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red ring of death

[Oct 14,2007 9:17pm - anon  ""]
anyone know how long it takes for them to fix xboxs with the 3 red lites.
[Oct 14,2007 9:20pm - boine ""]
i got mine back in 3 weeks
[Oct 14,2007 9:49pm - thuringwethil ""]
I hope mine never does that
[Oct 15,2007 12:38am - narkybark ""]
I saw the thread title and I was going to recommend some Preparation H
[Oct 15,2007 10:34am - thegreatspaldino ""]

but seriously... this is main reason i sold my 360. soon all the new ones will come with the better, smaller, more efficient chipset and larger fan so it run cooler and is more reliable. its just ridiculous that people would stand for this kind of shit.
[Oct 15,2007 10:38am - brian_dc ""]
I know that this is easily fixable and people overreact to this shit like crazy

I believe you just have to remove the side panel and flip a switch that looks like a breaker and then you're all set.

The new ones are better, but red ring of death is not the end of the world.
[Oct 15,2007 11:33am - thegreatspaldino ""]
remove side panel and flip a switch? thats the first i've heard of that.
[Oct 15,2007 11:41am - brian_dc ""]
I'll get details when my video game nerd friend from work gets back from his training this afternoon.
[Oct 15,2007 2:39pm - brian_dc ""]
so I talked to my buddy and he seemed to forget a bunch of the details. But basically if you remove the side panel, look around the online help places and look for discussion of a toggle switch that you can get at by taking off the side panel. This is the kind of thing you can get done, but if you can get the info to feel confident about this switch thing, you'll save some money that you'd otherwise spend on some dude doing it for you. A lot of sites say to just remove your harddrive, let it cool off for a bit and then put it back in. I don't know, just google it I guess.
[Oct 15,2007 3:03pm - ffsmasher ""]
I mod xboxs to play backedup games, but I also mod them to run more efficiently. to repair the red ring of death using the X-Clamp fix is relatively simple.

The xbox has a design flaw that when it begins to heat up the 'x-clamps' on the underside of the motherboard that hold down the heatsinks don't actually flex and they cause the motherboard to flex on the ends forcing the GPU and the CPU in the middle of the board to actually pop out of the socket. So to fix this you need to remove the x-clamps, remove the heatsinks and apply your own thermal paste (preferably arctic silver). Turn the xbox on after the chips are back in place for about two minutes until you get to red flashes to inform you that the xbox is overheating. The reason for this step is so the solderballs will actually melt and re-solder itself to the chipset. You can then reattach everything and the xbox should work fine.

For in-detail steps please see

[Oct 15,2007 3:05pm - ffsmasher ""]
actually one thing you have to do is remove the x-clamp and use your own screws and washers
[Oct 15,2007 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]
this ring doesn't look red.
[Oct 15,2007 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
i thought this was about a tick bite.
[Oct 15,2007 3:26pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
MS extended their warranties to like 3 years or something like that so you dont have to pay some random guy anything and you just send it to MS and a few weeks later you have it back. its just the fact that you shouldnt have to do that at all. the newer chipset 360's apparently dont have this design flaw so you shouldnt have to worry about it.
[Oct 15,2007 5:03pm - metalguy ""]
brokebox 360

ps3 niggs!
[Oct 15,2007 5:05pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
ps3 is awesome if you want a system that costs a crap ton and that has no "killer apps" making you REALLY want to buy it
[Oct 15,2007 8:02pm - fuck logging in  ""]
game cube!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 15,2007 10:09pm - brian_dc ""]
Dreamcast >>>>>
[Oct 15,2007 10:26pm - metalguy ""]
Folklore, Warhawk, Resistance, Stanglehold with a blu-ray copy of Hard Boiled , and it has a kick ass blu-ray player... off the top of my head..
[Oct 15,2007 10:27pm - metalguy ""]
O yea... GTA4 will be released on the ps3 as well.
[Oct 15,2007 10:28pm - brian_dc ""]
Dreamcast had Shen Mu and Virtua Tennis and that Godzilla fighting game
[Oct 15,2007 11:22pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Dreamcast also had Jet Set Radio, Soul Calibur, Bangai-O!, Skies of Arcadia and a bunch of Capcom VS. games.
[Oct 16,2007 12:14am - thegreatspaldino ""]
metalguy said:Folklore, Warhawk, Resistance, Stanglehold with a blu-ray copy of Hard Boiled , and it has a kick ass blu-ray player... off the top of my head..

Folklore... ehhhhhhh
Warhawk... multiplayer only and its pretty shallow not to mention a HUGE let down
Stranglehold... *shrug*
Resistance... its mediocre at best

the blu-ray player is the best part of the ps3. infact the only game i can think of right now that i want to play that isnt on 360 as well is Tekken 5 DR... thats it. PS3 is losing all of its exclusive titles square is pulling out of PS3 development after Final Fantasy XIII... i mean... it doesnt look that great for the PS3...

the ps3 needs its "Halo 3". mgs4 is coming out for it but i dont think that would be enough to push ps3's out the door like hotcakes like Halo 3 did for the 360. if the ps3 had a much better software library and was easier to dev for and was a little cheaper, i think it would fare better. its been a year since it came out... the 360 starting to EXPLODE with hit titles and stuff by its first bday... why hasnt the ps3 done the same?
[Oct 16,2007 12:15am - thegreatspaldino ""]
metalguy said:O yea... GTA4 will be released on the ps3 as well.

GTA4 has more content on 360 if i remember correctly...
[Oct 16,2007 12:45am - the_reverend ""]
resistance was fucking awesome.
[Oct 16,2007 8:37am - pires ""]
so was gears of war... and bioshock, and halo3, and mass effect looks to be sweet as well... all 360 exclusives... take THAT sony!!!
[Oct 16,2007 10:32am - Yeti ""]
brian_dc said:Dreamcast >>>>>

its such a shame that system flopped. the bass fishing game on that was fucking awesome.

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