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BLACKOUT FRENZY Post new track Automata

[Jan 13,2008 8:09pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Check it out. Thanks


[Jan 13,2008 9:40pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Opinions please.
[Jan 13,2008 9:55pm - uhhh  ""]
terrible, then it gets worse when you attempt to sing.
[Jan 13,2008 9:57pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Cool. Heh, Heh, Heh. *Like Butthead*
[Jan 13,2008 9:59pm - BlackoutRick ""]
BTW, lots a balls posting anonymously. Geek.
[Jan 14,2008 7:31am - BlackoutRick ""]
More please.
[Jan 14,2008 11:51am - immortal13 ""]
That uhhh guy did the same thing on our thread about new shit. Fucking pussy.
[Jan 14,2008 6:50pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jan 14,2008 9:20pm - another guy  ""]
the clean vocals are a real turn off for me.
i was not expecting to hear anything much from this since i have listened to you guys before and it's not my style at all.. however, i have to admit that this new tune has some seriously bad ass parts. i wish you didn't do the cleans cuz it ruins it. your hardcore voice stands alone i think. sounds a lot like phil. good for you guys.

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