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Putting my dog down this thursday

[Jan 7,2008 10:20pm - immortal13 ""]
My golden retriever Mako has cancer in his front right shoulder. He's 11 years old, and in a lot of pain. He barely eats, and barely moves at all.

This is gonna be one shitty week.
[Jan 7,2008 10:26pm - Aegathis ""]
My dog of ten years went through that too, she had it in her throat and couldnt breathe much any more, so putting her down seemed like the best thing i guess
[Jan 7,2008 10:30pm - Goatcatalyst ""]
My most sincere condolences, man. So sorry to hear.
[Jan 7,2008 10:34pm - ZJD ""]
Shitty. I think I remember Mako being a sweet dog. Most retrievers are sweet dogs.
[Jan 7,2008 10:41pm - dreadkill ""]
that sucks, man. sorry to hear it. i love dogs. i lost my first dog to kidney disease 9 years ago. it was difficult to go through.
[Jan 7,2008 10:48pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Definitely sorry to hear it, and I know how you feel man. 9 days before Christmas last year, we had to put down our huskie/retriever/yellow lab mix, Maggie due to cancer that spread like wildfire. My condolences.
[Jan 7,2008 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
I had a dog that was dying, but the day that I brought my camera into get fixed, he got REALLY bad. it took a month for me to get the camera back and the morning that I came back with it, I snapped some shots of him walking around a little. mostly a bag-of-bones. I had asked him during that month just to wait so I could get a few more pictures of him. Then I petted him for a few minutes said it was ok now and left for work. My dad had stayed home to take him to the vets. About an hour and a half later, my dad called me to say that he just found him dead.
[Jan 7,2008 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]
that reminds me, I'm going to grab/upload those pictures.
[Jan 7,2008 10:51pm - immortal13 ""]
Yeah, I've had this dog since I was 9 (20 now), so it's safe to say I grew up with him.
[Jan 7,2008 10:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
It's better that he's going as an older dog; hopefully he had a fulfilling life.
[Jan 7,2008 10:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I had tyger from 10 to 23/24
[Jan 7,2008 10:55pm - immortal13 ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:It's better that he's going as an older dog; hopefully he had a fulfilling life.

He did, I'm just going through that usual I should have done this stage before someone/thing dies, you know?
[Jan 7,2008 11:20pm - succubus ""]
awwww so sorry that sucks
[Jan 7,2008 11:55pm - sxealex ""]
my dog pooped on the floor many times a day for like 2 years before I put it down. I was so psyched when the time came. but yea sorry dood.
[Jan 8,2008 12:08am - thuringwethil ""]
I'm a sap from fucking hell but I love animals and I've said many sad goodbyes to doggies growing up who meant a fuck of a lot to me:

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…

– Author Unknown
[Jan 8,2008 12:21am - Hungtableed  ""]
Shit man, my condolences to you and your family.

My dog was so uncontrollably pissing on the floor that my brother, who had taken ownership of her when he moved out, ended up sending her to live with us. We probably lived about 4 months or so with the poor lady quarantined in one room pissin' all over the news paper we had laid down. While my family gathered for my 22nd Birthday it became apparent that we were being selfish for keeping her alive because she was at a point at which she could no longer stand up. Putting her down was tough as fuck and watching her last breath was something I'll never forget. But, in hindsight, it was the right thing to do; she was suffering. She was a beagle/black lab mix. We planted a tree right over where we buried her.

[Jan 8,2008 12:24am - sxealex ""]
thuringwethil said:a bunch of stuff

what is this craigslist?
[Jan 12,2008 11:07am - immortal13 ""]

That's the big guy right there. Thursday was one of the hardest days of my life. Now there's no one waiting at my door every day for me to get home, no one to act as a secondary alarm clock every morning and come barging into my room to wake me up, no one that will go outside and fetch a ball every time I throw it, but it's all these memories that are keeping me sane right now.
[Jan 12,2008 11:11am - pam ""]
I'm SO sorry dude. I have lots of pets and I live in constant dread of something happening to them, my condolences.
[Jan 12,2008 11:24am - immortal13 ""]
Thanks a lot. It definitely sucks, especially when you know exactly when it's gonna happen, cuz then you sit there at work all day, begging for the day to go by slower, and dreading for that time to come.
[Jan 12,2008 11:37am - pam ""]
I can't even imagine. You'd have to sedate me, especially with my dog.
[Jan 12,2008 11:39am - immortal13 ""]
I couldn't even work all day. I was doing such a shitty job, and everyone knew exactly why I was so upset, but I was never once offered to go home, even with how dead we were.
[Jan 12,2008 12:20pm - pam ""]
Assholes. Your boss clearly isn't an animal lover.
[Jan 12,2008 1:14pm - immortal13 ""]
It's not that, he just doesn't have much of a heart. He continued to flip out because I asked for this weekend off (we were supposed to tour) and then told him I no longer needed it off and that I could work, and he didn't remember me telling him that so he thinks I'm hiding the fact that I could have worked this weekend. He was flipping out about this, knowing that in about an hour I was gonna be watching my dog's euthanasia. So now I'm spending my entire weekend off looking for a new damn job that will give me more than 35 hours a week.
[Jan 12,2008 3:19pm - MASlayer  ""]
That's terrible...I was 17 when we put our first beagle down and it was one of the worst moments of my life. To say good bye to that part of the family...what sucks even more is that I have another one now who's 9. Got lots of years left but how do you explain it to your daughter who says the dog's her best friend? (she's only 5)...death...the biggest curse of life...
[Jan 12,2008 4:36pm - fleshfries ""]
Ah losing a dog is the worst...there's a connection that cannot be replicated between to human beings. Sad news man...good luck.
[Jan 12,2008 4:39pm - DrewBlood ""]
I'm sorry. He sounds like he was a great dog.
[Jan 12,2008 4:40pm - titsmagee ""]
i just put my dog down this past Monday, after 14 years.
shit, everyday since i've come home and routinely expected him to say hi and then take him out. and i've even looked for him and then it hits me, "oh yeah"...
Hungta- my dog was practically in the same state . i felt like a bad owner when i brought my dog in: all tumored up, smelling like piss and febreeze, but he declined so fast, i felt guilty like "how did it get to this".
in the end, the only consolance i found was knowing that he was suffering.
messed up. One of the hardest thing i've ever done. [img]
[Jan 12,2008 5:08pm - Dankill  ""]
It was terrible when we had to put down our dog a few years ago. Awesome Golden Lab/Great Dane mix named Yoda.
[Jan 13,2008 10:16am - immortal13 ""]
He was an awesome dog. I miss him a lot already. We're having him cremated with a pigs ear, and when we get him back we're putting a picture of us right with him. Since we already know I'm a sap about animals at this point, I'll admit that when I found his bandanna on the floor the night he died, I've slept with it in my hand and kept it with me everywhere I've gone, and intend on doing that until I get my memory tattoo of him. Getting a big Mako shark going up my shoulder and around to my chest, and it will say Mako somewhere on it. I know it's spelt wrong, but that's how we spelled his name.

And in a very ironic continuation of events, my bird, Skully (yes, named after Skully from the X-Files) died last night of old age. He was 12 years old. Fucking great way to keep a week going.
[Jan 13,2008 10:24am - NIGGER ""]

[Jan 13,2008 10:30am - immortal13 ""]
When I saw that you posted, I was immediately pissed for you saying something on my thread about my dog, but then I read and realized one thing that you said really does make sense: Dogs are better than most people. Very true indeed. Props for once.
[Jan 13,2008 2:38pm - : o  ""]
[Jan 13,2008 3:04pm - NIGGER ""]
immortal13 said:When I saw that you posted, I was immediately pissed for you saying something on my thread about my dog, but then I read and realized one thing that you said really does make sense: Dogs are better than most people. Very true indeed. Props for once.




[Jan 13,2008 4:29pm - Uncle_Ruckus ""]


Hello I'm Uncle Ruckus. No relation.
I agree most dogs are better then most niggers.
All Praise White Jesus!
[Jan 13,2008 5:04pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

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