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Who would like to see CMTAIB Live?

[Jan 1,2008 8:29pm - CMTAIB ""]
Where and when can we make this happen?
[Jan 1,2008 8:29pm - Fuck_Logging_In_NLI  ""]
[Jan 1,2008 8:31pm - CMTAIB ""]
yes it will be our first official show.
other than the house ragers we have played.
mr fuck.
[Jan 1,2008 8:39pm - brad weymouth  ""]
what lame name is that an anacronym for?
[Jan 1,2008 8:43pm - neverpurified ""]
Cut My Throat As I Bleed


fixed, thanks Blue
[Jan 1,2008 9:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i would like to bleed to death at this show please
[Jan 1,2008 9:08pm - Blue ""]
neverpurified said:Cut My Through As I Bled


get it right noobz
[Jan 1,2008 10:12pm - CMTAIB ""]
yeah blue.
oh you will bleed to death at this show..
and our long over due song about hoser and carrots killing things will be up soon.
[Jan 11,2008 3:46pm - CMTAIB ""]
who wants to see history?
[Jan 11,2008 5:33pm - trip to the brain  ""]
hell fuckin no, that band is gay. there badness does not make the good!!!! or does it????

[Jan 11,2008 5:59pm - CMTAIB ""]
you honestly don't respect understand music.
and the pure chaos that endures when we shred.
so many bands have stolen our riffs and claimed them for their own.
maybe rilly is more your style, or that band korn.
you honestly don't have an the slightest clue on what your talking about.
go listen to your limp biskit.
[Jan 11,2008 10:49pm - xanonymousx ""]
I'd love to see this band live.
Set something up already.
[Jan 12,2008 1:36pm - jack in the box  ""]
ok i give up i want to see them play... but only if i can play kazoo wah wah with you and then gg allin up the place with fecal matter, rape and beastiality
[Jan 14,2008 9:29pm - CMTAIB ""]
we destroy places.
anyone that would like to play with us just give me a message.

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