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Beefaroni Appreciation

[Feb 10,2008 2:42pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Goddamn, this shit is disgusting.
[Feb 10,2008 2:47pm - bradmann ""]

so good dude
[Feb 10,2008 2:49pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hey, it's an appreciation thread. I love disgusting food!
[Feb 10,2008 2:54pm - archaeon ""]

I was just craving this shit when i got out of the shower.
[Feb 10,2008 2:59pm - bradmann ""]
[Feb 10,2008 3:09pm - Lamp ""]
I can't remember the last time I ate Beefaroni but I clearly remember puking it up as a kid.
[Feb 10,2008 3:23pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

archaeon said:SHIT

I was just craving this shit when i got out of the shower.

I was just craving shit when I got out of the beefaroni shower.
[Feb 10,2008 5:08pm - Joshtruction ""]
I had jumbo beefaroni the other day. Good, but not as good as the real thing. I support beefaroni!
[Feb 10,2008 7:15pm - NIGGER ""]

[Feb 10,2008 9:39pm - lynx666 ""]
if i like balls id like beefaroni:middlefinger:
[Feb 10,2008 9:40pm - lynx666 ""]
to nigger:
are you black?
or just a RACIST?! lol
[Feb 11,2008 10:39am - Yeti ""]
hooray for beefaroni! i too worship the beefaroni. if there is a god, his name is Chef Boyardee.
[Feb 11,2008 11:08am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I enjoy Chef Boyardee ravioli much more. I'm going to have to dine on this fine delicacy very, very soon.
[Feb 11,2008 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
i'm not too fond of the Spaghetti and Meatballs, there is too much sauce and the noodles are overcooked, but the meatballs are something to kill for.
[Feb 11,2008 1:23pm - aril  ""]
good food for a 2 year old when you don't have time to make a real lunch.
my son loves that crap.
[Feb 11,2008 2:12pm - sarahsabotage ""]
ah, beefaroni is okay... i guess
[Feb 11,2008 2:12pm - sarahsabotage ""]
:doublehorns: ravioli!!!

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