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FS????engl powerball/z5FS.ATA case

[Dec 14,2007 12:25pm - magh8 ""]
I'm just testing the waters here.I may be selling next month.the powerball is retubeb with JJ 6l6gc's and high gain JJ 12ax7s and a tungsol 12ax7 in V1.also with the live in roadcase and footswitch.looking for $1700 for all local PU anybody interested.the head alone is 1900 new w/o footswitch($180)
[Dec 14,2007 4:44pm - Blue ""]
WHAT??? last week you were all liek 'i aintz getting rid of mah powahball it eees soo brewwwwwtuLzzzz'
[Dec 14,2007 4:45pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
If I didn't fuck my knee up last night, I would have enough money to buy this. Fuck my life.
[Dec 14,2007 4:46pm - Blue ""]
oh please, you wouldve just bought another crate.

you and nicc are all liek 'MoAr CrAteZ PuHlEEEEZE'
[Dec 14,2007 4:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, if I have enough money to take a few steps beyond Crate, I take those few steps. I still like my Blue Voodoo and Shockwave for the applications they necessitate right now, but when TYAG tours I want something that can push a bigger, fuller, more powerful sound without it being a solid state.
[Dec 14,2007 4:55pm - the_reverend ""]
does this come in SATA?
[Dec 14,2007 6:20pm - Niccolai ""]
Blue said:oh please, you wouldve just bought another crate.

you and nicc are all liek 'MoAr CrAteZ PuHlEEEEZE'

I like one amp head that Crate used to make which has a non-crate preamp in it.
[Dec 14,2007 6:23pm - magh8 ""]
Blue said:WHAT??? last week you were all liek 'i aintz getting rid of mah powahball it eees soo brewwwwwtuLzzzz'

well I got to listen to another nitro clip on HC and that thing just sounds so fuckin brootal and pissed off.I figure I'm gonna wait for my taxes and bonus and if I like it I will sell the powerball.what can i say I am still in love with that marshall type tone.go take a listen blue...
[Dec 14,2007 6:26pm - magh8 ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:Haha, if I have enough money to take a few steps beyond Crate, I take those few steps. I still like my Blue Voodoo and Shockwave for the applications they necessitate right now, but when TYAG tours I want something that can push a bigger, fuller, more powerful sound without it being a solid state.

FJA mods is selling a crate stealth with a upgraded transformer for 300 bucks.so if you want the sound of an ampeg SS150 but warmer there ya go...
[Dec 14,2007 6:27pm - Blue ""]
honestly all the nitro clips ive heard so far have not impressed me. sounds cloudy and a little too boxy. probably due to shitty recording quality though.
[Dec 14,2007 9:52pm - ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza  ""]
comparing a recording of someone ELSE playing a different guitar through an amp to yourself, in the same room as your own amp is pretty damned stupid.
[Dec 14,2007 10:37pm - Blue ""]
well, i guess just consider me a total moron when it comes to tone and/or gear. =/
[Dec 14,2007 10:39pm - ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza  ""]
I was talking about his reason for selling the amp.
[Dec 14,2007 10:41pm - Blue ""]
it is just teh eternal search for TeH TonEzZZZ
[Dec 14,2007 10:58pm - porphyria  ""]
ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza said:comparing a recording of someone ELSE playing a different guitar through an amp to yourself, in the same room as your own amp is pretty damned stupid.

you do have a HUGE point in saying that someone who is an amazing player can make even the shittiest rig sound good. put someone like me on it and it wouldn't happen.
[Dec 14,2007 10:59pm - porphyria  ""]
most of the sick tonez are in teh fingerz! :spineyes:
[Dec 14,2007 11:20pm - sxealex ""]
the_reverend said:does this come in SATA?

Yea i looked at this quick and though it was a comp thread myself
[Dec 15,2007 12:18am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i thought this was about somebody winning the Powerball Lottery and they were so excited they couldnt type a coherent thread title.
[Dec 15,2007 1:55am - magh8 ""]
ArrowHead likes Ellios Pizza said:comparing a recording of someone ELSE playing a different guitar through an amp to yourself, in the same room as your own amp is pretty damned stupid.

when you listen to clips it gives you an Idea of how the amps tone will be.If I didn't LISTEN to clips I would have NEVER owned a POWERBALL the closest dealer at the time was in virginia.what I listened to is what I got.all I know is I like the marshall tone when it is not actually a marshall.so from what I have heared I will get this head(subject to change)and if I really am impressed with it the PB will be for sale.I have owned and played thru some of the most sought after heads on the market(Framus cobra/dragon,bogner uber,mesa,Engl savage/blackmore,marshall JVM,5150/6505/5150III) and in the end the PB holds its own and I still have it.the splawn nitro is the only head I have had almost 100 positive feeling about in being the most brutal,articulate,and tight sounding amp and may take the place of my powerball.
[Dec 27,2007 4:27pm - IgnominiousandPale ""]
Ugh, Im getting a mesa for shit cheap, so if I can sell it in time and have enough to get that Powerball...I will
[Dec 27,2007 5:03pm - brian_dc ""]
I have fallen back in love with my powerball now that I changed my pickups up
[Dec 27,2007 6:10pm - magh8 ""]
oh yeah the poweball is going to stay.
[Dec 28,2007 3:35pm - IgnominiousandPale ""]
make up your mind man! hahaha

What pickups sound best with one of those?
[Jan 10,2008 12:21pm - magh8 ""]
I like the dimarzio steve's special and emg 85/89...

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