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Destruction/Sodom/Kreator North American Tour

[show listing]  __________________________________________
[Jan 4,2008 11:17am - SlavonicIdentity ""]
Hell Comes To Your Town '08/'09, confirmed by Schmier on their forum!

[Jan 4,2008 11:18am - pam nli  ""]
[Jan 4,2008 11:29am - faggums  ""]
[Jan 4,2008 11:33am - BSV  ""]
That's unbelieveable!
[Jan 4,2008 11:44am - C.DEAD  ""]
Thats fucking ridiculous. Can't wait.
[Jan 4,2008 11:52am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
YES!!!!! Hopefully it's a full tour, and not select cities cause that'd be fucking lame.
[Jan 4,2008 3:34pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Hopefully Sodom can still make it around alone this spring, as planned. They're the best of the three live.
[Jan 4,2008 3:39pm - thuringwethil ""]
um, exsqueeze me?

all three bands?

I just peed a little.
[Jan 4,2008 4:10pm - RobinG ""]
Cool someone tell schmier I've done his last two shows in Boston and that he should definitely get in touch with me ammoniarecords@gmail.com
[Jan 4,2008 4:54pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
I guess that would make up for the no King Diamond.
[Jan 4,2008 5:18pm - s.i.  ""]
i saw destruction w/ kreator a couple of years ago at that show in NH. Both bands fucking slaaaayyyyed - cant fucking wait for that tour
[Jan 4,2008 5:25pm - pam nli  ""]
Which of these three do you suppose will drop off first?
[Jan 4,2008 5:26pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Sounds good. It would be my third time seeing each of those bands.
[Jan 4,2008 5:44pm - thuringwethil ""]
I've got my fingers crossed that this won't be cancelled.

I want my experience seeing Angelcorpse to be topped b/c the rest of my 2007 sucked frog balls (Skeleton Witch was pretty awesome too though).
[Jan 5,2008 10:34pm - divine intervention  ""]
Boy I hope this really happens
[Jan 6,2008 1:04pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jan 6,2008 1:06pm - BlackoutRick ""]
pam nli said:Which of these three do you suppose will drop off first?

HAHAHA!! Right? Now all we need is Tankard and Dew Scented

[Jan 6,2008 1:33pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Only minus Dew Scented and plus Vendetta.
[Jan 6,2008 2:45pm - Dankill  ""]
Any idea when the hell this is actually going down?
[Jan 6,2008 9:08pm - pam nli  ""]
BlackoutRick said:pam nli said:Which of these three do you suppose will drop off first?

HAHAHA!! Right? Now all we need is Tankard and Dew Scented

Aw, that would be amazing.
[Jan 6,2008 10:00pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Masturbate to kill myself FTW

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