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Watchmakers 2 Final shows

[Nov 7,2007 9:52am - watchmaker666 ""]
Posted here

[Nov 7,2007 10:36am - Mess ""]
shitty news
[Nov 7,2007 10:52am - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 7,2007 11:06am - inject-now ""]
wicked gay news

paul, can you get hirudinea on that boston show?
[Nov 7,2007 11:33am - watchmaker666 ""]
Mike, I sent booking guy, or whatever you call them an email. I will let you know.
[Nov 7,2007 11:42am - inject-now ""]
thanks man. i hope we get on at least one of the final shows...
[Nov 7,2007 11:43am - watchmaker666 ""]
Wouldnt be the same without the Hirudenia boys
[Nov 7,2007 11:45am - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
worst news ever. I always thought you guys were one of the best bands in the area, and put on one of the best shows period. At least we had the opportunity to play with you guys last June.

100% I will be at the December 4th show.
[Nov 7,2007 11:47am - sinistas ""]
Fuck. This sucks.
[Nov 7,2007 12:22pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
Huge.Fucking.Bummer. The only good part is that I will finally be able to get extremely (LEGALLY) drunk at one of your shows.
[Nov 7,2007 12:23pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha I like how that guy posted a flyer asking if you guys need any graphic design or album cover help
[Nov 7,2007 2:35pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm damn sure I'll be at the Great Scott show. This does indeed suck. There wouldn't happen to be any Watchmaker shirts for sale are there?
[Nov 7,2007 2:38pm - shatteredliz ""]
Lame! Sorry to hear this! (Can't you do a send off show in nyc, too??)
[Nov 7,2007 6:07pm - watchmaker666 ""]
We would but every time we go to NY its like 10 hours driving a zillion dollars in tolls and we play for like 10 people, so fuck NY I can do that in my basement.
[Nov 7,2007 6:09pm - RichHorror ""]
Damn, I wish we were on one of the last. I'm gonna try like hell to be at both.
[Nov 8,2007 1:36am - Strep Cunt  ""]
Going to the Great Scott's show. This is sad but it was a killer ride and you guys will be missed.
[Nov 8,2007 10:03am - ChineseMoustache666  ""]
Mark told me this was coming. I hope I can make it to the show with Lair of the Minotaur in Allston. Mark and I can drink soda and hold hands together xoxo.
[Nov 8,2007 10:25am - shatteredliz ""]
[Nov 8,2007 10:26am - ChineseMoustache666  ""]
shatteredliz said::(

Liz, you can hold my other hand!
[Nov 15,2007 9:29am - watchmaker666 ""]
Hey Mike, hirudinea is a go for the boston show!
[Nov 15,2007 9:38am - Mess ""]
sick bawllz
[Nov 15,2007 9:41am - watchmaker666 ""]
Hey Mike, can you talk to the guys in Panzer Bastard and see if they want to play? Let me know
[Nov 15,2007 10:04am - C.DEAD  ""]
watchmaker666 said:Hey Mike, hirudinea is a go for the boston show!

Fuck thats awesome! I would have been so pissed if we couldn't be a part of you guys' last outing; considering the split :cd:

Still depressing though. :tightiewhities:
[Nov 15,2007 10:07am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
so, why are you guys calling it quits?
[Nov 15,2007 10:16am - the_reverend ""]
cause they are all lame. dave, you should trip up to one of the final shows.

First time I saw watchmaker was at the bitter end fest
"Watchmaker: bullet belts and black metal. that's all you need. I love that guys mic too."

probably meant guy's.
searching back there is painful cause it reminds me of all the peeps that have left this place.
[Nov 15,2007 10:23am - watchmaker666 ""]
Looking back I can fucking belive how long we have been doing this! And yeah the reason we are calling it quits is pretty much that we are lame old men.
[Nov 15,2007 10:32am - C.DEAD  ""]
I ain't that old and i am dying to call it quits!
[Nov 15,2007 11:47am - inject-now ""]
awesome paul. thanks man. i will ask someone in panzerbastard today.

shmandy, if you see this. can panzerbastard play?
[Nov 20,2007 9:17am - watchmaker666 ""]
Panzer Bastard are on as well on 12/4 @ great scott. Should be a killer time!
[Nov 20,2007 9:31am - sinislazy  ""]
Fuggit, I'm going to try and get to the 12/4 show.
[Nov 24,2007 2:44pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
so fucking stoked for the great scott show, it'll be a blast.

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