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Saw IV

[Oct 26,2007 10:06pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
so yeah.. saw it... kinda liked it. pretty neat i guess... story wise it seemed to be cool until the end and then it fell flat. anyone else see this?
[Oct 27,2007 12:12am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I'm looking forward to seeing it; I'm sure the story fell flat at the end so they could open Saw V with a bang...hopefully.
[Oct 27,2007 12:24am - fleshfries ""]
I thought it was great. I had to explain it to a lot of people cause they didn't get it...I will admit that it is otugh to follow sometimes, but it comes together at the end.
[Oct 27,2007 12:46am - thegreatspaldino ""]
yeah... i mean.. its not like i didnt get it... its just that i thought it could have been a little more... classy... with the how the story unfolded. i didnt think it was bad at all, just not on par with 2 or 3...
[Oct 27,2007 1:10am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i cant remember how many of these movies i saw. they all kinda blur together
[Oct 27,2007 1:29am - thegreatspaldino ""]
actually thats whats supposed to happen... they are all supposed to flow together.
[Oct 27,2007 10:54am - tbone_r nli  ""]
i haven't seen 2 or 3. should i watch those before i go see this?
[Oct 29,2007 9:24pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
[Oct 29,2007 9:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I wonder if they have some studio some where that is a no-touch zone. so over 4-5 years and the scene stays the same
[Oct 30,2007 10:32am - Yeti ""]
this movie was mediocre at best. i felt it was just a pointless reason to make more ridiculous traps. the story jumped around way too much, and it didn't really explain anymore. it did, but what it explained didn't need to be explained. it could have ended at 3 and been just fine. though i did like that trap where the dude had to push his face through kitchen knives, and the one with the hair. i think the 10 bucks was worth the minute long AVP trailer, holy shit that movie is going to rule.
[Oct 30,2007 11:33am - lb  ""]
[Oct 30,2007 12:14pm - the_reverend ""]
alien vs predator. guessing #2
[Oct 30,2007 12:49pm - Yeti ""]
yeah its the AVP that should have been made. the trailer was non-stop gratuitous bloody violence.
[Oct 30,2007 4:38pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
this is poop nli- i walked out of the first one because it was so fucking stupid. am i missing something here?
[May 26,2010 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
I have no clue what the hell just happened. this is worse than #3 with all the flashing and shit. plus, all white people look the same to me.

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