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the boondocks

[Oct 9,2007 1:54am - boine ""]
anybody else watch this show second season started tonight, good stuff
[Oct 9,2007 9:59am - brian_dc ""]
ah, man. I love this show but it's been so long that I'm out of the loop and didn't know that it wasn't canceled. I'll have to find this online.
[Oct 9,2007 11:10am - mOe forgot his PW  ""]
[Oct 9,2007 12:30pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I fucking hate that show. It's almost as boring as King Of The Hill.
[Oct 9,2007 6:01pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:I fucking hate that show. It's almost as boring as King Of The Hill.

you would cracka
[Oct 9,2007 8:26pm - brian_dc ""]
I found it on the adult-swim page and it was definitely good.

I hate King of the Hill.
[Oct 10,2007 8:02am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
babyshaker nli said:MarkFuckingRichards said:I fucking hate that show. It's almost as boring as King Of The Hill.

you would cracka

Jive turkey!
[Oct 10,2007 8:04am - ZJD ""]
The Boondocks is great and I like King of the Hill way more than family guy. EHHHHH
[Oct 10,2007 8:09am - thegreatspaldino ""]
everyone knows that Drawn Together >>>>>>>>>>>>> Family Guy, South Park, Boondocks, Futurama, King of the snore, Simpsons, and every other comedy cartoon ever.
[Oct 10,2007 8:10am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I've never met anyone who liked The Boondocks up until this thread; I'm going to have to check it out again...maybe this season is better for some reason.
[Oct 10,2007 8:44am - brian_dc ""]
nah, it hasn't changed at all.

Spaldino is the first person I've ever heard say anything good about drawn together who isn't 14.
[Oct 10,2007 2:18pm - Dwellingsickness ""]
Afro Muthafuckin Samurai
[Oct 10,2007 2:24pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
How can you not like King of the Hill? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Because it's one of the few cartoons now that doesn't resort to trying to out-retard/out-strange other shows? and/or oh-wow-look-mom-I'm-wicked-offensive shit and race jokes?

Eat some fucking ritalin and watch King of the Hill.

Boondocks is great, too. The comic strip is/was better, though
[Oct 10,2007 2:37pm - brian_dc ""]
I respect that King of the Hill does that. But I just can't get into it. Hate is too strong a word...I just can't get into it.
[Oct 10,2007 3:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
the game cheated !
[Oct 10,2007 4:14pm - mOe ""]
the new episode fucking ruled
[Oct 10,2007 4:18pm - Doucheums  ""]
mOe said:the new episode fucking ruled

[Oct 10,2007 4:51pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I used to watch King Of The Hill religiously for the first 3 or 4 years it was on air, mainly because the character development was superior to any other cartoon, or even most sitcoms for that matter. It got stale, even though they have some funny stuff here and there. I guess when you look at the how many seasons they've had as a whole compared to how much material really stands out, it's not very impressive.
[Oct 10,2007 6:03pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
brian_dc said:nah, it hasn't changed at all.

Spaldino is the first person I've ever heard say anything good about drawn together who isn't 14.

are you kidding me? that show is ridiculously hilarious.
[Oct 10,2007 6:08pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Drawn Together is fucking hilarious. I'll be 14 forever.
[Oct 10,2007 6:16pm - niccolai ""]
I hate king of the hill and drawn together.

There is only one scene in drawn together that's ever made me laguh, although it was a damn good part.

King of the hill doesn't puish the envelope or bring anything new to the table... which wouldn't be so bad if one or two of the jokes were actually funny.

One Boondocks episode was hilarious (the one where the granfather brought the prostitute home) but that was pretty much it for that show.

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