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EE-SAH-KOH-SAH / Pablo Francisco on Death Metal

[Oct 14,2007 6:55pm - Ryan_M ""]
[Oct 16,2007 12:08pm - brandon... ""]
Fuck him that wasnt funny. I love when people have no idea what they are talking about.
[Oct 16,2007 12:26pm - C.DEaD  ""]
brandon... said:Fuck him that wasnt funny. I love when people have no idea what they are talking about.

Totally right on. I saw him saying some shit about death metal. like he has any idea of what the fuck he's talking about. Complete douche right up there with Carlos Menstinkia and my Brahther Dane Cook.
[Oct 16,2007 12:34pm - brandon... ""]
C.DEaD said:brandon... said:Fuck him that wasnt funny. I love when people have no idea what they are talking about.

Totally right on. I saw him saying some shit about death metal. like he has any idea of what the fuck he's talking about. Complete douche right up there with Carlos Menstinkia and my Brahther Dane Cook.

Yea carlos is just a fucking sellout completly. Starting off where chappelle stopped. Anyone who says dee da dee or whatever needs to get kicked in the face with a size 16 boot.

Fuck dane cook too.
[Oct 16,2007 1:59pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
haha Francisco's dead on with the "o.k. this next one's called breee breeee breeeeeeeeeb reeeeeeeeeeeeee"
[Oct 16,2007 2:24pm - brian_dc ""]
people should probably go ahead and get a sense of humor about death metal.

take a step back and think about if it's really NOT completely ridiculous.

Don't read this as, "O ur gay u dont liek death metal" because you're stupid.

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