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Holy crap

[Oct 16,2007 4:55pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Came across this on Myspace:

[Oct 16,2007 5:02pm - fuck logging in  ""]
that's a dude
[Oct 16,2007 5:11pm - ZJD ""]
Are you holy crapping her huge tits?

Do an image search for Ewa Sonnet. She is actually very attractive in addition to having freak boobs.
[Oct 16,2007 5:32pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
The holy crapping was for her boobies, yes.

Check out her Myspace:

[Oct 16,2007 5:34pm - CMTAIB ""]
[Oct 16,2007 5:38pm - Lamp ""]
Is she one of those people who pretends to like bad music so nobody will suspect that she likes even worse music?
[Oct 16,2007 5:54pm - Ryan_M ""]
Is she one of those people who pretends to be obsessed with the Red Sox so she can get her cunt mouth and asshole tooled by macho jock sniffer douche bags?
[Oct 16,2007 5:56pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Oct 16,2007 6:07pm - niccolai ""]
Way too big. They probably look like meatballs in a sock outside of that baby gap shirt. and that Ewa Sonnet whore is disgusting.
[Oct 16,2007 6:19pm - SW  ""]
meatballs in a sock, hahahaha
[Oct 16,2007 6:26pm - Ryan_M ""]
I'd still slap my hammer between those meatballs-in-socks. Lord knows her pussy and asshole are probably too loose to get a decent fuck out of; might as well rub one out between her funbags and give her a couple shots of jizzum in the yapper.
[Oct 16,2007 6:43pm - ZJD ""]
niccolai said:Way too big. They probably look like meatballs in a sock outside of that baby gap shirt. and that Ewa Sonnet whore is disgusting.

I think I wholeheartedly disagree with people on this board more often about women than anything else, even racism/politics. I understand that I'm probably in the minority thinking this girl has a great body, but I think Ewa sonnet looks great regardless of her chest and am pretty surprised to hear her called disgusting. I know she's not 13, but come on.
[Oct 16,2007 7:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'd do her, I guess. but red SOCKS chicks kinda bother me.
[Oct 16,2007 7:33pm - archaeon ""]
i wuv da sawkz
[Oct 16,2007 7:37pm - BlackoutRick ""]
SW said:meatballs in a sock, hahahaha


[Oct 17,2007 2:51am - dreadkill ""]
Ryan_M said:might as well rub one out between her funbags and give her a couple shots of jizzum in the yapper.

that was amazing, especially the use of the word yapper. i am still laughing.
[Oct 17,2007 10:05am - anonymous  ""]
she's fat. NEXT.
[Oct 17,2007 11:28am - Dwellingsickness ""]
[Oct 17,2007 11:29am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
n00ds required for objective analysis
[Oct 17,2007 2:34pm - sxealex ""]
yea she is really fat.
[Oct 17,2007 2:48pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
she looks a lot like pete rose.
[Oct 17,2007 3:50pm - aaron_michael ""]
suddenly CTB is judging people on my friendslist.
[Oct 17,2007 3:53pm - Hungtableed  ""]
Ugly. Big tits or not, that bitch looks like she got hit by a bus.
[Oct 17,2007 5:30pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Hey, Aaron, I wasn't making fun. I was merely admiring.

Thanks for being a jackass.
[Oct 17,2007 5:55pm - fuck logging in  ""]
[Oct 17,2007 7:49pm - Dankill  ""]
She's not really fat as much as she's just built big. It's not like a roll fest going on.
I've seen much worse and the girl actually carries herself pretty well.

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