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Tony Hawk: Project 8

[Dec 14,2007 3:02am - the_reverend ""]
rented it back in march.
carina bought it for me and I finally put it back in today.
I sucked.
[Dec 14,2007 5:22pm - Brandon... ""]
I was up all last night playing tony hawks pro skater 2 for original playstation.....Good times.
[Dec 14,2007 5:34pm - zymosis nli  ""]
Hours and hours of my life that I will never get back thanks to Tony Hawk 2.
[Dec 14,2007 5:36pm - xanonymousx ""]
skate. is where it is at.
[Dec 14,2007 5:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I played this game for a night or two in march and it was fun. bought the game and now I suck. I need to go back to the tutorial.

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