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shot down sun new song and layout [featurning rttp photos]

[Oct 19,2007 4:55pm - xanonymousx ""]

haven't heard the song just clicking around and saw your photos rev.
[Oct 19,2007 5:04pm - gay  ""]
band fucking blows.
[Oct 19,2007 5:07pm - gay  ""]
p.s. no one cares who you've played with because you still suck. hard.
[Oct 19,2007 6:56pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
what a bunch of queerbos. shit is as generic as the "oreos" you got with your elementary school lunch.

PS. they have a blatant ripoff of a Dysentery song, probably on this new album too. it was a song they put up last year. like... we're talking part for part, chug for chug, drumbeat, length, everything (except for the vocals). what homos.
[Oct 19,2007 7:18pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
SDS would be loads better if they got a better vocalist.
[Oct 22,2007 10:53pm - xanonymousx ""]
the song they re-recorded "i'm not dead" sounds like the black dahlia murder song "closed casket requiem" the way they did it on their EP. wow.
[Oct 22,2007 10:54pm - RichHorror ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:SDS would be loads better if they broke up.

[Oct 22,2007 11:00pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Oct 23,2007 12:34am - dreadkill ""]
hahahaha, that wikipedia page is hilarious
[Oct 23,2007 1:08am - your mother eats kitty litter  ""]
I love how they also ripped off JFAC by tuning to drop A and rehashing the same style of riffs that JFAC stole from every other deathcore band. I didn't hear any original thoughts or riffs in any of the songs I suffered through, I also noticed that they have no transitions from riff to riff, and if they do, it's just a break down *yawn* I'd rather sharpen the blade on a running lawnmower then listen to these guys again.

the wikipedia page is the best thing about the band, only because it totally rips them apart
[Oct 23,2007 6:13pm - brandon... ""]
xanonymousx said:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shot_Down_Sun

wow that was hilarious
[Oct 23,2007 6:20pm - archaeon ""]
thegreatspaldino said:
PS. they have a blatant ripoff of a Dysentery song, probably on this new album too. it was a song they put up last year. like... we're talking part for part, chug for chug, drumbeat, length, everything (except for the vocals). what homos.

you could probably say that about a few of dysentary riffs too.
[Oct 23,2007 10:31pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
probably but i have yet to hear it.
[Oct 23,2007 11:53pm - xanonymousx ""]
haha they still haven't changed their wiki page.
[Oct 27,2007 10:56am - xanonymousx ""]
someone updated their wiki page.
[Nov 6,2007 12:40am - .alex. ""]
I can feel the love in here

[Nov 6,2007 12:44am - the_reverend ""]
oh hello alex! long time no post.
[Nov 6,2007 12:58am - .alex. ""]
Hey there Rev, yeah I haven't been here in a while. Nice to see I'm about as welcome here as last time haha
[Nov 6,2007 1:02am - the_reverend ""]
I'm welcoming... as for all the other assholes, everyone is on their own there.

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