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[Feb 14,2008 9:47pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
Does anybody like her here?
I think it's at least better than Nightwish.


I think she's going for the look Darryl Hannah had in Bladerunner,
except Darryl was like 100 times hotter.
But the video is cool, check it out - I walk a one, not the other one.


If you dont have SIRIUS you're kinda gay.
[Feb 14,2008 9:53pm - sxealex ""]
she sounds like a fucking musical
[Feb 14,2008 9:54pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
I just found it amusing cuz my boss told me about this.
He's as conservative and anal as you could be.
[Feb 14,2008 11:11pm - Phrozenspite ""]
outta curiosity does anyone know who the dudes that were outside the palladium handing out tarja stickers at the last nightwish show were working for? they took a pic of a friend and I for a site and i don't recall what it was

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