you are a crazy fucker.
[Feb 25,2008 10:12am - DERBIE RAD  ""]
[Feb 26,2008 1:54pm - Dirty_Harry ""]
Hey man, I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I meant by "original music." If you listened to my little rant about original rock clubs dropping like flies in NYC (i.e. CBGB, Continental, etc) and my constant shout outs to the bands that I got to hear and were waiting to hear, I wasn't trying to make it sound like we were better than anyone. I love DBH, the bands that we play with and people that we meet up there, and the fact that, unlike the tri-state area, NE doesn't seem overpopulated with about 50,000 cover bands playing the same top 40 shit that we have to deal with from the rest of the world. I'm a big fan of original music, which the night was about, and that's all that I was saying. Oh yeah, and we like Slayer, so we decided to put it in our set that night.

Hawthorne Effect, Acariya, and Wreckoning did a kickass job; unfortunately, I missed BKOG, but I know that they hold it down. I made a point to thank the bands and people that made the day happen by name. Once again, I'm sorry you misunderstood me, and I respect your opinion on us.

>;o[ Dirty
[Feb 26,2008 1:59pm - Dirty_Harry ""]
Thanks, man. Didn't get to talk to you Saturday (though) I planned on it. And yes, if I took those things off of my necklace, I think it's 3 to 5 in the pokey. AWESOME pics, can I snag a few for myself?

>;o[ Dirty
[Feb 26,2008 2:21pm - Karma-Enema  ""]
aww gawd...never say never.......how fucking boring.
[Feb 26,2008 9:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I never get to NYC to shoot shows except on rare occasions.
[Feb 26,2008 9:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Karma-Enema said:aww gawd...never say never.......how fucking boring.

glad you were impressed.

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