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Fires scorching the west

[Oct 24,2007 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
I'm watching some videos on cnn.com. This was a be hit to the white trash out there. Some families don't learn. If you had a house that burnt down, why not have insurance after you re-build?
[Oct 24,2007 9:53am - Lamp ""]
I've got a friend who lives out in San Diego and his area was evacuated...though last I heard, his house hadn't burned yet.
[Oct 24,2007 10:07am - largefreakatzero ""]
I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone from California. To me, they are all exactly like the cast of that horrible show "The Hills".
[Oct 24,2007 10:22am - the_reverend ""]
what is the hills?
[Oct 24,2007 10:30am - Yeti ""]
the satellite photos are crazy, the smoke goes like 100 miles out to sea. i'm glad New England doesn't burn like that.
[Oct 24,2007 10:42am - ariavette ""]
someone post pics
[Oct 24,2007 11:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
the_reverend said:what is the hills?

If you don't know what that show is, consider yourself lucky. I make my wife change it immediately anytime she tries to watch it. It is the single-most reason that the terrorists hate us.
[Oct 24,2007 12:43pm - Yeti ""]
he's right.
[Oct 24,2007 1:55pm - the_reverend ""]
wait, terrorists hate us now? I thought that we were with them against the commies? damn, times a changing.
[Oct 24,2007 4:21pm - Anthony ""]
My girlfriend lives in the area has been evacuated from her home. Smoke is everywhere you go (gas masks are essential) and the sky is obscured and black.

This has been a nightmare for me for the past few days, it's frightening. I'm just hoping the winds die down soon, enough for firefighters to actually make some progress putting these out.
[Oct 24,2007 4:29pm - diamond_dave ""]
[Oct 24,2007 4:33pm - Hungtableed  ""]
That's what they get for being a bunch of red-commie-sodomites.
[Oct 24,2007 4:34pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Where are all the mindless hippies blaming it all on Global Warming? I thought that's what this thread was going to be about.
[Oct 24,2007 4:38pm - Anthony ""]
Good news, the winds are expected to be dying down by tomorrow. Maybe they will finally make some headway in extinguishing these fires! I know as of earlier today, a few of the separate ones had combined and containment was only at 5%... so hopefully improvements are coming soon.

[Oct 24,2007 5:14pm - Lamp ""]
The winds changed direction and my San Diego living friend's back in his house, but if they change back he's out.
[Oct 25,2007 9:40am - infect ""]
No junk food, just earthly goods
I ate weird berries in the woods
Now I'm seeing colors,
I'm getting higher
I think I'll start a forest fire
There's a forest fire climbin' the hill
Burnin' wealthy California homes
Better run run run run run
From the fire
But some of us stay and watch
And we think of your insurance cost
And we laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
At your lives
Windows covered with bars
Security guards
Is that a house or a fortress
Against the rest of the world?
Windows covered with bars
Security guards
Is that a house or a prison
How you gonna get out?
Electric bull and your tennis courts
Pink sports cars and your boat
Getting fried fried fried fried fried fried
By the fire
Windows covered by bars
Floodlights for the yard
It's a pleasure to watch you
Watch it all melt
But hey!
What about the cocaine
Stockpiled in the basement?
Be a hero and save it
You know you're gonna need it
Where's your brand new pretty wife
She might still be inside
Either save her or your cocaine from the fire
But the gates and doors are locked
Cause the burglar alarms went off
Ever wonder why we laugh laugh
At your lives
Windows covered with bars
Fences spiked with barbed wire
Never looked so helpless
Engulfed in flames
Cameras watchin' the walls
Don't forget the dogs
Now you're trapped in your prison
How you gonna get out?
See the gerbil
Run run run run run run run run
Run run run run run run run run
Run run run run run run run run
From the fire
[Oct 26,2007 12:40pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 26,2007 12:44pm - thuringwethil ""]
at least Slayer's hometown of Huntington Beach isn't scorched yet
[Oct 26,2007 1:27pm - Yeti ""]

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