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[Oct 29,2007 12:15am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

Suck it, Rev.
[Oct 29,2007 12:26am - fleshfries ""]
[Oct 29,2007 12:30am - shamash ""]
[Oct 29,2007 12:30am - Dankill  ""]
WE FUCKING WIN!!!!!!!!!!!

[Oct 29,2007 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 29,2007 12:54am - zyklon ""]
Why people call it "World Series"? it was a game between 2 AMERICAN teams. fucking ridiculous...
[Oct 29,2007 12:58am - demon  ""]
finally the retardness is over
[Oct 29,2007 12:59am - demon  ""]
[Oct 29,2007 1:00am - demon  ""]
Even the kid agrees with me hahahahahahaha
[Oct 29,2007 1:16am - iren_the_viking ""]
zyklon said:Why people call it "World Series"? it was a game between 2 AMERICAN teams. fucking ridiculous...

because if you are good enough, anyone in the world can play here. this is the "mainstage" of baseball.
[Oct 29,2007 1:35am - todayistheday nli  ""]
[Oct 29,2007 1:42am - sxealex ""]
rev... i share ur sentiment... but only until the sox make it to the finals. then family guy can be on hold for lil bit.
[Oct 29,2007 1:45am - brian_dc ""]
family guy hasn't been funny since it came back on the air

stop living a lie

yay sox
[Oct 29,2007 1:47am - sxealex ""]
whaaat new family guy owns most of the first 2 seasons.... well except for "welcome to cheesy charlie's... hiel hitler!"
[Oct 29,2007 1:51am - brian_dc ""]
maybe I just grew out of that sense of humor. I laugh occasionally if I catch an episode, but I really can't be bothered to waste time on a show that is based on pseudo-shocking humor and randomness above anything remotely clever.
[Oct 29,2007 1:52am - the tax man  ""]
i have two things to say about this;
1.it's 2007 my friends...
[Oct 29,2007 2:47am - fuck logging in  ""]
brian_dc said:maybe I just grew out of that sense of humor. I laugh occasionally if I catch an episode, but I really can't be bothered to waste time on a show that is based on pseudo-shocking humor and randomness above anything remotely clever.

[Oct 29,2007 4:23am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
drinking is gooodood to dooloooloooooo
[Oct 29,2007 5:37am - Dwellingsickness ""]
yay sports:pukeface:
[Oct 29,2007 6:57am - archaeon ""]
sports sports sports sportzzzzzzzzz

[Oct 29,2007 7:57am - the_reverend ""]
you guys need to chant about your sexuality, how you aren't leave, and the fact that people will need to get used to it.
[Oct 29,2007 9:47am - brian_dc ""]
I thought being gay had more to do with being sexually attracted to dudes.

I need to hit the books I guess.
[Oct 29,2007 2:22pm - dreadkill ""]
iren_the_viking said:zyklon said:Why people call it "World Series"? it was a game between 2 AMERICAN teams. fucking ridiculous...

because if you are good enough, anyone in the world can play here. this is the "mainstage" of baseball.

exactly. it's the world series because it's the best players in the world. there were guys from the US, dominican republic, japan, and other countries playing for the sox and rox. the teams' home bases are in american cities, but their players and fans are all over the world.
[Oct 29,2007 3:00pm - mikeatzero1977  ""]
people who watch sports know how to read? oh....picture books .
[Oct 29,2007 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
BDC: so what do you called finding pleasure and excitement out of dudes running around, doing carido, and hugging each other?
I guess if you are just watching gay shows, maybe you aren't really gay. but if you get a thrill out of a dude running and then patting another dude's ass.. it might be time to get some pink triangles.
[Oct 29,2007 3:44pm - tylerl ""]
that picture of the little kid is the gayest shit

go sox

papelbon shouldve won mvp
[Oct 29,2007 3:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Give it up for Bobby Kielty as well. He came off the bench in the World Series and hit a home run on the first pitch that ended up being the winning run.
[Oct 29,2007 4:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wtf is a carido?
[Oct 29,2007 4:07pm - dreadkill ""]
FuckIsMySignature said:wtf is a carido?

it's reverend for cardio
[Oct 29,2007 4:35pm - moe @ work  ""]
shut up, Jesus lover!
[Oct 29,2007 6:41pm - yummy ""]
so what do you called finding pleasure and excitement out of dudes running around, doing carido, and hugging each other?

Sounds like a typical show if you ask me...

I'm glad they won but if it's any concellation rev...I got laid while it was on. That's good baseball right there. Gay? Maybe a little...
[Oct 29,2007 7:03pm - the_reverend ""]
yummy, you are missing the most important part of a show, the music.
and who makes the music? queers and art fags, that's who.
[Oct 29,2007 7:09pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
I'm typically sports-apathetic but may the big Jew in the sky help ANYONE who dares question my allegiance tomorrow as I'm lighting their goddamn city on fire with my antics tomorrow!!! Anyone else going tomorrow and care to join me in debauchery the likes of which haven't been seen since the reign of Caligula?
[Oct 30,2007 2:02pm - yummy ""]
rev, I am not missing the most important part of the show.
It is you who is missing the most important part of baseball. That is, that it can be fun and entertaining. Who plays baseball? Jocks and steroid freaks, that's who.
Who promotes the shows with queers and art fags? Not me. zing...
[Oct 30,2007 3:28pm - zyklon ""]
Fuck baseball, its a stupid, boring game. end of story.
[Oct 30,2007 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
the_reverend said:BDC: so what do you called finding pleasure and excitement out of dudes running around, doing carido, and hugging each other?
I guess if you are just watching gay shows, maybe you aren't really gay. but if you get a thrill out of a dude running and then patting another dude's ass.. it might be time to get some pink triangles.

i used to hate sports, but i do enjoy watching them. my biggest complaint is why do they have to slap each others asses? if i was a pro baseball player, i'd want a slap on the shoulder. don't fucking touch my ass. it is odd though that every mention of sports and your first thought is "oh thats gay, the people who watch it are gay, dudes, gay, dudes asses, gay". hmm.....
[Oct 30,2007 3:34pm - the_reverend ""]
and then yeti comes out of the closet? that wasn't totally unexpected
[Oct 30,2007 3:38pm - zyklon ""]
dreadkill said:iren_the_viking said:zyklon said:Why people call it "World Series"? it was a game between 2 AMERICAN teams. fucking ridiculous...

because if you are good enough, anyone in the world can play here. this is the "mainstage" of baseball.

exactly. it's the world series because it's the best players in the world. there were guys from the US, dominican republic, japan, and other countries playing for the sox and rox. the teams' home bases are in american cities, but their players and fans are all over the world.

This is the "mainstage" because this is the only country that people really take it seriously. you know what's bigger than baseball? football, they have a "world cup" every 4 years, it involves countries from all over the world.

[Oct 30,2007 3:53pm - sinistas ""]
Baseball is huge in Asia and Central America. Watch a Japanese game and tell me they don't take it seriously.

If you don't like baseball, fine, great, good for you. Don't spout ignorant shit about it. I don't like futbol/soccer, so I don't comment on it.
[Oct 30,2007 4:11pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Heil baseball. I'll mercilessly fuck the mouths of ALL nonbelievers.
[Oct 30,2007 4:15pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Oct 30,2007 6:15pm - succubus ""]
So the parade was at noon today...I'm in newburyport waiting for my train and it's 20minutes late coming from boston..wanna know why? Looks like everyone took the day off to go to the parade...I saw families, teenagers, old people...what the?? It was still packed btw....to each his own....my friend had to explain what the parade was abt..I didn't realize that boston won. Oopies
[Oct 30,2007 6:27pm - succubus ""]
Ps: why is this labeled as a show

Pss: I guess it's national idiot day...according to the train ticket dude...the train was late bcz right before the train was going to take off from north station..a couple of "young guys" jumped in front of the tracks....then more were trying to surf in btwn the cars and almost got hurt...ahh underage drinking...

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