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Were the New England Patriots robbed of a super bowl?

[Feb 8,2008 1:13pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
I watched this video, and it really got me thinking about it. Obviously there will be people posting saying stop crying about this, but from what the guy is saying in this video it appears that there was time added to the clock near the end of the 4th quarter to help the Giants win the Super Bowl XLII.

[Feb 8,2008 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
there was time added. i don't know why, but one of my diehard football fan friends was freaking out about it. it might have a legitimate reason, but i distinctly remember seeing the clock jump and thinking "why did they just add time?"
[Feb 8,2008 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
the problem is, the second anyone opens their mouth about cheating, its going to open a can of worms. unfortunately its best to just leave it be.
[Feb 8,2008 1:20pm - KADOOG-O-RAMA  ""]
[Feb 8,2008 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
technically we "cheated", so that is the first thing that will be thrown out against any accusation.
[Feb 8,2008 1:28pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
well at least we know how it should have gone down.
[Feb 8,2008 1:30pm - KADOOG-O-RAMA  ""]
This is fucking ridiculous. Just when I was starting to come to terms with the fact that they lost this game, I wanna go kill people again. Fuck.
[Feb 8,2008 1:31pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha agreed.
[Feb 8,2008 1:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I kinda already thought they got the game stolen from them, but all it gets me is the satisfaction of knowing that - nothing's gonna get reversed, it's the NFL. If we make a stink, the Pats will be the Al Gore of football - actually winning the game doesn't mean jack if they don't call it that way.
[Feb 8,2008 1:57pm - aril  ""]
I also heard there is a pic of the last play where Eli lobbed it and the ref is looking right at the Giant's OFF line doing face masks to the Pats' DEF and not calling anything.
[Feb 8,2008 2:16pm - Grizloch ""]
[Feb 8,2008 3:23pm - ariavette ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I kinda already thought they got the game stolen from them, but all it gets me is the satisfaction of knowing that - nothing's gonna get reversed, it's the NFL. If we make a stink, the Pats will be the Al Gore of football - actually winning the game doesn't mean jack if they don't call it that way.

I already thought it too but your right, no matter what happens, the giants won, and you know the second anyone says it we're just being " sore losers".. no.. there is no way you play like the pats did all season and then show up and have it go down like that. something was off, not that we'll ever know what it is.. maybe 10 years from now a ref will come out and say oh yeah we helped the giants win, but it still wouldn't change anything
[Feb 8,2008 3:26pm - SacNLI  ""]
i was just waiting for someone with DVR to make a video like this. it's undeniable but too late now...all the merch has already been made
[Feb 8,2008 3:27pm - SacNLI  ""]
i blame don shula
[Feb 8,2008 3:28pm - DrewBlood ""]
no, the Pats were out played by the New York Giants. this is ridiculous.
[Feb 8,2008 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
i blame Don Shula's weight loss ads. "just a few years ago coach used to shuffle when he walked"
[Feb 8,2008 3:29pm - Yeti ""]

DrewBlood said:no, the Pats were out played by the New York Giants. this is ridiculous.

well yes, but no one can deny there were many many bullshit calls in the Giants favor.
[Feb 8,2008 3:36pm - SacNLI  ""]

DrewBlood said:no, the Pats were out played by the New York Giants. this is ridiculous.

did you watch the video? the refs and timekeepers gave the giants 50 seconds. the game should've been over well before the touchdown pass.

if you knew the rules of football you would've realized this screw up DURING the game like the rest of us.
[Feb 8,2008 3:42pm - DrewBlood ""]

Yeti said:
DrewBlood said:no, the Pats were out played by the New York Giants. this is ridiculous.

well yes, but no one can deny there were many many bullshit calls in the Giants favor.

i agree that the fumble call was bullshit, but it didn't really change the game. the other penalties were ticky-tacky, but you have to call false starts like that or else its not fair.

also, there was a lot of offensive holding that was NOT called by the refs that the Patriots were doing. so, all in all i think its even.
[Feb 8,2008 3:43pm - DrewBlood ""]

SacNLI said:
DrewBlood said:no, the Pats were out played by the New York Giants. this is ridiculous.

did you watch the video? the refs and timekeepers gave the giants 50 seconds. the game should've been over well before the touchdown pass.

if you knew the rules of football you would've realized this screw up DURING the game like the rest of us.

did you watch the first half where the refs stopped the clock for the Pats? no? because i did, while i was watching the game.
[Feb 8,2008 3:44pm - SacNLI  ""]
no i don't remember that actually. was it due to a timeout, penalty, injury, incomplete pass, or measurement? that's allowed ya know
[Feb 8,2008 3:46pm - DrewBlood ""]

SacNLI said:no i don't remember that actually. was it due to a timeout, penalty, injury, incomplete pass, or measurement? that's allowed ya know

no, that was when they were running the ball and the game clock was stopped after a midfield tackle. they easily got over 45 seconds from that.
[Feb 8,2008 3:49pm - SacNLI  ""]
someone should tell dvr guy to look into that. either way. 50 seconds during the last minute and a half of a game is kind of a big deal. considering that it was in that time frame that the pats D really stepped up and SHOULD have won the game.

i'm not denying that the giants played their hearts out and that their D-line demolished us, but it's undeniable that either someone fucked up real bad with the clock or someone was deliberately trying to screw the pats
[Feb 8,2008 3:51pm - shamash ""]
I'm all for the Pats, but they looked like shit last Sunday. Can you blame the shitty offensive line on the refs?
[Feb 8,2008 3:54pm - DrewBlood ""]

SacNLI said:someone should tell dvr guy to look into that. either way. 50 seconds during the last minute and a half of a game is kind of a big deal. considering that it was in that time frame that the pats D really stepped up and SHOULD have won the game.

i'm not denying that the giants played their hearts out and that their D-line demolished us, but it's undeniable that either someone fucked up real bad with the clock or someone was deliberately trying to screw the pats

watch the fox clock vs the game clock, i think thats where the guy is getting confused. there were a couple of times were the fox clock wasn't moving while the game was afoot.
[Feb 8,2008 4:05pm - SacNLI  ""]
the thing about the video though is that the guy starts and stops his clock according to the rules of the game. not the bullshit clock stop where they should have measured, but didn't, which is what gave the giants the majority of that 50 seconds back without having to use a timeout.
[Feb 8,2008 4:38pm - DomesticTerror ""]
this kinda reminds me of the 2005 pats vs steelers game where there was an extra 52 seconds added to the clock in the 4th quarter, and the pats ended up scoring in the final minute of the game for the win. the only difference this time around is that pats fans are complaining about it, as opposed to then when they gave me nothing but shit for even pointing it out. as pissed off as i am about last weeks superbowl, you guys just made my day. this is sweet. (i'm looking at you, staples and jaytus)
[Feb 8,2008 4:49pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I blame dracula
[Feb 8,2008 4:49pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
also, sports are gay
[Feb 8,2008 6:13pm - My_dying_bride ""]

shamash said:I'm all for the Pats, but they looked like shit last Sunday. Can you blame the shitty offensive line on the refs?

I agree...

The Pats had a serious offensive decline start right around week 11 or so. Offensive line was fatiguing way early in the game, and routes started getting miscommunicated among the receivers. If it wasn't for the defense, I honestly believe the pats would have lost a couple of their last regular season games. Both teams played terrible stat-wise on Sunday, but it was clearly a defensive game. Now seeing this video I feel it could have ended differently.
[Feb 8,2008 6:26pm - contagion ""]
if these allegations were legitimate there would be an investigation and it would be all over NFL.com. like everyone said, they aren't going to say OH HEY LOL JK PATS WIN. id rather just drop it and go back to talking shit to giants fans about how eli is still a fag, plaxico watches gay porn with eli and peyton, etc.
[Feb 8,2008 7:20pm - dreadkill ""]

KADOOG-O-RAMA said:This is fucking ridiculous. Just when I was starting to come to terms with the fact that they lost this game, I wanna go kill people again. Fuck.
me too. i shouldn't have clicked on this thread. i was trying to put the super bowl out of my mind.
[Feb 8,2008 7:24pm - Pires ""]
NO! Now shut the fuck up everyone!

It's been almost a week...Brady couldn't complete passes, Asante missed a crucial INT, Hobbs got smoked on the touchdown, and Tyree made one hell of a grab...

[Feb 8,2008 8:31pm - YOOOOOOOOOOOO  ""]

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