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I DREW SOME MORE MORE COMICS (attn: Bob No Maam Rooney: boobs)

[Jan 28,2008 12:19pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]







for the rest of 'em
[Jan 28,2008 12:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

SRLSY, I love the stream of consciousness thing. And the addition of cut-and-paste celebrity heads is highly approved. I'd so buy a book of these.
[Jan 28,2008 12:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
By the way, it's "jenkum."
[Jan 28,2008 12:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This is jenka:

[Jan 28,2008 12:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jan 28,2008 12:32pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
Damn. As long as people realize it's the poop-huffing thing, I'm fine with it.

I can only hope that more people share your willingness to buy books of this. Then I will have found my career.

I was thinking about it, and if I got a syndicated strip, I could draw a year's worth of daily-run things in like a week and be done working for the year. WHO WANTS TO PAY ME?!?!
[Jan 28,2008 12:32pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
Heath Ledger was British, right?
[Jan 28,2008 12:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 28,2008 12:44pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
close enough
[Jan 28,2008 12:44pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
hahahaha I just noticed the Jenga's supposed to be the world trade centers. classy.
[Jan 28,2008 12:55pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
wow that band sucks pretty bad. Too much Jenkum for Jenka achachacha
[Jan 28,2008 1:14pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jan 28,2008 3:06pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
wow... that heath ledger strip is funnier now with his face pasted in... last night since i was baked i let my imagination fill in those empty panels while you were drawing them,,, but its a hell of lot funnier now

[Jan 28,2008 4:26pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
"Dumb Cunt Weekly" had me lolling
[Jan 29,2008 11:45am - kadoogasaurus  ""]
bump a dump
[Jan 30,2008 3:35pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]

[Jan 30,2008 4:37pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]

[Jan 30,2008 4:39pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
those are two different videos, so you know. many many more to come
[Jan 30,2008 4:50pm - contagion ""]
these are awesome
[Jan 30,2008 4:54pm - diarrhea_blumpkin nli  ""]
tits! could be louder... can barely hear your purdeee voice
[Jan 30,2008 7:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Nice job.

I see you have been influenced by Ren and Stimpy.
[Jan 30,2008 7:35pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
Ren and who? I kid, I kid, it's one of the greatest cartoons in history.

Here's a third one with slightly better audio (it might not work yet, but give it like an hour


[Jan 30,2008 7:35pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
I swear on my life that smiley face has nothing to do with me.
[Jan 30,2008 7:39pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm so glad I have "movie maker". I always wanted to make stupid cartoons.
[Jan 30,2008 7:41pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Haha are you trying to do all the audio quietly?
[Jan 30,2008 7:53pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
Nope. I just own a shitty, shitty microphone. They'll get better, I swear. These are my first attempts at even using the windows movie maker. I'll be taking over adult swim in no time...
[Jan 30,2008 7:55pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Word. I will be making some real retarded shit soon. I just need sound affects.
[Jan 31,2008 2:39pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
Fun with Lame Bands and Newspapers:

[Jan 31,2008 2:40pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
The Adventures of Janitor Man:

[Jan 31,2008 2:44pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
The Charlie Chumbles and the Doodlewalls Show Part 1:

[Jan 31,2008 5:12pm - diarrhea_blumpkin ""]
we need these to be animated stat!
[Jan 31,2008 6:46pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
Indeed. Consider these demos until the money starts pouring in.
[Jan 31,2008 7:12pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
bahahaha my comics are too much for ebaum's world. I posted a few of em last week and they've already been deleted. Score one for me.
[Feb 1,2008 12:09pm - kadoogasaurus  ""]
swamplorddvm said:Word. I will be making some real retarded shit soon. I just need sound affects.

For the actual sound effects, I WAS using Kinetic 2, but my free trial ran out the same day I started using it, so I say just steal em from pre-existing tv shows.
[Feb 1,2008 4:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'll try that.

My dog makes cool noises. So does my butt.

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