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[Dec 16,2007 5:23pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
After almost 3 years, I have finally obtained the only single we recorded at a studio in Somersworth, NH. I was on vocals.


The influences were those of the rest of the band. The only influence I put in there was Zao cause that was the only relateable band there. I was always trying to get them to listen to more extreme music but they liked their Metalcore.
[Dec 16,2007 6:39pm - death cvlt  ""]
eeww this sucks
[Dec 16,2007 6:41pm - ZJD ""]
You seem sort of ashamed of this band. I don't understand why this thread exists.
[Dec 16,2007 6:42pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't understand why a lot of CTB's threads exist.
[Dec 16,2007 6:43pm - death cvlt  ""]
actually, i have heard much worse metalcore. the start of the song really stunk, i really don't like the riffs. you guys could do better if you played better style-- i don't think you are completely talentless or anything. if it makes you feel any better the vocals are probably the best part.. even thought they are really too core for me overall.

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