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Chris Farley's Death

[Jan 7,2008 1:09am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

Sorry to see him like this. Good dude.
[Jan 7,2008 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
so old.
[Jan 7,2008 1:21am - t shirt fiend  ""]
that scene is staged. he was murdered.
[Jan 7,2008 1:26am - SteveOTB ""]
Was Farely's death a suicide?

He has what looks to be rosary beads in his left hand.
[Jan 7,2008 1:27am - thuringwethil ""]

was that from coke? I don't know the story
[Jan 7,2008 1:31am - SkinSandwich ""]
yup, those are rosary beads. Looks like a bit o' cash there too. maybe he ordered take out? This is wicked old, but it sucks.
[Jan 7,2008 1:54am - Lamp ""]
Looks like textbook pwnage.
[Jan 7,2008 1:56am - SW  ""]
SteveOTB said:Was Farely's death a suicide?

He has what looks to be rosary beads in his left hand.

he was a trained Jesuit...
[Jan 7,2008 4:48am - sxealex ""]
i think it was heroin?
[Jan 7,2008 5:59am - SkinSandwich ""]
sxealex said:i think it was heroin?

"Chris Farley, who had struggled with obesity, alcohol, and drug addiction for years, was found dead in his 60th floor apartment of the John Hancock Center in Chicago on December 18, 1997. An autopsy revealed that Farley had died of an accidental overdose of heroin and cocaine (commonly known as a "speedball") with coronary arteriosclerosis being a contributing factor.By the time of his last SNL appearance, as a guest host on October 25, 1997 he was evidently in trouble — his voice was unbearably hoarse, he looked bloated, sweated profusely, and was grossly overweight. A tabloid reported that Farley had been drinking heavily during the week of rehearsals and needed an oxygen tank. Reportedly on the set of Almost Heroes, he required almost constant hands-on caretaking."

I can't believe it was that long ago, jeez.


[Jan 7,2008 7:04am - archaeon ""]
why the hell is his shirt open
[Jan 7,2008 7:08am - SkinSandwich ""]
He thought he was a sexy bitch. say no to drugs, or you will think you are a sexy bitch.
[Jan 7,2008 7:52am - thuringwethil ""]
speedball (8-ball?) killed John Belushi too
[Jan 7,2008 8:07am - Mess ""]
haha look at all the blow on the table with the lamp on it. he's got his credit card out and everything.

i didn't know he died from choking on a golfball?
[Jan 7,2008 8:29am - omg  ""]
hahahahahaha awesome
[Jan 7,2008 8:34am - C.DEAD  ""]
Never saw those other pictures before. They really give you an amazing idea of what happened. The bloody tissues are fucking creepy.
[Jan 7,2008 9:00am - largefreakatzero ""]
thuringwethil said:speedball (8-ball?) killed John Belushi too

Speedball = coke and heroin at the same time. Upper + downer = chances are, you die.

8-ball = 1/8 oz. of coke, meth, heroin, whatever.

[Jan 7,2008 9:15am - corpus_colostomy ""]
farley = belushi.

[Jan 7,2008 9:24am - corpus_colostomy ""]
a true 'speed ball' is not accompanied by coke, rather, it's CRACK and heroin...
stuff smells like hot plastic when burned, very unplesant.

[Jan 7,2008 9:28am - largefreakatzero ""]
corpus_colostomy said:a true 'speed ball' is not accompanied by coke, rather, it's CRACK and heroin...
stuff smells like hot plastic when burned, very unplesant.

That's diiiirrrty!
[Jan 7,2008 9:31am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You won't think it's so funny...

When you're OD'ing in a van...

[Jan 7,2008 9:35am - corpus_colostomy ""]
If you knew who was into this shit, you would be astounded: I know prominant doctors, lawyers and successful, clean cut people who delve deeply.
[Jan 7,2008 9:38am - demondave ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:You won't think it's so funny...

When you're OD'ing in a van...



[Jan 7,2008 9:42am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 7,2008 10:07am - SkinSandwich ""]

I now believe in reincarnation
[Jan 7,2008 2:37pm - tbone_r nli  ""]
thuringwethil said:speedball (8-ball?) killed John Belushi too

chris farley was once quoted as saying he wanted to live and die like john belushi. it was in an article i read once which also said that david spade didnt attend his funeral, and had mentioned in the past that he was pissed off because farley was bigger than he was. not sure how true any of it is, but it was a times article i believe.
[Jan 7,2008 2:58pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
he looked bloated, sweated profusely, and was grossly overweight.

and he looked different how?
[Jan 7,2008 3:10pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
That's a lot of blow on the table. I've seen more though.
[Jan 7,2008 3:12pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
And maybe this is a stupid question but what the hell is in his mouth?
[Jan 7,2008 3:27pm - Yeti ""]
i'd say its some kind of post-mortem foamage.
[Jan 7,2008 3:29pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I've been wondering the same thing since I first saw the pic. WHAT IS IN HIS MOUTH?!?!
[Jan 7,2008 3:46pm - Mike_Giallo ""]
Yeti said:i'd say its some kind of post-mortem foamage.

I was thinking that too. Just wanted to make sure.
[Jan 7,2008 7:21pm - Hoser ""]
What is that white thing in his mouth?
[Jan 7,2008 7:25pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jan 7,2008 8:50pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Loved that guy. RIP
[Jan 8,2008 8:13am - xmikex ""]
Delete this thread.
[Jan 8,2008 8:22am - omg  ""]
xmikex said:Delete this thread.

[Jan 8,2008 9:17am - corpus_colostomy ""]
Ah, now comes the part where NIGGER chimes in and says, "least he didn't die of AIDS, like Chuck Shuldiner..black power," right?
[Jan 8,2008 10:15am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
corpus_colostomy said:Ah, now comes the part where NIGGER chimes in and says, "least he didn't die of AIDS, like Chuck Shuldiner..black power," right?

Well, looks like now he doesn't need to.
[Jan 8,2008 10:32am - corpus_colostomy ""]
wow, is this what enlightenment feels like?
[Jan 8,2008 10:49am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
corpus_colostomy said:wow, is this what enlightenment feels like?


No, that's a polyp.
[Jan 8,2008 11:16am - xmikex ""]
omg said:xmikex said:Delete this thread.


Chris Farley was the man. I think his death deserves a little more dignity than a random car crash victim in a random image thread.
[Jan 8,2008 2:21pm - ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza  ""]
xmikex said:
I think his death deserves a little more dignity

Well, I think to die with dignity that the first requirement would be to die ... with dignity.

If he'd died in a dignified way, chances are likely that no one here would WANT to post pictures of it.
[Jan 8,2008 2:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Drugs are bad.
[Jan 8,2008 2:35pm - tomxnli  ""]
that foam in his mouth is pulmonary edema. shit's gross.
[Jan 8,2008 3:04pm - xmikex ""]
ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza said:xmikex said:
I think his death deserves a little more dignity

Well, I think to die with dignity that the first requirement would be to die ... with dignity.

If he'd died in a dignified way, chances are likely that no one here would WANT to post pictures of it.

The way he died sucked. But after all the awesome shit Chris Farely gave us I'd like to think that warrants giving him a break.
[Jan 8,2008 4:13pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
xmikex said:ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza said:xmikex said:
I think his death deserves a little more dignity

Well, I think to die with dignity that the first requirement would be to die ... with dignity.

If he'd died in a dignified way, chances are likely that no one here would WANT to post pictures of it.

The way he died sucked. But after all the awesome shit Chris Farely gave us I'd like to think that warrants giving him a break.

I didn't post it as a way of disrespect. Farley is awesome. I posted it because I had never seen a pic of his body and I didn't know if anyone else had either.
[Jan 8,2008 5:27pm - Dertoxia ""]
i think chris farely died in the best way he possibly could have. how lame would it have been if such an outrageous comedian full of so much energy died in like...a freak hiking accident or something. I like to think that his last moments were probably wild.
[Jan 8,2008 5:59pm - Mess ""]
jesus christ

you're all soft and gay and cushy
the fat fuck died of an overdose
think he gives a fuck about what you think of him?
[Jan 8,2008 7:16pm - brad weymouth  ""]
my friend Carl was found like that, cocaine and heroin on the table in front of him. He had sold everything in his house, including the cabinets, the sink, the downstairs toilet, fucking place was bare. I still think about him and how sad he was towards the end.

the story in the paper said something like "another heroin od"...the thing is, he was a major cokehead, freebase style, he did the heroin to take a ride and leave this world on a buzz. sucks
[Jan 8,2008 9:55pm - Whoremastery ""]
Dertoxia said:i think chris farely died in the best way he possibly could have. how lame would it have been if such an outrageous comedian full of so much energy died in like...a freak hiking accident or something. I like to think that his last moments were probably wild.

looks more like his last moments were foaming at the mouth and nose bleeds and with so much drugs in his system his heart was probrobly beating out of his chest and he probrobly was sweating so bad thats why his shit is open...a very painfull and unpleasent way to die.....not very wild at all.
[Jan 8,2008 10:25pm - yummy ""]
These pics don't change how funny he was.
[Jan 8,2008 10:43pm - Dertoxia ""]
Whoremastery said:Dertoxia said:i think chris farely died in the best way he possibly could have. how lame would it have been if such an outrageous comedian full of so much energy died in like...a freak hiking accident or something. I like to think that his last moments were probably wild.

looks more like his last moments were foaming at the mouth and nose bleeds and with so much drugs in his system his heart was probrobly beating out of his chest and he probrobly was sweating so bad thats why his shit is open...a very painfull and unpleasent way to die.....not very wild at all.

to him it was probably a great time
[Jan 8,2008 10:52pm - Mess ""]
[Jan 8,2008 11:15pm - Whoremastery ""]
i doubt it...ive been there...i should be dead...its horrible
[Jan 8,2008 11:17pm - Whoremastery ""]
i doubt he would have rosary beads in his hand at his last moments if he felt he was in disney land!
[Jan 9,2008 12:03am - anonymous  ""]
What the hell is in his mouth?
[Jan 9,2008 12:06am - yummy ""]
see previous posts
[Jan 9,2008 12:33am - anonymous  ""]

[Oct 26,2008 10:27pm - don't matter  ""]
a real drag
[Oct 27,2008 12:19am - Conservationist ""]
Sometimes it's only chance that keeps us from deaths like that. Yuck.
[Oct 27,2008 8:58am - ouchdrummer ""]
definately had a brush or two...
[Oct 27,2008 9:08am - aril  ""]
tommy boy is such a classic movie.
[Oct 27,2008 11:23am - ouchdrummer ""]

Conservationist said:Sometimes it's only chance that keeps us from deaths like that. Yuck.

It's sad looking at that picture. Not even because i particularly was into his stuff, he was funny, but he wasn't one of my favorites. I just know what it's like to be lying on the floor, heart pumpin outta your chest, thoughts of demise at your own hands flying through your head, worry of all the hurt you'll cause from all of it... Swearing to yourself (*or if you believe in a god, to him) that you'll clean up, that you won't touch the stuff ever again.. Just to wake up the next morning with your first thoughts being "i wonder when i might find me some fun today."

It's a tough, tough, thing to go through. And in the not too distant past, i was in the same sorta place.
[Oct 27,2008 11:24am - RichHorror ""]

corpus_colostomy said:If you knew who was into this shit, you would be astounded: I know prominant doctors, lawyers and successful, clean cut people who delve deeply.

Yup. I worked as a hospital orderly for 7 years and was AMAZED at how many hospital employees [at ALL levels] were regular heroin users.
[Jan 7,2009 3:17am - anonymous  ""]
you are people are sick on here debating how and why he died.. have a little repsect
[Jan 7,2009 8:00am - Josh_Martin ""]

corpus_colostomy said:a true 'speed ball' is not accompanied by coke, rather, it's CRACK and heroin...
stuff smells like hot plastic when burned, very unplesant.

Not true. Speedballs have been around a lot longer than crack.
You can't shoot crack without distilling it with vinegar and the vinegar would ruin the heroin. A crack speedball is impossible.
[Jan 7,2009 8:03am - Josh_Martin ""]

RichHorror said:
corpus_colostomy said:If you knew who was into this shit, you would be astounded: I know prominant doctors, lawyers and successful, clean cut people who delve deeply.

Yup. I worked as a hospital orderly for 7 years and was AMAZED at how many hospital employees [at ALL levels] were regular heroin users.

Not too surprising. Imagine the easy access they have to drugs.
[Jan 7,2009 8:06am - Josh_Martin ""]

tbone_r%20nli said:thuringwethil said:speedball (8-ball?) killed John Belushi too

chris farley was once quoted as saying he wanted to live and die like john belushi. it was in an article i read once which also said that david spade didnt attend his funeral, and had mentioned in the past that he was pissed off because farley was bigger than he was. not sure how true any of it is, but it was a times article i believe.

Yup. he lived just like Belushi. If you've ever read Wired, the parallels between their lives is amazing. Farley was even the same age when he died. Its like he planned it.
The only difference I guess is that Belushi's partner (Dan Akroyd) wasn't a jealous little shit like Spade and was a pall bearer at Belushi's funeral.
[Jan 7,2009 8:45am - the_reverend ""]
has Spade done anything good?
[Jan 7,2009 8:56am - c.DeAD  ""]
I thought Spades show on Comedy Central was pretty awesome. The only thing he did that was actually really good.
[Jan 7,2009 2:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Drugs are bad.
[Jan 7,2009 2:31pm - ouchdrummer ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:Drugs are bad.

[Jan 7,2009 2:35pm - Mess ""]
my bud just passed almost the same way as farley died, this x-mas eve (the same day i asked my girl to marry me). he had a kid and a fiance'. fucking devastating. they found him naked next to the toilet with a spike in his arm and another ready to go.
[Jan 7,2009 2:55pm - Aegathis ""]

SkinSandwich said:sxealex said:i think it was heroin?

... was found dead in his 60th floor apartment of the John Hancock Center in Chicago on December 18, 1997. "

"John Hancock. It's Herbie Hancock. Duh!"
[Jan 7,2009 3:04pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Mess said:my bud just passed almost the same way as farley died, this x-mas eve (the same day i asked my girl to marry me). he had a kid and a fiance'. fucking devastating. they found him naked next to the toilet with a spike in his arm and another ready to go.

anyone I know?
[Jan 7,2009 3:22pm - Mess ""]

Josh_Martin said:
Mess said:my bud just passed almost the same way as farley died, this x-mas eve (the same day i asked my girl to marry me). he had a kid and a fiance'. fucking devastating. they found him naked next to the toilet with a spike in his arm and another ready to go.

anyone I know?

i don't think so. he was a dude my age (28) from weymouth. do you know Marty Newell? it was his brother in-law.
[Jan 7,2009 5:30pm - pam ""]
Chris Farley had terrible taste in furniture.
[Jan 7,2009 6:41pm - RyanPlegics ""]

tbone_r%20nli said:thuringwethil said:

...david spade didnt attend his funeral, and had mentioned in the past that he was pissed off because farley was bigger than he was...

David Spade is a twig. He needs the opposite of the fat people stomach surgery if we wanted to be bigger than Farley.
[Jan 7,2009 7:22pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I always thought he was more of a twink.
[Jan 12,2010 1:39pm - gtommy  ""]
chris farley was an hilarious man but what he had was a problem even though the problem cracked all of us up... it led him to be where he is. i guaruntee you he would rather be alive and i guaruntee you he could of been bigger and better than what he was if he had been a man about his drug problem.for example the man was a huge comedian look at his shitty apartment drugs will turn the best into dirt..not all drugs but heroin for sure
[Jan 12,2010 1:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

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