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Dec 6 (Thu) - Metal Thursday XXVI: A tribute to Chuck Schuldiner (all Death & Control Denied covers!) with The Accursed, Dreaded Silence, Living Monstrosity (feat. members of Zircon & Soul Remnants) and Mortalis 21+ 9PM $5 - Ralph's Chadwick Square Rock Club (Worcester, MA)[view flyer]

Dec 6th @ Ralph's Diner - Metal Thursday XXVI: A tribute to Chuck Schuldiner (all Death & Control Denied covers) with The Accursed, Dreaded Silence, Living Monstrosity (feat. members of Zircon & Soul Remnants) & Mortalis 9PM 21+ $5

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Nov 3,2007 10:54pm - MetalThursday ""]
20+ songs. No duplicates. Songs from all albums.


[Nov 3,2007 11:09pm - sinistas ""]
Oh yeah. Great idea, Chris. Thanks for putting it together.
[Nov 4,2007 1:28am - Beorht-Dana ""]
Good idea indeed. This show is going to rule hard.
[Nov 4,2007 7:00am - sinistas ""]
I wish I could find a BC Rich Stealth for this.
[Nov 4,2007 8:37am - MetalThursday ""]
Living Monstrosity had our first practice yesterday... holy shit is it fun playing these songs. I can't wait for this.
[Nov 4,2007 11:17am - dreadkill ""]
can't wait for this.
[Nov 4,2007 11:17am - dreadkill ""]
this needs to be filmed
[Nov 4,2007 11:20am - MetalThursday ""]
msd has a pretty sick camcorder... hmmm.... haha
[Nov 4,2007 1:57pm - archaeon ""]
this will be off da hook

fo real
[Nov 4,2007 10:13pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I shall fucking be there.
[Nov 5,2007 4:16pm - mortalis nli  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I shall fucking be there.

everyone should
[Nov 5,2007 6:42pm - archaeon ""]
Mark, shall we do our little exchange at this event?
[Nov 5,2007 8:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 5,2007 10:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
archaeon said:Mark, shall we do our little exchange at this event?

We shall, good sir. Tell your friends to buy stuff too, or I'll steal their lunch money! LAWLZ.
[Nov 10,2007 11:46am - vomittingcarcass ""]
[Nov 16,2007 8:32pm - archaeon ""]
looky what i did

[Nov 16,2007 8:41pm - dreadkill ""]
[Nov 17,2007 9:31pm - MetalThursday ""]
we're legit now
[Nov 17,2007 11:43pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:archaeon said:Mark, shall we do our little exchange at this event?

We shall, good sir. Tell your friends to buy stuff too, or I'll steal their lunch money! LAWLZ.

Mark is dealing coke now apparently
[Nov 17,2007 11:47pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
PSHHH, coke?! You know damn well that I don't mess with that stuff.

Crystal meth is where the REAL money's at.
[Nov 18,2007 9:49am - NIGGER ""]


[Nov 18,2007 10:19am - zyklon ""]
Show some respect to the man Motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[Nov 22,2007 8:35am - sinistas ""]
2 weeks from today. Crazy.
[Nov 24,2007 12:27am - Samantha ""]



[Nov 26,2007 6:27pm - ratso rizzo  ""]
next week!
[Nov 28,2007 12:06am - Chuck Schuldiner  ""]
I shall rise from the grave to attend this show.
[Nov 28,2007 5:15am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I wouldn't miss this for the world
[Nov 28,2007 10:45am - VomittingCarcass ""]



[Nov 28,2007 10:55am - Goatcatalyst ""]
I'd like to check this out... but I dunno if the mean streets of Worcestershire are a safe place for an Ipsisimus man [/tremblelolz]
[Nov 28,2007 1:06pm - Yeti ""]
hahahahahaha that area is rough, what with all those furniture stores, geese, and WPI kids.
[Nov 28,2007 3:19pm - archaeon ""]




some say shes naive


chuck wins

[Nov 28,2007 4:08pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
archaeon said:

some say shes naive


chuck wins

you queaz gonna stick around and help me sing this shit or are you bailing on us like a stillborn crack baby as usual?
[Nov 29,2007 9:50am - sinistas ""]
Next Thursday. Oh yeah.
[Nov 29,2007 3:30pm - theaccursedvokillist nli  ""]
God this is the toughest thing i have ever had to learn.
[Nov 29,2007 3:31pm - sinistas ""]
Agreed in full.
[Nov 29,2007 3:35pm - dreadkill ""]
theaccursedvokillist nli said:God this is the toughest thing i have ever had to learn.

the easiest thing for me besides crystal mountain is the control denied song. chuck's vocal parts were really weird on a lot of the songs and hard to memorize. the way he broke up the lyrics and their placement in the riffs seem so unconventional to me. i'm a guy who sometimes forgets his own lyrics, so getting this stuff down has been really tough.
[Nov 29,2007 3:41pm - archaeon ""]
i feel bad for the drummers
[Nov 29,2007 4:22pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
archaeon said:i feel bad for the drummers

You should, especially when they don't bother starting to learn the songs till a week before the show. :BANGHEAD:
[Nov 29,2007 4:24pm - archaeon ""]
haha trust me i know ALL about it

fucking drummers
[Nov 29,2007 5:00pm - pam ""]
I will be there...all hormonal and sober.
[Nov 29,2007 6:56pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I've been studying the tracks we picked and have been playing along on practice pad kit for a month. I hand picked the set list myself, and and I still want to hang myself. Every drummer that's played with Death is awesome. Misanthrope and Bite the Pain are so incredibly hard.
[Nov 29,2007 7:33pm - thuringwethil ""]
I will most likely be in attendance.

[Nov 29,2007 9:14pm - archaeon ""]
VomittingCarcass said:archaeon said:

some say shes naive


chuck wins

you queaz gonna stick around and help me sing this shit or are you bailing on us like a stillborn crack baby as usual?

probably bailing considering, they'll kick us out.
[Nov 30,2007 10:02pm - MetalThursday ""]
This show is going to be ridiculous... just fucking ridiculous... so many good songs
[Dec 1,2007 1:17pm - pam nli  ""]
I'm going just to see the obligatory screw ups. I will heckle you all.
[Dec 3,2007 3:01am - sinistas ""]
I'm sure there will be many.
[Dec 3,2007 8:39am - sinistas ""]
I just put up our cover of Crystal Mountain on our Myspace until the 13th...

[Dec 3,2007 11:49am - dreadkill ""]
this has been posted on blabbermouth:

[Dec 3,2007 11:50am - VomittingCarcass ""]
awesome, too bad it says its on thursday december 3rd.
[Dec 3,2007 11:51am - archaeon ""]
why isn't mortalis in bold!

we're not cool enough
[Dec 3,2007 12:04pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
you DO always leave shows early like rockstars. I heard Warrant needs a drummer/guitarist....
[Dec 3,2007 5:56pm - dreadkill ""]
VomittingCarcass said:awesome, too bad it says its on thursday december 3rd.

it doesn't say it's on thursday december 3rd. the december 3rd in the headline is the day the article was posted on blabbermouth. if you look at every post from today, it says "- Dec. 3, 2007" at the end of all of them.
[Dec 3,2007 10:13pm - death metal  ""]
[Dec 3,2007 10:14pm - death metal  ""]
[Dec 4,2007 1:18am - Conservationist ""]

Chuck died of AIDS
[Dec 4,2007 1:19am - dreadkill ""]
he died of pontine glioma, a rare form of brain cancer, you goonface.
[Dec 4,2007 2:03am - Samantha ""]
dreadkill said:this has been posted on blabbermouth:


[Dec 4,2007 10:11am - VomittingCarcass ""]
[Dec 4,2007 10:11am - i_am_lazy  ""]
On a semi-related note, I still got my old Crystal Mountain cover up at my solo myspace http://www.myspace.com/thehiryuu

Not to steal DS' thunder. Their cover's badass. And it's a real band, not just one guy playing guitar with computer backing tracks and growling way too close to the mic because it wouldn't pick it up otherwise.
[Dec 4,2007 3:53pm - sinistas ""]
Everybody should cover Crystal Mountain.
[Dec 4,2007 4:52pm - death metal  ""]
check out my band covering crystal mountain live!! totally smokes these other weak covers!
[Dec 4,2007 4:54pm - death metal  ""]
lazy, cool guitar work, but you really really need to mix that shit better!!!
i guess your name is right, this does seem quite lazy
[Dec 4,2007 4:54pm - dreadkill ""]
i agree
[Dec 4,2007 5:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i cannot contain myself
[Dec 4,2007 5:11pm - pam ""]
I can't wait to not be able to stand anywhere near the stage for fear of Crazy Dan terminating my pregnancy.
[Dec 4,2007 5:55pm - archaeon ""]
it's very possible our drummer sprained his ankle today

anyone drummers want to learn our set? haha

[Dec 4,2007 6:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
damn that suxxorz
[Dec 4,2007 6:07pm - dreadkill ""]
archaeon said:it's very possible our drummer sprained his ankle today

anyone drummers want to learn our set? haha


that is horrible. i hope he's alright.
[Dec 4,2007 6:13pm - death metal  ""]
tell him to man up. i don't buy it
[Dec 5,2007 1:55am - Samantha ""]
pam said:I can't wait to not be able to stand anywhere near the stage for fear of Crazy Dan terminating my pregnancy.

Ha ha! That is so wrong yet so true.
[Dec 5,2007 2:28am - GoatCatalyst ""]
Frost toured for a week on a broken foot. But then again outrageous quantities of semen applied directly to the fracture may have had some medicinal effect that I cannot confidently dispute. . . just sayin'
[Dec 5,2007 10:19am - sinistas ""]
Mortalis guys - any updates?
[Dec 5,2007 10:45am - Yeti ""]
i'm pretty much going for the Metal Dan antics.
[Dec 5,2007 11:25am - jimtom  ""]

damn i wish i knew human better, i would totally jump in. i wouldn't want to butcher it though. what's up mortalis? y'all need to patch something together... michael jordan played through all those little nagging injuries! tell your drummer to skip out on da club and all his gangsta homeboyz and get his act together for this show. pfft... goddamn str8 brimmaz.
[Dec 5,2007 2:57pm - Human_Fan  ""]
wtf mortalis

[Dec 5,2007 3:01pm - sinislazy  ""]
updates plzkthxbye
[Dec 5,2007 3:03pm - archaeon ""]
sinistas said:Mortalis guys - any updates?

We went to his place last night, i think hell be alright, he took off work today and it wasn't that bad in the first place

gives us a good excuse to suck a little haha

[Dec 5,2007 3:05pm - archaeon ""]
jimtom said:ONE DAY!

damn i wish i knew human better, i would totally jump in. i wouldn't want to butcher it though. what's up mortalis? y'all need to patch something together... michael jordan played through all those little nagging injuries! tell your drummer to skip out on da club and all his gangsta homeboyz and get his act together for this show. pfft... goddamn str8 brimmaz.

fo sho nigga,

[Dec 5,2007 3:15pm - sinislazy  ""]
alright, that works.
[Dec 5,2007 6:15pm - dreadkill ""]
archaeon said:sinistas said:Mortalis guys - any updates?

We went to his place last night, i think hell be alright, he took off work today and it wasn't that bad in the first place

gives us a good excuse to suck a little haha

glad to hear he's able to play. looking forward ot all those covers from the yooman album.
[Dec 5,2007 6:37pm - archaeon ""]
more like jewman
[Dec 5,2007 7:45pm - jimtom  ""]
hey what is the deal with drum kits? is everyone bringing their own kit?
[Dec 5,2007 8:25pm - archaeon ""]
most likely
[Dec 5,2007 11:10pm - dreadkill ""]
can anyone bring a video camera and film all the bands? i'd do it but i lack a video camera.
[Dec 6,2007 7:29am - jimtom  ""]
i am bringing a camera. i just need someone to actually shoot it.
[Dec 6,2007 8:44am - aril  ""]
I'd do it (like I've done in the past with some bands) but it's my son's birthday and I won't be able to make it.
Goodluck to all the bands that are playing though!
[Dec 6,2007 11:03am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Counting down the hours... who's coming?
[Dec 6,2007 11:06am - thuringwethil ""]

Please don't start till 10, gotta work late

the world revolves around my library being open till 9, right?

oops. wrong.
[Dec 6,2007 11:52am - sinislazy  ""]
usually the first band goes on around 9:30/10 so you might be in luck
[Dec 6,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
i am amped for this, i like this idea of a themed Metal Thursday.
[Dec 6,2007 12:51pm - autumn_aurora ""]
I'll be there.
[Dec 6,2007 1:00pm - mortalis nli  ""]
this'll be my first show handling all vocal duties, so go a little easy on me if i screw up, haha. also, aren't we supposed to be starting at 9?
[Dec 6,2007 1:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Good luck folks. I won't be there because I'm broke, think Death mostly sucks and am glad Chuck is dead.
[Dec 6,2007 1:11pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

DEATH rules!
[Dec 6,2007 1:29pm - sinislazy  ""]
Show starts at 9, but bands don't usually go on right away.
[Dec 6,2007 1:31pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]

I hope someone's playing cuts off Leprosy tonight, that's my favorite puppy.
[Dec 6,2007 1:34pm - Aegathis ""]
Is the next metal thursday of this month going to be a Dimebag tribute show??>:]>:]>:]>:]>:]
[Dec 6,2007 1:34pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 6,2007 1:40pm - sinislazy  ""]
We're doing Pull The Plug, and I believe that The Accursed is doing Open Casket.
[Dec 6,2007 2:06pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Yeah, we had to cut our set a little, but here it is...
Evil Dead
The Philosopher
Bite the Pain
Open Casket
[Dec 6,2007 2:09pm - mortalis nli  ""]
so you guys aren't doing lack of comprehension?
[Dec 6,2007 2:27pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
your entire life has been leading up to this...

har har
[Dec 6,2007 2:28pm - jimtom  ""]
step up to the plate mortalis.
[Dec 6,2007 2:43pm - archaeon ""]
yeah we probably will

we had to cut see through dreams anyways
[Dec 6,2007 2:45pm - jimtom  ""]

[Dec 6,2007 2:55pm - archaeon ""]
didn't have enough hip-hop beats for the straight brimmer.
[Dec 6,2007 2:57pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
[Dec 6,2007 3:02pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I made the mistake of writing out all of the drum tabs for every song, and did so in three different notebooks. When we got together to jam, I discovered that Lack of Comprehension was the one song I was missing, so we cut that, but we also cut within the mind to save some. Still, hopefully the set will still kick ass.
[Dec 6,2007 3:05pm - sinislazy  ""]
We were smart enough to limit our set to 5 songs, because more than that wouldn't have happened.
[Dec 6,2007 3:14pm - jimtom  ""]
post by VomittingCarcass at Dec 6,2007 2:57pm edited Dec 6,2007 3:10pm

wtf could you have possibly decided to come back and edit your post 13 minutes later about?
[Dec 6,2007 3:17pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
hahaahhahahh. i decided bustin your balls didnt do any good in this particular case. :yoda:
[Dec 6,2007 3:24pm - pam nli  ""]
Aegathis said:Is the next metal thursday of this month going to be a Dimebag tribute show??>:]>:]>:]>:]>:]

There's some show like that going on somewhere. I'm not going though cause it looks gay.

[Dec 6,2007 3:24pm - archaeon ""]
VomittingCarcass said:hahaahhahahh. i decided bustin your balls didnt do any good in this particular case. :yoda:

saw it

it'll be our little secret
[Dec 6,2007 3:59pm - death metal  ""]
post by RichHorror at Dec 6,2007 1:42pm
This is a tribute to Chuck Schuldiner's death being funny.

you're such a tool and a joke
[Dec 6,2007 4:00pm - RichHorror ""]
At least I'm not dead. Fight me over it, you faggot.
[Dec 6,2007 4:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Go Drink Paint (2:25:24 PM): The only thing good about Death is when Chuck Schlumburger's brain exploded and nobody wanted to pay for his medical bills.
[Dec 6,2007 4:25pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Unfortunately I can't make this show anymore. 3 of my clients said they absolutely NEED their illustrations done tonight, so it looks like I'm screwed. Good luck to everyone and have fun, for those of you who can make it.
[Dec 6,2007 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
MFR up at the butt-crack of 4:30pm
[Dec 6,2007 4:36pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:Unfortunately I can't make this show anymore. 3 of my clients said they absolutely NEED their illustrations done tonight, so it looks like I'm screwed. Good luck to everyone and have fun, for those of you who can make it.

:( Then I'm not going either.
[Dec 6,2007 4:43pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Haha, I wish I could wake up at 4 pm. Today was my day off and I still woke up early. Fucking gay.
[Dec 6,2007 5:33pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
pam nli said:Aegathis said:Is the next metal thursday of this month going to be a Dimebag tribute show??>:]>:]>:]>:]>:]

There's some show like that going on somewhere. I'm not going though cause it looks gay.

Its at the Lucky Dog this Saturday I believe. I cant wait to blackout after drinking a bottle of whiskey again this year.

[Dec 6,2007 5:36pm - archaeon ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:Unfortunately I can't make this show anymore. 3 of my clients said they absolutely NEED their illustrations done tonight, so it looks like I'm screwed. Good luck to everyone and have fun, for those of you who can make it.


I want my shit nigga

[Dec 6,2007 6:28pm - dreadkill ""]
this is going to be a fun time.
[Dec 6,2007 7:01pm - Samantha ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:pam nli said:Aegathis said:Is the next metal thursday of this month going to be a Dimebag tribute show??>:]>:]>:]>:]>:]

There's some show like that going on somewhere. I'm not going though cause it looks gay.

Its at the Lucky Dog this Saturday I believe. I cant wait to blackout after drinking a bottle of whiskey again this year.

It's actually at Ralph's this Saturday. I think the band Kultur might have had something to do with putting the show together, but I'm not sure.
[Dec 6,2007 7:33pm - sinistas ""]
Trendkill is playing the Dog on Saturday, I believe that's what Tom is talking about.
[Dec 6,2007 8:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 7,2007 2:08am - MetalThursday ""]
Holy shit... what a night
[Dec 7,2007 2:35am - dreadkill ""]
that was a great time. thanks again to chris for putting together the best metal thursday yet, and a fitting tribute to chuck. all the bands were great. i really enjoyed myself tonight. RIP chuck. you are still missed.
[Dec 7,2007 3:09am - Confused_Death_Fan  ""]
[Dec 7,2007 3:14am - jimtom  ""]
i had a good time tonight. it was just super lame how about at least 40 people bailed on this show. oh yeah, and one of the kids from mortalis had his parents there - OMG how embarrassing!?!
[Dec 7,2007 3:52am - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Confused_Death_Fan said:wudafxupwitplayinoriginalzatadeathtributeshow?

Don't ask me dude. People started yelling out for us to play one more song and we didn't have any more Death covers, so we played one of ours and the Carcass cover. Better than just saying, "nope, sorry" and walking off stage I guess.
[Dec 7,2007 6:44am - archaeon ""]
jimtom said:i had a good time tonight. it was just super lame how about at least 40 people bailed on this show. oh yeah, and one of the kids from mortalis had his parents there - OMG how embarrassing!?!

haha jacksons parents rule dude

and in other news you have the hi hat clutch that i let jackson borrow that he let you borrow.

Mortalis got the boot after the first song of living monstrosity, the door guy came upstairs to tell us we had to leave, lame.

[Dec 7,2007 7:43am - MetalThursday ""]
archaeon said:
Mortalis got the boot after the first song of living monstrosity, the door guy came upstairs to tell us we had to leave, lame.

Fuck, sorry about that guys... I tried.
[Dec 7,2007 8:30am - thuringwethil ""]
good headbangy fun

now I have to go to a class on wireless networking systems
[Dec 7,2007 8:44am - sinistas ""]
My wireless networking is all fucked up from the headbanging.

Fuckin' Linksys.
[Dec 7,2007 9:26am - aril  ""]
Props to all the bands that played the death covers. sorry, I couldn't make it.

Next up, a Cynic or Atheist cover show?
[Dec 7,2007 9:30am - sinislazy  ""]
I'd love to have more themed MTs, that would rock.
[Dec 7,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
great show. Mortalis was the most impressive. i didn't care too much for the vocalist for Living Monstrosity at first, he had way too much of a hardcore sound to his voice, but somehow that changed like half way through and it ended up sounding really good. my head and neck hurt so bad.
[Dec 7,2007 10:33am - Yeti ""]
oh and Ken Q. Gillis sounds so much like Chuck its creepy.
[Dec 7,2007 10:35am - VomittingCarcass ""]
Yeti said:great show. Mortalis was the most impressive. i didn't care too much for the vocalist for Living Monstrosity at first, he had way too much of a hardcore sound to his voice, but somehow that changed like half way through and it ended up sounding really good. my head and neck hurt so bad.

ew im sorry. i must not have been warmed yet. :(
[Dec 7,2007 10:38am - Yeti ""]
don't get me wrong, i'm not saying it sounded bad, it was just weird hearing a hardcore sound to Chuck's shriekiness. but like i said it changed a little and sounded great. Symbolic sounded fantastic.
[Dec 7,2007 10:56am - VomittingCarcass ""]
ya man, i was trying to go for the lower/mid sound he had on Scream Bloody Gore and Spiritual, and then go for the higher sound he had on Symbolic and the later albums. But I've always had trouble hitting that mid just right. Just goes to show, Chuck Schuldiner is the fucking man, and impossible to imitate and compete with. I'm glad symbolic came out well, thanks coming out and showing Death the support it deserves. . :NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS::NEWHORNS:
[Dec 7,2007 11:15am - sinislazy  ""]
I wish we had more than one practice, playing thi stuff was so much fun.
[Dec 7,2007 11:58am - death metal  ""]
i was tremendously disappointed with the accursed on so many levels. the singer had a fuckin music stand with the lyrics on stage and still fucked up most of the lines. then they felt they should take it upon themselves to play an original after there death songs were done-- was that a fucking joke? dreaded silence had the lyrics up on stage too.. some people actually paid to get in and hear death songs as a tribute to one of their favorite bands-- they pay to see the last two bands hack through their sets!
[Dec 7,2007 12:12pm - anonymous  ""]
death metal said:i was tremendously disappointed

I was hard pressed not to find most of the people in that room having a shit-ton of fun. If you take it that seriously perhaps you're better off listening to the discs. The Accursed played an extra song and no one gave a shit because 95% of the room knew them and are their friends. Your money didn't buy you that fulfillness you were looking for? I shed a tear for you.
[Dec 7,2007 12:16pm - sinislazy  ""]
Ken has a hard time remembering his OWN lyrics - it wasn't that he didn't know them. I'd say we did a pretty good job overall...Yes, we had some mistakes, but it's not like Chuck wrote easy shit to play. As for The Accursed, people wanted more, they were out of stuff, so they played it. You could have just left and saved yourself the trouble.
[Dec 7,2007 12:25pm - anonymous  ""]
by the way, door cost was a whopping FIVE DOLLARS - someone's just trolling. maybe this dude is used to those professional cover acts, i don't know. never mind the hardworking bands who spend their time writing and practicing their own material. SHAME ON YOU!

snarkiness aside, I think overall it sounded pretty damn tight. you can always complain about something, geez, get over it and enjoy yourself.
[Dec 7,2007 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
death metal said:i was tremendously disappointed with the accursed on so many levels. the singer had a fuckin music stand with the lyrics on stage and still fucked up most of the lines. then they felt they should take it upon themselves to play an original after there death songs were done-- was that a fucking joke? dreaded silence had the lyrics up on stage too.. some people actually paid to get in and hear death songs as a tribute to one of their favorite bands-- they pay to see the last two bands hack through their sets!

yeah! damn you The Accursed for not BEING Death! that whopping 5 bucks sent me debt for the next 5 years! DAMN YOU!!!
[Dec 7,2007 12:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i had such a fantastic fucking time last night. all the bands sounded great and i was able to unleash the craziness. props to everyone involved.
[Dec 7,2007 12:57pm - jimtom  ""]
ooooh nice let's start the anon shit talking. let's not make this shit too personal. someone above posted that he thought our singer sounded hardcore early on (??), and no one jumped down his throat. everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if their opinion is that every band laid a steaming hot egg for a set last night.

i did think we were only playing death covers, otherwise living monstrosity was toying with the idea of maybe playing a decapitated song. however, we felt it would be disrespectful to death and the memory of chuck schuldiner, along with the fans who came out to see a tribute to chuck show.

all in all, i was happy with our sound. however, i am still wicked pissed about messing up on the chorus of spiritual, the second chorus of empty words, and the worst one which was missing the cue to the first fast part in symbolic. i spaced out and lost count. after our set, i was so fucking pissed i did that. oh well, this material is challenging and i must have gotten distracted.

can't wait to see the videos. whose camera was the one on the tall tripod by the bar? i would like to grab a copy of the whole show if possible.

archaeon said:
and in other news you have the hi hat clutch that i let jackson borrow that he let you borrow.

no prob, i will get that back to you guys. where are you all located again? we jam in littleton, the spot is literally RIGHT off of exit 30 of 495. let me know.
[Dec 7,2007 1:12pm - sinislazy  ""]
There's a difference between saying that you weren't a fan of the vocals, and saying that a band "hacked" their way through a set. Also, if you guys thought it was "disrespectful" that The Accursed played non-Death songs, Chris should have told them not to when people asked them to keep playing.
[Dec 7,2007 1:32pm - jimtom  ""]
what i said is that WE thought that US playing a decapitated song would have inappropriate for a Death tribute show.

i have no idea what chris thought of the accursed playing an original. they did seem rather eager to play it though. if they planned on getting a request for an encore (obv), they should have had another Death song prepared to play. this is just MY opinion though.

whatever, the focus was supposed to be on chuck and his great memory. thanks again to chris for a really awesome idea and putting this show together. thanks to chris and charlie for joining up and working hard for many practices and takes and countless individual practice hours to try and do our absolute best covering these songs. my apologies for those mistakes i made, i am still really upset i did that.

thanks again to everyone who came out and showed their support for Death.
[Dec 7,2007 1:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I was going to show up to this.. but the show I went to before to catch another band's first set ended up having them on too late.
sorry, I'm sure this was awesome.
[Dec 7,2007 1:41pm - sinislazy  ""]
I don't think they planned on playing the original, and I don't think they really planned on people shouting out for more after they said they were done. In any case, I think all the bands played good sets, and this shit is overlooking the fact that it was a fun time all around.
[Dec 7,2007 1:45pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
the_reverend said:I was going to show up to this.. but the show I went to before to catch another band's first set ended up having them on too late.
sorry, I'm sure this was awesome.

i was wondering where was you. brutal Dan wasn't their either... Metal Thursday just isn't the same without him.
[Dec 7,2007 1:47pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
death metal said:i was tremendously disappointed...

Personally, I'm tremendously disappointed with fans who pay very little to see a great show and then nit pick on unimportant bullshit. Everyone in my band has far more crucial responsibilities outside the band, not to mention the fact that we've got original material to write and rehearse, so pardon the fuck out of us if we can't completely memorize a set of covers with one rehearsal under our belts, just the night before. I thought we were OK after having only had one practice together. Shit, I'll admit that I played with notes just in case I got lost, and Jon did the same with the Lyrics, as did Ken from Dreaded Silence. You want to see it all done perfectly without cutting corners and cheat notes? Resurrect the man and ask him to do it for you, I'm sure it'll get you far. Better yet, how about you get up there and do it better, then I'll be impressed. Nobody played a perfect set last night, because WE'RE NOT DEATH!!! BUT, all the bands had fun and gave it their all for the crowd, so to have you run crying to the internet because your fucking dreams were crushed is nothing short of laughable.

Regarding the end of our set, we didn't take anything upon ourselves. We rehearsed five songs, so when people wanted us to keep playing and we didn't have anymore covers lined up, we improvised by playing a new song that none of our friends up in Worcester had gotten a chance to hear yet, and then rocked out a Carcass cover, by request jackass. I figured I'd explained that well enough the first time it was brought up, but some people just don't listen I guess. If you take yourself that seriously, you're the one who's a fucking joke, and you should stop coming to shows until you lighten up and get some sense. Anyone who's disappointed in the lackluster performances and inability of those great bands to live up to your expectations, the complaint line starts about three steps off the edge of a cliff, douche.

Mortalis ruled, Living Monstrosity ruled, and Dreaded Silence Ruled, and hopefully we did everything we could to rock the fuck out as well, all for the memory of the mighty Chuck Schuldiner, so thank you everyone for coming out and enjoying the show with us.
[Dec 7,2007 1:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard that dan couldn't find the right color of just for men and he's not leaving the house with a head full of greys
[Dec 7,2007 2:17pm - death metal  ""]
i uploaded a clip with highlights of each band

[Dec 7,2007 2:26pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
well I had a blast. Thanks to Mitch for letting drunkenly bellow into his microphone that one time.

[Dec 7,2007 2:29pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
thuringwethil at the library said:well I had a blast.

THAT's what fuckin' matters. I did too and got some fun pictures. Check them out... http://picasaweb.google.com/TheAccursedDrummer
[Dec 7,2007 2:36pm - NIGGER ""]


[Dec 7,2007 3:01pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]

what the hell have I got to be smilin' about?!?

the bar did have my favorite beer at least
[Dec 7,2007 3:02pm - thuringwethil at the library  ""]
my neck hurts.
[Dec 7,2007 3:09pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
your smiling cuz its fucking metal and you fucking rule.
[Dec 7,2007 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
i'm very bummed that i didn't get to witness the drunken antics of one Metal Dan. apparently he was tired and had to work in the morning.
[Dec 7,2007 4:25pm - VomittingCarcass ""]
ya kid has to work super early. hes a fucking trooper... hes usually out until 3 up at 5/6
[Dec 7,2007 7:43pm - dreadkill ""]
death metal said:wah wah wah! the accursed and dreaded silence used cheat sheets. wah wah wah! the accursed played an original and a carcass cover. wah wah wah! i'm a miserable little faggot whose sense of humor consists of posting the same dumb youtube clip in every thread i post in.

[Dec 7,2007 7:52pm - RichHorror ""]
Metal people are are sensitive. It's a show. It's supposed to be fun. If you want mathematically precise renditions of the songs stay in your mommy's basement and listen your Death records. Go kill yourself.
[Dec 7,2007 7:56pm - Beorht-Dana ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:You want to see it all done perfectly without cutting corners and cheat notes? Resurrect the man and ask him to do it for you, I'm sure it'll get you far.

That won't do him a lot of good even if it were possible. I think the real Death played almost as sloppily on "Live In L.A." as any of the bands did last night. Well, not counting our false start to "Trapped In A Corner" :(
[Dec 7,2007 8:25pm - sinistas ""]
That was all me, I suck at life.
[Dec 7,2007 8:33pm - archaeon ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:thuringwethil at the library said:well I had a blast.

THAT's what fuckin' matters. I did too and got some fun pictures. Check them out... http://picasaweb.google.com/TheAccursedDrummer

nice dude! they came out great

Thanks Chris F. for setting this shit up! we had a blast even though our stay was cut short. living monstrosity brought the bitches, real fo sho.

Who cares if they played some other songs? Not something i would personally do, but it ain't no thang.

timjohntomtimtom: when do you guys practice? I could probably stop by or some shit one of these days and you could hook a brotha up.
[Dec 8,2007 2:07am - Samantha ""]
Yeti said:i'm very bummed that i didn't get to witness the drunken antics of one Metal Dan. apparently he was tired and had to work in the morning.

Yes, it was pretty hilarious when I called to tell him that he was a loser for not being there. Oh well... At least you were there to witness the infamous HELICOPTER OF DOOM! LOL!

[Dec 8,2007 2:08am - Samantha ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:thuringwethil at the library said:well I had a blast.

THAT's what fuckin' matters. I did too and got some fun pictures. Check them out... http://picasaweb.google.com/TheAccursedDrummer

Great pictures! Thanks for posting that.
[Dec 8,2007 2:12am - RichHorror ""]
It doesn't really have anything to do with anything... but Ralph's is one of the coolest venues in Massachusetts.
[Dec 8,2007 2:16am - Samantha ""]
RichHorror said:It doesn't really have anything to do with anything... but Ralph's is one of the coolest venues in Massachusetts.

I agree. Ralph's is the only place I've been to where the staff have gotten into the pit and had a great time.
[Dec 8,2007 2:18am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah. Good sound, all the shit on the walls and ceiling is weird/cool and the staff is awesome. The bartender is vegan. When we played there I was ranting how tofu was for faggots, commies and women. When we were done he gave me a PBR and a shot of whiskey on the house. Love this joint.
[Dec 8,2007 2:41am - Samantha ""]
At any other bar, Chris would probably get kicked out for lifting a 6'5" tall man over his head and spinning him around in the middle of the pit. At Ralph's, everyone just laughs.
[Dec 8,2007 3:46am - davefromthegrave ""]
Samantha said:RichHorror said:It doesn't really have anything to do with anything... but Ralph's is one of the coolest venues in Massachusetts.

I agree. Ralph's is the only place I've been to where the staff have gotten into the pit and had a great time.

that's been happening at the webster lately
[Dec 8,2007 7:23am - MetalThursday ""]
Hahaha... one of these days someone is gonna catch Ray's boot in their face and they won't be laughing. Until then, fuck it, the helicopter of doom will remain a Metal Thursday tradition!
[Dec 8,2007 8:13am - sinistas ""]
I love how that one bartender was in the bit with a case of Narragansett.
[Dec 8,2007 10:03am - death metal  ""]
im sorry guys, i really had a great time even though the last bands were sloppy. you weren't that bad and if i knew you didn't take yourselves and your music seriously i guess i wouldn't have complained... cuz from the way you were talking about it here you seemed to think you were gonna really put on a show. my bad.
[Dec 8,2007 10:25am - pam ""]
death metal said:im sorry guys, i really had a great time even though the last bands were sloppy. you weren't that bad and if i knew you didn't take yourselves and your music seriously i guess i wouldn't have complained... cuz from the way you were talking about it here you seemed to think you were gonna really put on a show. my bad.

You are a tremendous faggot.
[Dec 8,2007 10:26am - theaccursedvokillist ""]
Seriously, No one that played was a reincarnation of death. And yeah I had a cheat sheet, and so did DS, so fucking what? It was about having fun.
As for playing an original, I even looked at chris and asked him if we should and he said go for it. we didnt plan on playing any encores, but hearing people shout one more, what do you do? but you know what you are absolutely right, after people called for an encore we should have just told the crowd to fuck off and walk off the stage. now thats metal!
[Dec 8,2007 10:30am - MetalThursday ""]
The Death tribute show ended after The Accursed played Misanthrope. What happened after that is called "let the drunk & rowdy crowd have 10 more minutes of fun before they have to go home, get 4 hours of sleep & go to their jobs with a hangover tomorrow."
[Dec 8,2007 10:31am - pam ""]
I had a great time, crybaby cunts aside. The mess ups were funny, everyone was there to have a great time and sing along and I'd say that was accomplished beautifully. Great job everyone! Don't let some seven year old girl posting on RTTP in between dusting his Chuck shrine in his mom's basement get to you.
[Dec 8,2007 10:31am - theaccursedvokillist ""]
MetalThursday said:The Death tribute show ended after The Accursed played Misanthrope. What happened after that is called "let the drunk & rowdy crowd have 10 more minutes of fun before they have to go home, get 4 hours of sleep & go to their jobs with a hangover tomorrow."

[Dec 8,2007 10:35am - pam ""]
theaccurseddrummer said:thuringwethil at the library said:well I had a blast.

THAT's what fuckin' matters. I did too and got some fun pictures. Check them out... http://picasaweb.google.com/TheAccursedDrummer

Hey, who took those pictures of The Accursed? They're pretty awesome.

[Dec 8,2007 11:03am - NIGGER ""]


[Dec 8,2007 11:15am - pam ""]
I'm also a terrorist. And a commie.
[Dec 8,2007 11:26am - Beorht-Dana ""]
Samantha said:Yeti said:i'm very bummed that i didn't get to witness the drunken antics of one Metal Dan. apparently he was tired and had to work in the morning.

Yes, it was pretty hilarious when I called to tell him that he was a loser for not being there. Oh well... At least you were there to witness the infamous HELICOPTER OF DOOM! LOL!


HAHAHAHA, when the fuck was this? I don't remember seeing that happen. The look of astonishment on Mike's face is priceless.
[Dec 8,2007 11:30am - Beorht-Dana ""]
99% of the fuckups in our set were our drummer's fault anyways. That's what he gets for being a lameass and refusing to practice with us until the week before the show. Good thing we're kicking him out.
[Dec 8,2007 12:04pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
Samantha said:Great pictures! Thanks for posting that.

You're welcome!

MetalThursday said:The Death tribute show ended after The Accursed played Misanthrope. What happened after that is called "let the drunk & rowdy crowd have 10 more minutes of fun before they have to go home, get 4 hours of sleep & go to their jobs with a hangover tomorrow."

Thank you very much, you summed it up beautifully.

pam said:Hey, who took those pictures of The Accursed? They're pretty awesome.

I took ALL the pics, even the ones of myself. I recently grafted a dead girl's hand to my penis and can now take self-portrait photos, because I am awesome.

Some chick, I have no idea. :whipper:
Come on, everyone knows it was you.

death metal said:im sorry guys, i really had a great time even though the last bands were sloppy. you weren't that bad and if i knew you didn't take yourselves and your music seriously i guess i wouldn't have complained... cuz from the way you were talking about it here you seemed to think you were gonna really put on a show. my bad.

Hey now...

[Dec 8,2007 1:07pm - jimtom  ""]

mmm, i love eggnog.
[Dec 8,2007 1:10pm - jimtom  ""]
archaeon said:

timjohntomtimtom: when do you guys practice? I could probably stop by or some shit one of these days and you could hook a brotha up.

we normally jam on tuesday nights and saturday during the day. let me know when you want to swing by and grab that. thanks again for letting me borrow that, otherwise i would have been screwed. the accursed drummer lent me his but it didn't fit on the DW hi hat stand.
[Dec 8,2007 3:08pm - NIGGER ""]

[Dec 18,2007 8:00pm - MetalThursday ""]
So does anyone know the dude who videotaped the whole show from the tripod by the bar?
[Dec 18,2007 8:13pm - sinistas ""]
Our buddy Nick, but I don't think he got the whole show, and he hasn't gotten it together yet AFAIK.
[Dec 22,2007 2:25pm - Daredevil  ""]
D.S cover sucks all cause of the fag vocals
[Dec 22,2007 2:44pm - dreadkill ""]
Daredevil said:D.S cover sucks all cause of the fag vocals

i'll fuck you til you love me
[Dec 22,2007 2:47pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:I'm also a terrorist. And a commie.

and i'm a fag, or just my vocals are. not sure which.
[Dec 22,2007 2:52pm - dreadkill ""]
MetalThursday said:So does anyone know the dude who videotaped the whole show from the tripod by the bar?

as far as i know, there was something wrong with the camera battery. i know he filmed us and the accursed, but i'm not sure how much of it all he got. i haven't seen any footage yet, so i'm not sure what's up with it. i'll probably see him sometime next week and find out what came out.
[Dec 22,2007 3:06pm - MetalThursday ""]
dreadkill said:MetalThursday said:So does anyone know the dude who videotaped the whole show from the tripod by the bar?

as far as i know, there was something wrong with the camera battery. i know he filmed us and the accursed, but i'm not sure how much of it all he got. i haven't seen any footage yet, so i'm not sure what's up with it. i'll probably see him sometime next week and find out what came out.

Cool. I think he had it set up during the earlier sets too, maybe he wasn't recording though. I just got the Living Monstrosity set footage from Scott the other day. It needs a little work but I'll get that up on youtube soon.
[Dec 22,2007 3:07pm - dreadkill ""]
that's awesome. i'm glad someone else was filming. i hope scott got mortalis too.
[Dec 22,2007 3:52pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:Daredevil said:D.S cover sucks all cause of the fag vocals

i'll fuck you til you love me

And he'll get you pregnant with his fag love child.
[Dec 22,2007 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
And even worse, he'll name it something really stupid.
[Dec 22,2007 3:54pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:I'm also a terrorist. And a commie.

and i'm a fag, or just my vocals are. not sure which.

Your voice/stage presence has improved so much over the years, I'm super proud of you. Even if you are a huge fag.
[Dec 22,2007 3:55pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:And even worse, he'll name it something really stupid.

Binoculars Gillis is going to be somebody.
[Dec 22,2007 10:13pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Dec 23,2007 10:17am - MetalThursday ""]
Here's Living Monstrosity doing Spiritual Healing... more to come.

[Dec 23,2007 10:50am - Horror_Tang ""]
[Dec 23,2007 1:52pm - satanic slaughter  ""]
this was one of the best shows, more footage? nore bands?
[Dec 23,2007 3:21pm - MetalThursday ""]
satanic slaughter said:this was one of the best shows, more footage? nore bands?

More Living Monstrosity footage is coming. Not sure about the other bands... I hope so though!
[Dec 23,2007 3:59pm - archaeon ""]
No Mo'talis vidz :(
[Dec 23,2007 4:26pm - mortalis ""]
archaeon said:No Mo'talis vidz :(

cuz we gay
[Dec 23,2007 9:23pm - MetalThursday ""]
Mortalis was fucking awesome at this show.
[Dec 23,2007 9:24pm - MetalThursday ""]
Living Monstrosity - Zombie Ritual

[Dec 23,2007 9:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Living Monstrosity could probably do decent gigging out as a Death tribute band.
[Dec 23,2007 10:24pm - MetalThursday ""]
Empty Words

[Dec 23,2007 10:26pm - MetalThursday ""]
RichHorror said:Living Monstrosity could probably do decent gigging out as a Death tribute band.

Thanks! With time to learn more songs & practice, and the prospect of paying gigs ahead, I'm sure we'd consider it.
[Dec 23,2007 10:27pm - satanic slaughter  ""]
what rich said
[Dec 23,2007 10:53pm - dreadkill ""]
MetalThursday said:
Thanks! With time to learn more songs & practice, and the prospect of paying gigs ahead, I'm sure we'd consider it.

yeah, i thought the same thing. you guys should keep it going as long as all the members have the time. i'd like to see living monstrosity again.
[Dec 23,2007 11:12pm - RichHorror ""]
That's where the money's to be made. And I don't even like death. I run Boston so pay attention niggas.
[Dec 24,2007 12:27am - dreadkill ""]
pam said:
Your voice/stage presence has improved so much over the years, I'm super proud of you. Even if you are a huge fag.

aww, thanks, pammy. when you first saw my band play, i was probably near my worst in my battle with acid reflux. it took a lot of my voice away from me. i was actually better before than i am now, but i've been working back to get back to that level the last couple years. i still have a ways to go. any acid reflux flareups set me back a bit. my stage presence has definitely improved, but it is still very much tied to the amount of alcohol in my system. more booze = better stage presence. less booze = more stage fright.
[Dec 24,2007 12:32am - Samantha ""]
MetalThursday said:Here's Living Monstrosity doing Spiritual Healing... more to come.


I love how you included the part when I flipped off Scott for shoving the camera in my face.
[Dec 24,2007 12:32am - RichHorror ""]
Bullshit. You learned from watching me. Admit it.
[Dec 24,2007 11:15am - MetalThursday ""]

[Dec 24,2007 1:14pm - pam nli  ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:
Your voice/stage presence has improved so much over the years, I'm super proud of you. Even if you are a huge fag.

more booze = better stage presence. less booze = more stage fright.

That was always my rule of thumb.

[Dec 24,2007 1:20pm - RichHorror ""]
Or you could be Rich Horror and give a five star performance every single time, sober or drunk. Wow, I am phenomenal.
[Dec 24,2007 1:22pm - pam nli  ""]
RichHorror said:Or you could be Rich Horror and give a five star performance every single time, sober or drunk. Wow, I am phenomenal.

No we couldn't. That bar is set at unattainable heights.
[Dec 24,2007 1:25pm - RichHorror ""]
When I die, so does music.
[Dec 24,2007 2:38pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:When I die, so does music.

music has already overdosed and died in anticipation
[Dec 24,2007 9:26pm - jimtom  ""]
NICE! saving the best for last?
[Dec 27,2007 4:27pm - archaeon ""]
We have an audio recording from our set. probably will put a song up on myspace.
[Dec 27,2007 4:28pm - dreadkill ""]
awesome. you guys were great at that show.
[Dec 28,2007 10:00pm - mortalis ""]
we put up suicide machine.

[Jan 2,2008 3:51pm - Daredevil  ""]
How did you know i was a girl? And sorry,I don't date spics
[Jan 2,2008 3:54pm - NIGGER ""]
RichHorror said:Go Drink Paint (2:25:24 PM): The only thing good about Death is when Chuck Schlumburger's brain exploded and nobody wanted to pay for his medical bills.




[Jan 2,2008 4:10pm - sinistas ""]
Daredevil said:How did you know i was a girl? And sorry,I don't date spics

Chiodo told us otherwise...
[Jan 2,2008 6:56pm - not a negro  ""]
nice cover of suicide machine.
[Dec 16,2021 5:50pm - Chuck_Schuldiner_Died_of_AIDS ""]
Was Chuck on the downlow? I hear he was fully out by the time Spiritual Healing rolled around. It let him easily find BBCs and underage boys. Rumor has it he even went to Jeffrey Epstein's St. James Island pedo lair. Epstein didn't kill himself, but Chuck Schuldiner died of AIDS.

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