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[Feb 3,2008 11:22am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Anybody here ever heard of this movie? I hadn't until I saw it last night, and it was a great movie.
[Feb 3,2008 12:24pm - martins ""]
One of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen. I watched Event Horizon the other day, however, and noticed some plot resemblances to Sunshine. Even if the idea isn't fresh, Sunshine presents it in such an inspiring way. A lot of people rag on the last half hour but I thought it was SO badass.
[Feb 3,2008 12:40pm - bradmann ""]
I thought you meant this Sunshine.

really long but very good.
[Feb 3,2008 1:00pm - voidexpression ""]
90% of every Boyle movie rules (except for The Beach), but he can never figure out how to end them in a way that isn't completely retarded. The last act of this movie was laughably bad, but it was to be expected so it wasn't much of a big deal. 2001 + Event Horizon is never a bad thing.

You really needed to see Sunshine in theaters, it was fucking epic!
[Feb 3,2008 3:24pm - lbpvd  ""]
i think this movie would have been a classic sci-fi movie if it had not had been for the lame deranged serial killer twist at the end. it had no point and it didnt strengthen the plot at all. also, it never showed him in full perspective...what the fuck!? it started out great but it just let me down in the end. a good movie non the less i suppose...
[Jun 1,2009 12:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
really liked this movie. got of to a slow start but ended up being very intense. i also see the 2001+ Event Horizon resemblances. and like lbpvd pointed out.. i dont understand why they brought the serial killer part of it into the equation. great acting and story regardless.
[Jun 1,2009 8:53pm - voidexpression ""]

voidexpression said:90% of every Boyle movie rules (except for The Beach), but he can never figure out how to end them in a way that isn't completely retarded. The last act of this movie was laughably bad, but it was to be expected so it wasn't much of a big deal. 2001 + Event Horizon is never a bad thing.

You really needed to see Sunshine in theaters, it was fucking epic!

Boyle obviously reads this board, since he finally ended a movie correctly with Slumdog, ha. Isolated-in-space fans should see Moon, could be a Solaris rip, but looks AWESOME!
[Jun 1,2009 9:30pm - Seth  ""]
Good movie! :satancross:
[Jun 2,2009 4:40am - SkinSandwich ""]
Sat through this last week, didn't like it. It was really drawn out. I could not get into it.
[Feb 11,2010 9:02am - ouchdrummer ""]
wait wait wait.... this movie was NOT a fantastic scifi movie. It was one of the best 2/3rds of a scifi flick i've ever seen... but the ending fucking blew. I mean, you had the ultimate antagonist in the sun, and then you introduce the quasi-religious lunatic who becomes the lame bad guy.. who SHOULD have been played by Sam Neill, because he looked like he walked off the event horizon set. God damnit, this movie had the makings of a fucking awesome movie, until the end just got frieking stupid.
[Feb 11,2010 10:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya this has been happening alot in movies lately. i dont know what the problem is
[Feb 11,2010 10:23am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 11,2010 10:32am - Yeti ""]
haha i thought he had returned, but then i saw the date.
[Feb 11,2010 10:50am - ouchdrummer ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:ya this has been happening alot in movies lately. i dont know what the problem is

Fucking irritating is what it is. Can't come up with a good ending to a scifi movie? Just have the craziest stupidest bullshit possible happen, add a lot of special effects, BAMMO!
[Dec 12,2010 10:59am - the_reverend ""]

watching on syfy now.
[Dec 12,2010 11:00am - the_reverend ""]
I didn't see the first 1/2 of this movie, but the last 1/2 makes no sense.
[Dec 12,2010 11:33am - the_reverend ""]
$40million to make
[Dec 12,2010 12:29pm - mikefrommaine ""]
very disappointing. i bought it when it cam out cuz it looked like an awesome scifi movie but it just ripped off good scifi movies and tried to be epic without making any sense
[Feb 4,2015 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
I do not remember watching this movie, but I'm downloading it now
[Feb 4,2015 11:19am - Yeti ""]
long live DFTG!
[Feb 4,2015 11:19am - Yeti ""]
Dave From the Grave
where are you now?
the world needs you
we're going down
[Feb 4,2015 5:52pm - Snowden ""]
Movie bites and turns into a goofy lite-horror movie halfway through. "Europa Report" is more or less the movie "Sunshine" was acting like it was gonna be, much better (although with 100% fewer monster chases).
[Feb 8,2015 5:29am - the_reverend ""]
oh, the first 1/2 of this movie was pretty good. I agree with the second half. And they never explained anything about the monster really.
[Feb 8,2015 2:22pm - Snowden ""]
Yeah, it starts off pretty promising. Extreme sunstroke I guess?
[Feb 9,2015 8:02am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to watch Europa Report today looks good.
[Feb 9,2015 9:39am - narcosis ""]
watched this friday night. i thought it was okay. not really a highlight in danny boyles filmography.
[Feb 9,2015 10:10am - Snowden ""]
I liked "Europa Report" and I'd definitely say it's a better hard sci-fi movie than "Sunshine", but it is very deadpan and slow-moving.

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