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new Kataklysm mp3

[Jan 3,2004 12:26am - Kalopsia ""]
Kataklysm.net "Ambassador of Pain"
i was not impressed at all. nothing got my blood pumpin, nothing made me wanna headbang, nothing made me wanna listen to it a second time. their new drummer pushes the term hyperblast to an entire new level, using the gravity roll as fast as drummers like John Longstreth. but that's about it. i heard nothing new on this song. and JF Degenais needs to work on his production of bass drums. the bass drum sounds too clicky, not real enough, he did the same thing with my band's album. i really hope that it's not a good representation of how the rest of the album will sound because i like Kataklysm alot. guess i'll just have to wait and see. what do u all think?
[Jan 3,2004 12:35am - the_reverend ""]
I was going to ask about the drumming cause I'm guessing that's what will 100% stick out on this recording.
though, I ain't heard it yet.
[Jan 3,2004 3:17pm - Abraxas ""]
I liked it, the drums were nutso, but the guitars just don't hit me. For some reason they sound to stompy or biohazardish. The vocals are passable, but I wonder what they would sound like if Sylvain left the loony bin and came back into the band. While we're on the subject, are the mystical gate and sorcery discs good?
[Jan 3,2004 4:53pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
its not bad

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